
Saturday 21 December 2013

Are You Hanging Up Your Stocking On The Wall? - Christmas Traditions.


Today, I wanted to talk to you about the traditions that I have at Christmas time, personally and within my family. I'll tell you about Christmas Eve and Day and Boxing Day later on. I was going to add pictures, but can't be bothered right now, to be honest. To stay fair to you lovely lot, however, if you want, I'll do a post dedicated to pictures and link back to this.

Advent Calendars.

Every year, I have an advent calendar. This year I have 2. I have a normal, Me To You cardboard "box" type one, with all the little jumbled up doors you have to find. I also, however, have a 3D cardboard reindeer from Marks and Spencer. You hang bags filled with chocolates from his antlers. They are both very sweet, and I love them. Plus, it's double the amounts of chocolate for me!

The Christmas Cake of Destiny!
I make the family Christmas cake. I've done it for about 3 or 4 years now and I really enjoy getting stuck in and making a cake for everyone to enjoy. This year, I've used a different recipe than in previous year, but I think it has gone well. If this is the case, and it better be, then I'll share the recipe with you next year. Not everyone is a fan of Christmas Cake, but if you aren't, I still think it's nice to contribute to the festive feasting.
Christmas Shopping with All the Trimmings.
  I do my Christmas shopping in, what I call, sweeps. It usually takes me 2 or 3 trips, but I did mine in one day, and picked up some extras along the way.
Whenever I go Christmas shopping, I stop for lunch. I sometimes go to Pret... I love Pret... At Christmas time they have sandwiches which donate 5p to the homeless on purchase. I think that's great because I can have my lunch, and help someone at the same time. During the festive period, I always go and grab a festive Costa. The cups are really cute this year. My favourites are the White Chocolate Hot Chocolate, the Black Forest Hot Chocolate, and I also like the Spiced Apple Punch type thing. Snazzy.

 Christmas Decorations.

The decorations are one of my favourite bits of Christmas. We have a big Christmas tree in the window of the living room. It is a fake tree, but I think it has character, and isn't sparse or anything like that. We decorate it with 3 boxes of decorations, and I love the way it looks when its all finished. Its very lovely. We have garlands on the mirror, and I have a little Christmas tree in my bedroom. It's very pale pink, and very fluffy - it's made of feathers. My Dad got it for me for Christmas when I was very small, and I love it. Over the years, the original decorations got lost and this year I bought a load of new ones from John Lewis, and some from some Christmas markets. I like it a lot.

Festive Trip to London.

Every year, me and my Mom go to London to see the Christmas lights, do some shopping and spend some time in one of my favourite places ever. This year, we stayed in Travelodge Covent Garden, and got the First Class Virgin Pendolino train, which means snack boxes and peace and quiet. We went to the theatre but also spent lots of time soaking up the festive atmosphere, and looking at all the pretty lights. We went to our favourite department stores in London (Liberty, Selfridges etc), and picked up some decorations and had a look round. We had a great time, and I really enjoyed myself. T'was lovely.

Pantomime Time!

My Auntie, my Nan, my Mom and me go to see a pantomime together every year. This year, we went to see Sleeping Beauty at the Wolverhampton Grand - it was good, and we had a nice time. I'm also going to see a pantomime with my friends tomorrow, and we're going to have a bit of a shop and eat some food and stuff. Good times ahead.
Pantomime is one of the highlights of my year because even if it sucks, its still funny.

So, that's it for today. I'd love to know in the comments what your Christmas traditions are, and if you have any similar to mine. If you have any ideas for any more festive posts, let me know while there's still time. And don't forget to tell me if you want to see some pictures in a separate post. Alrighty then...
Have a fabulous day.
GingerSnaps xxx

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