
Sunday 10 November 2013

We Will Remember Them... - Remembrance Sunday


This is a more serious note for this blog, but I feel it is imperative that we speak about it together. I couldn't choose whether to do a post today or tomorrow, however I decided to do a post on both.
Today is Remembrance Sunday. It is a time for us to remember the service men and women who have given their lives for their country. It's also to think of those who are still out their fighting, and those who have survived war.
We wear poppies all through November, and part of October too. It's a way of showing we are remembering service men and women, and also, it shows we have donated to the Poppy Appeal. I also have a wristband, and I've seen people with pin badges and poppy's for their cars too.
Although, Poppy's do have a habit of going missing, the most important bit for me is to wear a poppy on Remembrance Sunday and Day.
I hope that today, at 11am, you are all respectful and partake in the 2 minutes silence. I also hope you'll do the same tomorrow. Just 2 minutes today, and 2 minutes tomorrow. That is all it takes, and yet it means so much to service men and women, their families/friends and so many other people too.
I'm going to write some more about Remembrance tomorrow, as Remembrance Day is on the 11th of November. Do check back then, and please partake in the silences.
To all Service Men and Women everywhere, alive or passed, I salute you.

I hope your day is good, and that you spend part of it reflecting.
GingerSnaps xxx

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