
Friday 1 November 2013

So, To Sum It All Up - October Summary


I was actually going to post this yesterday or the day before but I didn't think I could really overshadow Halloween successfully. Anyway, October was a pretty good month for me and so I wanted to share some of my highlights. This could be a bit of a lengthy post - I suggest you get yourself a cup of tea...
Going to see About Time with Elf Girl.

          That was a brilliant day, About Time is my now my favourite film, without a doubt, and I
          want you all to go and see it, please, and I will be a very happy little ginger. I know it sounds weird but the film completely changed my outlook on life - you'll know what I mean when you see it. Best film ever.
          Apart from the film, we went to Hawkins Bazaar and had soooo much fun messing with
          all the toys - Elf Girl walked away with a Chinese Finger Trap and I left with a sparkly
          majorette baton.
          We went to Giraffe for lunch, I can't believe we hadn't been before but I highly recommend the Penne Margarita. It was just a day filled with lots of little happy things and I am very grateful for days like those.  
You can find a post I did on my excitement to see About Time (HERE), and a link to Elf Girls Blog (HERE) - I mention her too much.

Taking up running.  

Granted I haven't been on a great deal of runs, but making the decision and actually even just completing one run is a huge deal for me and I took some big steps last month towards changing my lifestyle for the better so I can live a healthier life for many years to come.
I also realised that anyone can do anything if they really want to and it is imperative that we all learn this.
You can find a post I did about taking up running (HERE).
Enjoying the little things.

Last month I've been noticing the little things a lot more.
I found beauty in a Sainsbury's car park and I really enjoyed my long weekend at my Aunties house. I didn't do a lot of "big" things last month but it was just a good month for me.
You can find the post I did about that car park (HERE) and you can see the post I did about staying at my Aunties (HERE).
Halloween Shenanigans.

Halloween this year was pretty fun and I really enjoyed it.
Elf Girl and I had another addition to our Halloween Shenanigans, as one of our friends joined us, and it was lovely to have her round.
I was very happy with my costume and my hair and makeup. The pumpkin was nice to me and, I think, looked pretty cool. Elf Girl's pumpkin went a bit mad and almost set the curtains on fire... And I'm scared of fire (no jokes, please). We watched Ghostbusters - great film... - and we ate lots of food and just had a cracking time.
You can find my Halloween preparation post (HERE) and my Happy Halloween post (HERE). To find Elf Girl, I'll link her a-gain, (HERE).
My favourite YouTube video from October.

 I think it might have to be...
Autumn LookBook by "Zoella" (HERE) - I LOVED THIS. It was filmed so, so, so beautifully, the outfits were stunning and it looked like something out of a movie... One of my favourite YouTube videos ever, I think.
My favourite Blog Post from October.
October has been a month of great blog posts but my favourite is going to have to be...
A yurt holiday and some news... by Rosie at A Rosie Outlook (HERE) - A Rosie Outlook is one of my favourite blogs anyway, if not my favourite, and this post was utterly adorable. I won't spoil it for you but I do want to say Congratulations to Rosie. Do go and have a read and be sure to leave a lovely comment for her.
Phew, that was a bit of a lengthy post but if you made it this far, I hope you enjoyed it. I'm not sure that I'll do these every month, but I did enjoy piecing this together and if you want to see more of these, then do let me know in the comments.
Have a truly lovely day.
GingerSnaps xxx



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