
Saturday 30 January 2016

Let's Make a Change - Helping the Cause - Wear It. Beat It.


I wanted to talk to you today about the British Heart Foundation, a charity that is very close to my heart and that I support massively - they do amazing work. Every year, the run their Wear It. Beat It. campaign, which I think is a really fun way of showing support and helping the BHF continue doing what they do. Wear It. Beat It. takes place on Friday, and I thought I'd give you (just under) a weeks notice so you can get involved if you so wish.

Some Facts...
According to the British Heart Foundation website, one in four of our loved ones are lost to circulatory and heart disease.
Adults and children can sadly both suffer with heart and circulatory conditions.
The British Heart Foundation work to fight for every heartbeat and have pioneered life saving research for more than 50 years now and they have helped discover numerous life saving treatments.
Here's What You Need To Know About Wear It. Beat It.
The idea of Wear It. Beat It is that you wear red to show your support, whether this be in your daily life or at an 'organised-by-you' event - basically, whatever it is you're getting up to, you can wear red (and donate to the BHF) to show your support.
The British Heart Foundation's Wear It. Beat It. website is full of lots of super cool ideas as well as lots of resources to help you make sure that whatever you're doing is the best it can possibly be. 

 If you are in a position to and want to give money to the British Heart Foundation, then you can simply donate via their website or you might want to consider popping into one of their shops.
There are lots of ways to help out and participate if you can and you want to. And if you can't right now, then don't worry - I just wanted to let everyone know about this so that they could get involved if they were in a position to and felt so inclined.
All the Links...
British Heart Foundation Website - (HERE)
Wear It. Beat It Website - (THIS ONE)

Check out my Wear It. Beat It. Makeup Ideas post from last year (HERE) for some inspiration.
I hope you enjoyed this post and that if you can and would like you, you go and support the amazing work the BHF does everyday. You don't have to give the big bucks - every little bit helps.
Have you taken part in Wear It. Beat It before? Are you going to this year? What do you think of Wear It. Beat It? Have you been fundraising? Would you consider fundraising or donating now? Do you have any comments or suggestions for future posts? Tell me all about it in the comments.
See you later, you lovely people - I hope you're having a great weekend so far.
Have a completely beautiful day!
GingerSnaps xxx

Friday 15 January 2016

I've Been Thinking... - Some Brilliant Adverts!


There is always a lot of hype over adverts in December, with high budget festive masterpieces everywhere. By the time we get to January there are just as many wonderful adverts that deserve some recognition. That's where this post comes in. So, sit back and take a minute to admire the finest the ad breaks have to offer with me.

Some Brilliant Adverts.

British Gas!
I completely love the recent British Gas advert. It features the sweetest little penguin who potters around a house to make sure that everything is in check, discovering all sorts of pretty things and hiding places along the way. I really like the animation and the mini storyline. It's just a little bit adorable.
Watch it (HERE).
Lloyds Bank!

First things first, I love horses. This advert travels through the ages of Lloyds bank with the horse from their logo as our guide. I think the concept is really good, I like the journey it takes us on and I really love the horses (did I mention I love horses???).

Watch it (HERE).
This advert is very sweet. This is another generation span and the mini story in it revolves around a scarf with lots of sentimental value for the fathers and sons in a family. I really like it and I think the song in it is lovely.
Watch it (HERE).


Aah, the payment ninjas... This one makes me laugh so much - its just so funny. I love the "coolness" they gave the geeky people - geeks are obviously far cooler than we get credit for. Did I mention how hilarious this is?

Watch it (HERE).
I think that that is everything for today then guys. I hope you enjoyed this post - I always like putting them together.
Do you like the adverts included in this post? Which is your favourite? What are you up to this week? Let me know in the comments.
Thank you for reading.
Have an awesome day!
GingerSnaps xxx

Thursday 14 January 2016

I've Been Thinking... - Oxfords Not Brogues.


Today, its quite a short and sweet post but I just wanted to write something and figured that this might be a nice little post for my fellow movie lovers. If you're looking for something to watch when you get home today then I have a suggestion.

Kingsman: The Secret Service.
Kingsman: The Secret Service is one of the best films I have seen in a really long time. It just has all of the best things wrapped up in one. It's hilarious, it's about spies, it features amazing actors, the plot is fantastic, it has a great soundtrack, the characters are literally amazing (Eggsy may be one of my favourite characters ever and all of the others are crazy awesome too), it's brilliantly filmed - I basically cannot say enough good things about this film. Like, seriously, just go and watch it. Promise? Good. Thank me later.

Watch the trailer (HERE).

(it is a spy movie, so there is some violence in the trailer, just to warn you if you feel sensitive to that...)

Thanks for reading - I know this was a short post but hopefully you enjoyed it and maybe discovered a new favourite film, like I have.
Have you seen Kingsman? What are your favourite films? Do you have any comments or suggestions for future posts? Let me know in the comments section.
I'll see you soon.
Have an amazing day! (And remember, oxfords not brogues)
GingerSnaps xxx

Tuesday 5 January 2016

5, 4, 3, 2, 1! - Happy New Year 2016!


How are we all? I know we are a few days into the New Year now, and that I do normally put this kind of post up on New Years Eve, but hopefully you won't mind too much. Anyway, I'm going to stop dithering and get on with this post.

2015 was honestly one of the absolute best years ever. I've did so much and I enjoyed every second of it.
I went on holidays with people I love, I've gone to the theatre and to gigs, I've spent time with friends (once stuck in a boat on the River Avon, other times dancing, providing running living room commentary on TV shows and films, celebrating birthdays, playing old school video games, colouring in in Cardiff, dancing in pretty dresses), I've spent time with family (at outdoor Shakespeare festivals, enjoying the sun in Brighton, dancing at the Clean Bandit gig, exploring on the family holiday at Easter, going for meals out, going to see Star Wars, going to the Strictly live tour), I celebrated a 'milestone' birthday, I had one of the best Christmases ever, I've been to exhibitions.
I basically made some of the most amazing memories and I couldn't be more grateful to everyone I love for being part of that. Looking back on the last year, I feel very happy.
I hope 2015 was a good year for you and if not, I hope 2016 is better.

I truly hope that 2015 was a marvellous year for all of you. I hope that 2016 is a completely wonderful year filled with all of the best things. I hope you find all of the things you need and are searching for. I hope you have lots of fun and experience lots of wonderful things. I hope that you find true happiness this year.
As always, thank you ever such a lot for the support you have given my blog this past year. It means the absolute world to me to have such lovely readers, followers and commenters. Hopefully, you'll stay for all of the post 2016 will bring and that you enjoy all of the content that will be produced in the New Year.
Happy New Year to you and all of your friends and families.
Here's to 2015, for being a great year. Here's to 2016, I hope it's a brilliant one. And here's to you, Happy New Year! xxx

I'm going to try and get some interesting posts up for you this month to start the New Year off as I mean to go on.
What are your goals or resolutions for this year? What was your 2015 like? What are you up to this week? Any comments or suggestions for future posts? Let me know in the comments.
Thanks for joining me today, I'll see you later.
Have the most amazing!

GingerSnaps xxx