
Sunday 5 January 2014

I've Been Thinking... - Time To Hit F5?


So, New Year and all that jazz. A whole fresh start, and a time to weigh things up. I like the prospect of this. Would anyone like a chat about it?

I don't make "resolutions", because hardly anybody can stick to a resolution, can they? In previous years, I have said that I have made a resolution, but it has been a silly one, like "To eat more cake," - I'm proud of that one, I can't lie. I mostly just did it out of tradition.
This year, I didn't bother making a resolution, or even really saying the word.
Something else that I'm not particularly keen on is the phrase "New Year, New Me".
 People that say this phrase don't tend to want to create a completely "New" them, but it just seems to me that it's like trying to be something you aren't or can't (poet and, yep, I know) be. 
I have had some ideas which I believe will help me "refresh", so I can be the "best version" of me. I'm not making promises I can't keep, and I'm not trying to become somebody else.
 I am who I am, as cliché as that is, but there is always a way that you can push what you are doing, strive for more, and benefit the person you are.
I've constructed a bullet pointed list - what did you expect, you guys know I love a bullet pointed list! - to show you the kind of "refreshes" that I'm going to see through and give you a better idea of what I'm trying to say.
My F5/Refresh List.
  • Make better use of my time and do more. I did a bunch of really great things in 2013, and did lots in all the other years of my life.  2014 has 12 untouched months - give or take the first few days of January - to add some exciting adventures, days out, days in, trips, weekends away. I want to make sure that I use the time I have wisely, and have more adventures, because I enjoy them.
  • Keep on top of my fitness. Throughout my life, I've always had an OK level of fitness, but I have noticed in recent years that its been deteriorating. My refresh here is to make sure that I do something to ensure that my body is fitter and healthier so that I can live better and do more.
  • Put more energy into this blog. I love my blog. I check my account everyday, I think about my posts, I try and make sure my posts are of a standard I can be proud of and I constantly photograph things "for the blog", even though I tend to have a lot of issues with uploading pictures, which is why you don't always get to see the pictures I specifically take for you lot to see. I would like to post some more, I would like to expand this blog, and help it grow.
See, only a few little things, really, which are "refreshed" versions of what I already do.
You know when you hit that F5 button? You hit it because the page has been sitting there for a while and you want to check if anything has changed. You hit it because the page isn't quite how you'd like it to be. 
My "F5/Refresh" plan is my way of refreshing the pages of me. To see if anything is different. To help make things a bit more like I'd like them to be.
I hope that you enjoyed this post, and that it has maybe inspired you to make an "F5/Refresh" list. I hope that the New Year is being kind to you so far.
Have a lovely day, you lovely human.
GingerSnaps xxx

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