
Saturday 1 February 2014

So, To Sum It All Up - January Summary.


The first month of the year is gone already, so we are well and truly into 2014 now. January has been a unique month to say the least and I've got some things to share, so here you go guys, my summary.

Keeping Up With My "F5/Refresh List".

I've never really been one to stick to resolutions or anything like that, and my "F5/Refresh List", was, for me, a different way of making some changes. I set myself three little goals, and knew they were things I was completely determined to do.

I've spent my time more wisely, although maybe not as much so as I would like. I've gone back to the Warner Bros Studio Tour for the third time with my beautiful cousins and gone out for meals, and I've had days in which I've really enjoyed. I would like to keep developing this "F5/Refresh" so that when I look back on February, I see tons more cool stuff than this month.

I have definitely kept on top of my fitness this month - if you would like to see how, let me know. I feel like I have really achieved something and I can really see and feel the results. I've finally found what works for me, and I couldn't be more proud of myself. I'm also happy I've kept this up for so long, and I will continue to.

My final item on the list was to put even more energy than normal into the blog, and I feel I've done this. I've had new ideas, created a new series and found a way around my computer not letting me upload pictures to my posts to improve my content. I sincerely hope you've enjoyed and that you'll stick around to see how I'll put even more effort into this month.

To see my "F5/Refresh List" post, click (HERE).

To see one of the ways I have spent my time in January, click (HERE).
To see the new series I created in January, click (HERE) and (HERE).

Spending Time With My Family and Friends.

I love whenever I get chance to see or do something with my friends and family and have had some lovely opportunities over the past month to do so. It's also been a month where I have realised even more than usual how much I love my friends and family.

I think this is one of the most important highlights of this post.

Making Some Decisions and Arrangements.

Throughout the month, myself and other people have made decisions and arrangements for February and further down the line. I'm excited to share some of the plans with you and do some posts about what I've been up to.

My Favourite Blog Posts of January.

I've got a selection of posts for you this month.

"La Musique De Ma Coeur" on Chronicles Of The Red Herring (HERE).

I thought this post was lovely. My friend Elf Girl has a new blog - Chronicles Of The Red Herring - and it shows her thoughtful, "deep creativity" and advice giving side, which I think is great. I liked this post the most, and advise you to check it out now.

"A Festive Film Review: Frozen" on I Get The Feeling (HERE).

I am a massive Disney addict, and my friend Lauren reviewed Frozen really well. I thought it was nice to see a film review, as not many of the blogs I read have that kind of content. Also, Lauren, if you're reading this... "Do you wanna build a snowman?"...

"Reasons We Like Weekends" on Little Winter (HERE).

I discovered Little Winter at the start of this month, and I love, love, love it! This post was so simple and yet so good. Also, I really want heart shaped plates and jars to drink juice from...

And that's that. I've got rid of the YouTube Video section, and so I hope you enjoyed it.
What did you get up to in January? Did you have fun? What do you think about the blog posts I recommended?
I look forward to posting more this month, and I have lots of fresh ideas in my mind right now. Let's see how it all pans out.

Have a completely fabulous day!

GingerSnaps xxx


  1. Yes, Yes I do want to build a snowman! Thankyou GingerSnaps xxx

    1. Hehe... I thought you might want to!!! You're very welcome! GingerSnaps xxx
