
Saturday 31 December 2016

5, 4, 3, 2, 1! - Happy New Year (2017 Edition).


Last post of the year, then. Can you believe it? I'm not sure I can. Here's the annual look back on 2016, and a message to you all for 2017.

In the eyes of many, 2016 hasn't been the best. I've seen books about how 'bad' it's been, I've heard people talking about all their low points. People talk about the celebrity deaths, Brexit and Trump winning the election as though they make the year an instant write off. I take a few issues with this, one being that just because other people didn't vote for what you voted for, doesn't mean that they are wrong, it just means they don't share your views. But also because I think it's a shame that people are playing down the good times they've had this year to fret about things they can't change. If, however, 2016 has really sucked for you, then I am truly sorry and send lots of good vibes your way.

2016 has had some great moments for me. I went on holiday to Cyprus with my Auntie and my Mom, I went on a tour of the National Theatre. I hit some of my goals in my 'work life', I've danced like crazy with my friends. I've created blog content that I'm really happy with. I've been to gigs. I've been to the theatre. I've cry-laughed and worked hard and read more books. I've spent more time in the cinema than I think I ever have, and I've seen some amazing movies because of that. I've managed to get seats on the bus (yasss). I've spent time with my family and visited London and been for meals with my family and friends. I've been to birthday parties and taken millions of photobooth photos. I got my guitar and I've written stories. I've been able to spend time with family members and friends that I hadn't seen in ages. I've just done loads of cool things and looking back on all these things has really made me smile and has reminded me how lucky I am.
I also feel like 2016 has been a year in which I have learned a lot about myself in so many ways, and I hadn't really realised quite how much until I was thinking about what I'd be writing in this post. Looking back from where I am now, I feel content and I feel proud, which is are lovely things to be.

I hope 2017 is a completely amazing year for you. I hope you and your loved ones enjoy happiness and health, create beautiful memories and love every single second of it. 
Thank you for your continued support for the blog, and I guess also me. Much love to you all.

Have a wonderful New Year's Eve whatever you're doing (and stay safe).
What are your New Year's Resolutions? Do you have any comments or suggestions for future posts? Leave a comment below if you do.
Thanks for reading. See you in the New Year!

Happy New Year!

GingerSnaps xxx

Thursday 29 December 2016

It's Showtime!!! - Theatre Review - Hamlet


Just before Christmas I went into London. I had a lovely time and one of the things I did was go to the theatre. So, here's a review of the play I went to see for you to read during that little slice of time between Christmas and New Year's. Enjoy.

I'm sure you don't need me to tell you that Hamlet is one of Shakespeare's most famous and celebrated plays, about a young man struggling to avenge his dead father for fear, uncertainty and pressure. It is also, usually, one of his longest. Not in this case, however. This production has 90 minute performances with no intervals (or re-entry if you leave the theatre, just to let you know), which I found really interesting.

In the past, I have studied Hamlet, and I enjoyed reading it, however when I tried to watch certain productions, I have no shame in saying I got bored - quite unlike me. I think it is partly to do with the length of it, partly because I think you really need the right actor to play Hamlet for the play to be at its best, and partly because of the way certain productions are staged.

For all of that, I connected with the play in this performance in a way I haven't before. The way the script has been chopped and changed was so interesting and in my opinion, the most important parts were all still there, and were maximised, by the adaptations. I found it more engaging as an audience member, which is always a good thing. I would honestly love a copy of the script just to look at how it was all done in more detail.

The entire cast were excellent. Mark Arends was absolutely fantastic as Hamlet. I'd go as far as to say that he's the best Hamlet I have seen yet - and those who came to see the show with me agreed. He commits completely to the role and performs in such a way that Hamlet's ever perplexing state of mind seems to make sense. I said earlier that I think you need to have the right person playing Hamlet for it to work, and this production certainly has the right actor. Some of my other stand out performers were Finlay Cormack, who had the challenge of playing an amalgamation of Laertes, Horatio and several additional characters and rose to it with seeming ease, and Tom Mannion who gave a fantastic performance as Claudius. The whole cast work together so well that their actions seem instinctive and reactionary rather than rehearsed, which is very impressive.

