
Tuesday 20 December 2016

I've Been Thinking... - 7 (More) Little Things To Get You Feeling Festive


If you read this post last week, then the title of this one may sound familiar. Yes indeed folks, I'm doing part two - now there are 14 ideas in total to get you in the holiday spirit. Hopefully the first installment was an enjoyable read, and this one will jingle your bells, too - see what I did there?

Download a Festive Background for Your Phone.

I was reading Wish Wish Wish the other day for the first time in weeks and saw that Carrie had uploaded these super cute Christmas phone backgrounds. I downloaded one straight away and I love it - so simple but so special. And it's free! There's an iPhone one and the iPhone Plus one fits my Samsung Galaxy S7, just FYI.

Burn A Christmas Candle.

I got out my number one bae of a candle (John Lewis Winter Spice) out the other day to burn while watching Christmas Films and have had it going since. The cosy glow and lovely smells of Christmas candles are so wonderful. Some of my other top picks include Yankee Candle Red Apple Wreath, Yankee Candle Christmas Cookie and Yankee Candle Candy Cane Lane. 

Bake Some Christmassy Treats.

If you find the time - and I appreciate that you might not have loads spare - then I'd definitely suggest getting into the kitchen and baking something seasonal and delightful be it gingerbread or sugar cookies or cupcakes. It's lots of fun, a good way to take a breather and you can eat the rewards- it's win/win isn't it? Here's some recipes to get you inspired.

Head To A Local Garden Centre.

Garden centres are always places I like being in but at Christmas they really are something else.  They always have cool decorations and displays and twinkly lights and things like that. Spend an hour or so at one near you and take your time looking at everything- and yes, it's totally OK to leave with a few new decorations, I fully support this.

Go To A Heritage Property.

 Two I'd recommend are the Victorian Christmas at my favourite, Charlecote Park, and then the theme decorations at Chatsworth, this year they are based on The Nutcracker, which you can see snippets of in this post (although tickets are more expensive for the latter, it is worth it 100%).

Buy Mince Pies.

Buy a box of mince pies next time you're in the supermarket and consider eating the whole box in one go. Seriously, even just seeing the box is like a little hit of festive cheer. And if you don't like mince pies, there are plenty of other festive foods to treat yourself to instead.

Watch Comedy Christmas Specials.

Keep an eye out for your favourite comedy Christmas specials on GOLD, online and in your DVD collection and any time you're stuck for something to watch, put one of those on and laugh yourself silly. You can find a list of my recommendations here.

Thank you ever such a lot for reading.
What are your favourite things to do in the run up to Christmas? Do you have any comments or suggestions for future posts? Let me know in the comments.
I hope you enjoyed the post.

Have a spectacular day!

GingerSnaps xxx


  1. I am really loving all the festive posts your are almost doing a blogmas!!!

    1. Aww, thank you! I guess it is a bit like a blogmas, which is actually rather cool! GingerSnaps xxx

    2. I used your songs to create a playlist... Thank you xx

    3. Aw, yay! No problem. GingerSnaps xxx
