
Friday 15 November 2013

Let's Make a Change - Charity Telethons - Children in Need


Where is the year going, eh? Children in Need night already? Anywho, I thought I'd chuck my two pence into the (charity) bucket, and make a contribution... You have no idea how proud I am of that sentence... I need a life.

In case you live under a massive rock, or are not from the UK, and aren't aware of the concept, I'll give you a bit o background.

Children in Need is a charity telethon on the BBC every November. The CiN mascot is Pudsey Bear, who is just adorable. CiN supports different projects and people up and down (and to the side, if you're in Northern Ireland - side note of irrelevance; I love that place, must go back soon), the UK. Children in Need has been a part of our November's since 1980, I believe. If you want to know more then you can find out (HERE).
For me, having a bit of a pamper, ordering a pizza or a Chinese takeaway and plonking my rear end on the sofa for the whole evening - until I start dozing off - is a tradition. This year I may not stay up as late because tomorrow, I'm off out (more on that soon), but I will still enjoy it.

Also Children in Need Rocks was great last night my highlight being; Keane and the Madness/Rizzle Kicks collaboration.

There is always someone who needs help. There is always someone who needs support. Despite how much we enjoy the entertainment the telethon provides, we mustn't forget to contribute to the cause.

So enjoy the night but don't forget to help those who need it. You'd want the same for yourself and those you care about.

Have a great night!

GingerSnaps xxx

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