
Saturday 23 November 2013

Fan-Girl-ing - Doctor Who 50th Anniversary


I am a Whovian. OK? I may not be as dedicated to the cause as some people but I basically just bloomin love Doctor Who. And, in case you didn't know, today is

I am very, very excited for this. I do have a soft spot for the Doctor, but I think everyone does really. I cannot believe that Doctor Who has been going for 50 whole years. Yep, 50th Anniversary happening here, guys.
I can't wait to see all the Doctors and Companions back together - especially looking forward to David Tennant - best Doctor ever! - and Billie Piper - best Companion ever! - during this episode. I'm also looking forward to all the monsters returning to my screen.  
I'm out and about tonight so I'm taping it - thank goodness for Sky+ - so I'll have to watch it when I get back from my super busy Sunday. I'm still excited - in case you didn't pick up on that from what I've said before.
Have a great day (of the doctor!) hehe...
GingerSnaps xxx

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