
Sunday 1 December 2013

So, To Sum It All Up - November Summary.


Another month over already and now its December. You know what that means. It's CHRISTMAS BABY!
So much has happened this past month, and I've written so many posts. Some are still in draft form, waiting to go, so I will send those off into cyberspace as soon as I can, but I can assure you, this month has been fun. I remember when I did my October Summary, I said that I was unsure if I'd do these every month, and I still don't know, but for November, I will. I might go on a bit here, so make sure you're sitting comfortably.

Bonfire Night and all the Fireworks.
I love Bonfire Night. One of my favourite things in the world is fireworks; they're glitter for the sky. My Mom and I went to our favourite display, about half an hour away from us. We had chips and a good old brew in a paper cup, and bopped about to really rather rubbish music. The bonfire was on a very windy night, and so all the sparks and ashes blew to one side. That happened to be the side I was on, and fire scares me a little, so that was a bit of a panic. But then it settled, and the fireworks started, and everything looked magic. Gold twirls, and silver swirls, green glimmers and blue shimmers - that got a bit odd... But, yes, I had a fabulous time. I wore my Primark Super Cosy Tights - the best things in the world - and so I was nice and toasty, so keep them in mind for the future. I had a great evening.
You can find a post I did about Bonfire Night (HERE).
Supporting others.
November, for me, is a great time for helping others. With Remembrance Day and Children in Need going on, there is plenty of reason to support people who help us and who need help. It's a lovely feeling knowing that you are showing that you care about what people do for you and that you care about people who need your help.
You can find my Remembrance posts (HERE) and (HERE). You can find my Children in Need post (HERE).
Days Out and About.
I've been busy this month, going out and about all over the place.
I went on a day out with my Auntie, my Mom, and my Auntie's best friend. We went to Chatsworth House for some festive shenanigans, and I had a lovely time. It was a great day, and it got me feeling incredibly Christmassy. 
Then, I was off to see the Nutcracker Ballet, which was spectacular. I can tell you right now that I had a brilliant time. I want to be a ballerina!!!
And, after all that, I was off to MCM Comic Con in Birmingham with Elf Girl, which was just... oh my glob. Myself and Elf Girl are complete and utter geeks, so we were in our element entirely and... just wow.
I have blog posts coming up on everything I just talked about. You can find a post about being busy right (HERE). You can find Elf Girl's blog (HERE).
My Mom's Birthday.

This section will be short and sweet, but I loved spending some quality time with my Mom and doing my best to make sure she had a lovely day. I even wrote her a blog post.
You can find that post (HERE).
Whovian Times.
The Day of the Doctor/the Doctor Who 50th Anniversary. I am a Whovian; sorry, not sorry. I found this whole thing very exciting, though I still haven't seen it, because I've been a bit too busy. Must watch soon. I hope I don't bore you lot with my weird fangirling.
You can find my Whovian ramblings (HERE).

My favourite YouTube video from November.
For a change, I haven't actually been on YouTube a lot this month, because I've had other things to keep me busy. I did, however, make some time to watch this 25 FACTS ABOUT ME! video, by Jim Chapman, (HERE). Jim is one of my favourite YouTubers and I do love a good 25 Facts About Me. Brilliant.
My favourite Blog post from November.
I love a Mundane Midweek post, and Charlotte's most recent instalment didn't disappoint. It's on the blog Charlotte's Web, and it's called Mundane Midweek - you can find it (HERE). Charlotte's version of mundane is very different to mine. If that's her day to day, then, wow. And I know I included a post from A Rosie Outlook last time, but Rosie really is a kindred spirit. Going Back to the Sea (HERE), was a nice read.
Alrighty then. I think after all that reading, you'll be ready to wave goodbye to November and crack on with December; a time of red lippy, Christmas trees and lighter wallets.
Have a completely brilliant day!

GingerSnaps xxx

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