
Monday 20 January 2014

It's So In Vogue! - Fashion, Supermodels, Models and Fashion Photography - Patrick Demarchelier


So, another instalment to this series. I do have a very strong fondness for this series, because it's a topic I have a real interest in. I hope that you've been enjoying this series as much as I have.

In today's instalment is on Fashion Photography... Lauren, I think you might just like this one. (Find her HERE).

I know I don't really need a disclaimer for this, but I know a lot of people have very strong opinions on the fashion industry, and in particular, on models. I think that these ideas are often a misunderstanding of the industry, and the work and dedication involved. The fashion industry is a field I would love to work in, and have a real interest in, and so if you do have strong opinions that may offend anyone, please keep them to yourself. Thank you.

Patrick Demarchelier.

Patrick Demarchelier, a model maker if ever there was one.
 He has done work outside of Fashion Photography, however he is most famous for his fashion work.

Demarchelier first fell in love with photography when, at the age of 17, his stepfather gave him his first camera. His career progressed from that point, gaining experience with using the camera and knowledge of the cameras themselves. He became an assistant to a photographer, before doing test shots at finishing school. After all that he became Hans Feurer's assistant, and Feurer worked with Vogue.

And that, as they say, is history.
 His career just went up and up and up from there.

Demarchelier has no formal qualifications. He has said in interviews that he has simply learned from his mistakes over time.

His Work.

I love the way that Patrick Demarchelier understands the camera.

Something I think is great is the fact that he doesn't try to control the location or change the way the model, styling or hair and makeup is performing. He runs with it, and makes sure that while his photography stands out with talent, he doesn't over shadow anything or one else. Models that work with Demarchelier are, in a way, exposed. Their ability shines through, and so does his.

Patrick Demarchelier has a real sense of his space. When he works to showcase the beauty in everything, and somehow strikes a perfect balance between focusing on the model and the styling and portraying the beauty of his surroundings.

His work, put simply, is beautiful.

The Final Notes.

You can find his website pages of some of his fashion work (HERE).
You can find his work for (British) Vogue (HERE).

Alrighty then. I really hope that you have enjoyed this post.
What do you think of Patrick Demarchelier's work? Do you agree with my thoughts? Which fashion photographers do you like?
I hope that you are enjoying this series, and if you have any suggestions for what you might like to see in this series, let me know in the comments.

I hope you have a brilliant day!

GingerSnaps xxx


  1. Oh my goodness, I love this post!! Very enlightening (thank you for linking my blog by the way) xx

    1. I'm glad you liked this, I loved putting this together. And, your welcome. GingerSnaps xxx
