
Wednesday 1 January 2014

So, To Sum It All Up - December Summary.


December has been a great month. I've managed to pack a heck of a lot into it and I've had a lot of fun. I want to share with you some of my December highlights, and also say HAPPY NEW YEAR! since it's now January, so not just a new month, but a new year.

Having "Booked Up" Weekends.
My weekends have been booked up fully all through December. One weekend, I was in Leeds, the next in London, the next shopping and a pantomime with my friends, and the weekend just gone I was staying with my Auntie and some of my cousins. I've loved packing my bags, the long journeys, and the amount of wonderful things that I have been able to do while staying at all these places/visiting these places. I've done so many awesome things this December, and I'd like to thank everyone that I've spent time with for contributing to that fact. Being so busy has meant that I have spent more time with the people I care about and that is something, I feel, should be recognised.
While I've loved being busy, I do look forward to a weekend or two off, to chill and "be bored".
Find a post from way back when about me being busy (HERE). 
Christmas and Festivities.
I love Christmas, as most people do. It's always such a lovely time. It is a time where we fill our days with giving, receiving, relaxing and happiness. Over this Christmas period, I have carried through my traditions, I've enjoyed lots of things and eaten lots of food. I've loved seeing everyone's faces when they opened their cards and gifts; I think I bought very well this year. I also received some absolutely wonderful gifts from my friends and family, I feel very lucky and grateful - thanks you guys!

To find multiple posts about me feeling excited for Christmas, look (HERE), and (HERE).
To discover some of my traditions, look (HERE).
Find my Christmas Eve post, (HERE), you can also find my Christmas Day post, (HERE).
Finally you can find my Boxing Day post, (HERE).

Pampering and Relaxing.

Since I've been so busy, I've tried to relax where I can. I've turned to some well loved brands to help me out. I mostly used Christmas Eve onwards to relax, because I've been so busy aside those days. Sometimes, even a simple shower with some great products, and some time on the sofa in your pyjamas, can make you feel so much more rested and relaxed.

Find a post about some great pampering products, (HERE).

Having Some Fresh Ideas.

I've had some ideas for things I can do and projects I can take on. I've started some already and I will be sure to keep you up to speed.

That's about it for this summary. I know this one has been fairly short but the things in each section have been big things for me, and have taken up lots of my time. So, I hope you enjoyed. Here's to the new year, and 12 new months to summarise.

My Favourite YouTube Video Of December.

I have watched little to no YouTube this past month - I've been too busy and I just haven't felt like watching any - I might catch up this month. Therefore, I'm going to have to link up the only YouTube video I've watched this month which is the Alexa Chung Makeup Tutorial by "Pixiwoo", (HERE). I like Pixiwoo videos a lot and I like Alexa Chung a lot so this was a good match. It was a nice watch. 

My Favourite Blog Post Of December. 

I always keep up to speed on blogs, so I have a lot of choice for this one. I've recently started reading "The London Project" - written by the lovely Charlotte, of Charlotte's Web, (HERE), fame. I liked Hello My Name Is Paul Smith, (HERE). Granted it isn't very wordy, but Charlotte is good with a camera and the exhibition is very cool.
As it's the New Year, I'll add in some blogs you might want to check out in 2014. I've enjoyed posts on A Rosie Outlook (HERE) - big surprise - as well as Charlotte's Web and The London Project, mentioned above. I'll link my friends Lauren, and Elf Girl, (HERE) and (HERE).
So, that's it for that summary. I really enjoy piecing these posts together. I hope you've enjoyed this post and that I didn't ramble on about blogs too much. I'll be speaking to you all very soon, and I hope that the New Year is treating you well.
Have a cool day!

GingerSnaps xxx

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