
Tuesday 10 December 2013

Holiday's Are Comin, Holidays Are Comin - The Excitment for Christmas!!!


I hope you are all well. Christmas time is well and truly happening, right now. I love Christmas time, and am very excited to burn festive candles, to give people their cards, their presents, and spend more time sat by the Christmas tree watching lovely festive films and eat all the chocolates in my advent calendars (yep, two, because I couldn't choose!).

Here are just a few of my recent festive activities...
  • I wrapped all my presents, but suffered some minor technical difficulties. The tags fell off the presents and I didn't know what was for who, and just... Oh dear... I have a long way to go...
  •  I made paper chains the other night, which I love. That is, however, the extent of my crafting talents...
  • I've watched quite a lot of Christmas films so far, like Elf a few nights ago - brilliant film, which I love! - and Arthur Christmas tonight - lovely little Christmas film, very sweet.
  • We've decorated the house, and I am going to write my Christmas cards very soon.
  • I've got through many a festive Costa coffees and hot chocolate - nom. And also, how cute are the take out cups this festive season? I think they are soooo cute! 
  • Also, while in Leeds at the weekend (post coming soon), I bought a new Christmas jumper and some festive earrings. It's Christmas shopping, but for me! What isn't to love?
I am really looking forward to Christmas and doing all sorts of festive things. I do love Christmas, but I would really love some ideas for Christmassy posts, because I am stumped. Maybe festive outfit posts, or a traditions post, or some festive recipe ideas? Decoration ideas? Let me know in the comments. Alrighty then, I think that's it for today, and I will see you back here soon.
I hope your day is epic!
GingerSnaps xxx

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