
Tuesday 5 November 2013

The Night of The Sparkler - Bonfire Night


Today is Bonfire Night, as you may not know depending on where you are from. If you aren't sure what it is, you can find out more (HERE).

Bonfire Night is one of my favourite times of year, as I adore fireworks. We go to an arranged display, which was on Saturday last week and it was brilliant, the fireworks were exceptional and I had a lovely time.

We didn't always go to an arranged display; my parents used to buy fireworks from the supermarket and light them in the back garden on the 5th of November. I remember many a year of spinning sparklers round and writing my name, watching beautiful fireworks and going inside for a drink and rushing back out again. I also remember a mild burn on my Dad's thumb from, not the firework, but the lighter - daft old so and so...
That was also the year my Dad first read poetry with me.

So, I hope you have a lovely time, whether you are having fireworks at your house or going to an organised display or just watching them out of your window (*ahem* Loz)

Stay safe, have fun, and enjoy your evening!
GingerSnaps xxx

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