
Thursday 9 January 2014

It's So In Vogue! - Fashion, Supermodels, Models, and Fashion Photography - Lily Cole


I've recently been juggling writing a theatre review and a restaurant review, but today when I started up my computer, I didn't really feel like writing either, and that's OK. I did want to post something though, so I decided to create this series. I have a real interest in the Fashion Industry, and so this series seemed to make sense.

Today's instalment is about Supermodels. My idea for this is a particular person, company, or magazine at a time. So, today, we are going to have a natter about one of my favourite Supermodels...

I know I don't really need a disclaimer for this, but I know a lot of people have very strong opinions on the fashion industry, and in particular, on models. I think that these ideas are often a misunderstanding of the industry, and the work and dedication involved. The fashion industry is a field I would love to work in, and have a real interest in, and so if you do have strong opinions that may offend anyone, please keep them to yourself. Thank you.

Lily Cole.

Yes, Lily Cole. I love her so much.

 She is, probably, my favourite model ever. She is perusing other career paths and ideas at the moment, but she does still model.

 Her work is really beautiful and her knowledge of art is very clear in her work.
Her doll like features, her beautiful skin and hair and her elegant body shape, as well as her unique and stunning technique when modelling, all add to the work she creates.
Her work has real personality, and life and there is something behind her work that shows a real depth and tells such a story.

She was discovered at just 14 years old, in London.
At the age of 16, she became the youngest model to appear on the cover of (British) Vogue.
She won a British Fashion Award for Best Model, and it was well flipping deserved if you ask me.

She is very environmentally conscious and does a lot of work to support the environment. As well as this, she does a lot for the people, and does charity work.
On top of all that, Lily has her own site called "" which is a really amazing concept. It's a social giving network (like a social network, but better), and it invites you to help others and share your skills with them, and for them to do the same for you. While she has said that she originally considered not putting her name to "impossible" - because then people associate it just with the famous name, and not with the real project. However, I think that it's good that we can all have someone to be thankful towards for the website.

I think that she is an amazing person, and we could all learn so much from her.

The Final Notes.

I will leave you with a link to Lily's work - she is signed to Storm Models.

I will also leave you with a link to - check it out.

I hope that this post was enjoyable for you. It was most certainly enjoyable for me, and I hope this series can continue in a good way, and be of interest to you all. Are you familiar with Lily Cole's work? Do you like her work? What do you think about ""? Are you a user of ""? What do you think of her environmental and humanitarian work?

Have a lovely jubbly day!

GingerSnaps xxx


  1. I really like this post! I enjoyed it a lot and, I too, hope the series can continue xxx

    1. Thank you honey! I really liked putting this together! If you have any ideas for future posts in this series, let me know. And keep your eye out for the fashion photography, you might like it! GingerSnaps xxx
