
Thursday 7 November 2013

Holidays Are Comin, Holidays Are Comin... - The Excitment for Christmas!!!


To be perfectly honest, I wasn't actually going to post anything about Christmas until December, for your sanity, but anyone who knows me will tell you that would have been utterly impossible for me. I then considered late November, but I just cannot help it.
I stepped out of my house last Friday afternoon, after getting some work done and I just felt Christmas. Unless you are someone who gets this, I understand, you think I'm blooming mental. But those who do will understand. I closed the door behind me, and the cold air nipped my ankles and I just... filled up with this... Christmas Cheer.
Then, we went to the shops down the way from me and went into Wilkinson's, and they began playing All I Want for Christmas is You and I began dancing and dramatically singing along and doing massive gestures... Good job I'm not easily embarrassed.
And ttthhheeeennnn, Radio One asked the listeners if they wanted to hear the same song... And then played it. (Cheers for that, Scott Mills).

I had my first mince pie of the year on Sunday and it was so good, I love mince pies. I also bought all my Christmas cards and my wrapping paper, ribbons and tags, all of which are things I usually end up doing last minute and so I'm doing well on my checklist this year.
 Christmas has begun officially. I went to a bonfire on Saturday and I see fireworks as a send off for Autumn and a celebration of the start of winter and thus Christmas, so for me Christmas has started.
If you think it's still too early, I'm sorry, but you can just avoid my Christmas posts until you are ready to embrace Christmas... But I suggest you do so soon.
I hope you have enjoyed this post and are as festive as me and we can all be festive in the comments! And, if you have any ideas for Christmassy posts you want to see, let me know in the comments, and I'll do my best. Also, if you have any suggestions of really nice Christmas candles, let me know, I'm currently on the hunt...
Have a magical day!
GingerSnaps xxx

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