
Tuesday 31 December 2013

5, 4, 3, 2, 1! - Happy New Year! - 2014...


In exactly 5 minutes, it won't be 2013 any more. It will be 2014. A fresh start, a new year. 12 whole new months are ahead. 12 whole new months to fill with life, and time and adventures. 

2013 has been a good year. I started reading blogs, I started my blog. I went on so many cool days out, with family and with friends. I tried new things, and while I have up on some, I have also found some things that I love, and hope to continue. I have learned things, I have enjoyed myself, and discovered things. There's been up's and down's as there are every year, but when I look back, the up's stand out the most.
I hope 2013 was good to you all and that 2014 is a great year, that you find everything you search for, need. I hope that you find happiness this year.
Happy New Year to you and all of your families and friends.
So, lets see how the 2014 archive fills up on this here blog, and thank you for supporting and reading throughout the year. I'll speak to you all next year then...
Happy New Year, have fun!
GingerSnaps xxx

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