
Wednesday 20 November 2013

I've Been Thinking... - Busy, Busy, Busy.


It's really hit me today how busy I actually am.
 My all my weekdays are like everybody's booked up until tea time and fairly mundane. My weekends are typically quite relaxed, but from now until Christmas Day I am all booked up. I know that I am very, insanely lucky to be doing so many things; going to the theatre, going to see a ballet, going on a day out with Elf Girl (HERE), decorating the house, multiple trips up and down the country, Pantomimes with family and with all my muckers, countless blog posts about all these things, Christmas shopping, wrapping presents, writing cards, festive baking as well as getting any work I have to bring home done.
And breathe.

I can't quite process any of this. I don't want to sound at all ungrateful or spoilt, but the thing about it is, I feel a bit overwhelmed. When am I going to get chance to Christmas shop for everyone? When can I get bits and pieces done around the house? When am I going to blog? When am I going to breathe?
I know, I know, it sounds stupid. I know that of course it will all be insanely fun and crazy and it'll all be brilliant. and I'll look back when everything calms down and I'll think, "I'm so glad I did all those amazing things, it was so much fun", and I'll miss having exciting weekends when it all slows down.

But right now, I'm just a bit stressed about being able to get things done. And I know, that of course I will get those things done.
 I don't know. Once I get used to it, I'll be fine. But, yeah.

That's it for today then. It might have sounded bratty, I know it probably did, but this blog is an extension of my mind and if I need to clear my head I will, and you can take it or leave it.

Have a very lovely day!

GingerSnaps xxx

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