The staging of this production seems so simple, but in fact it is clever. The small space of the studio, a sofa, a box of photos and a blanket or two provide a personal feel which adds to how believable the action is, and towards the end, the props are used to add to the overwhelming emotion.

If you get the chance, I would highly recommend going to see Hamlet at the Trafalgar Studios. It's simply brilliant.

I would happily give this production five stars. And now I'll stop gushing about it.

Get tickets here.

I hope you enjoyed this little theatre review.
Have you seen this production? Do you have any comments or suggestions for future posts? Leave a comment below and tell me.
Thanks for reading. Speak soon.

Have a super day!

GingerSnaps xxx

Sunday 25 December 2016

We Wish You A Merry Christmas! - Christmas 2016 Edition.


So today's post is a super short one but I couldn't go without sending you guys a Christmas message because it's a tradition, and something I like writing.

I hope you have the absolute best Christmas. I hope you enjoy every second, whatever you're doing. I hope you're all safe and well and that you spend the day with a massive smile on your face, and surrounded by the people and things you love most.
And if this year, for whatever reasons, you can't have your perfect Christmas, I hope at least that it has happy moments, and that you remember always that you are special.
Thank you for your ongoing support for me and the blog, for reading my posts and leaving comments and making this all the more special. I love having a blog, and I love the idea that others enjoy what I'm doing here, so thank you for allowing me to keep doing what I'm doing.
Sending you all lots of happiness, love and laughter this Christmas!
Thanks for reading.
What are your plans for Christmas? Do you have any comments or suggestions for future posts? Be sure to tell me in the comments.
Speak soon.
GingerSnaps xxx

Tuesday 20 December 2016

I've Been Thinking... - 7 (More) Little Things To Get You Feeling Festive


If you read this post last week, then the title of this one may sound familiar. Yes indeed folks, I'm doing part two - now there are 14 ideas in total to get you in the holiday spirit. Hopefully the first installment was an enjoyable read, and this one will jingle your bells, too - see what I did there?

Download a Festive Background for Your Phone.

I was reading Wish Wish Wish the other day for the first time in weeks and saw that Carrie had uploaded these super cute Christmas phone backgrounds. I downloaded one straight away and I love it - so simple but so special. And it's free! There's an iPhone one and the iPhone Plus one fits my Samsung Galaxy S7, just FYI.

Burn A Christmas Candle.

I got out my number one bae of a candle (John Lewis Winter Spice) out the other day to burn while watching Christmas Films and have had it going since. The cosy glow and lovely smells of Christmas candles are so wonderful. Some of my other top picks include Yankee Candle Red Apple Wreath, Yankee Candle Christmas Cookie and Yankee Candle Candy Cane Lane. 

Bake Some Christmassy Treats.

If you find the time - and I appreciate that you might not have loads spare - then I'd definitely suggest getting into the kitchen and baking something seasonal and delightful be it gingerbread or sugar cookies or cupcakes. It's lots of fun, a good way to take a breather and you can eat the rewards- it's win/win isn't it? Here's some recipes to get you inspired.

Head To A Local Garden Centre.

Garden centres are always places I like being in but at Christmas they really are something else.  They always have cool decorations and displays and twinkly lights and things like that. Spend an hour or so at one near you and take your time looking at everything- and yes, it's totally OK to leave with a few new decorations, I fully support this.

Go To A Heritage Property.

 Two I'd recommend are the Victorian Christmas at my favourite, Charlecote Park, and then the theme decorations at Chatsworth, this year they are based on The Nutcracker, which you can see snippets of in this post (although tickets are more expensive for the latter, it is worth it 100%).

Buy Mince Pies.

Buy a box of mince pies next time you're in the supermarket and consider eating the whole box in one go. Seriously, even just seeing the box is like a little hit of festive cheer. And if you don't like mince pies, there are plenty of other festive foods to treat yourself to instead.

Watch Comedy Christmas Specials.

Keep an eye out for your favourite comedy Christmas specials on GOLD, online and in your DVD collection and any time you're stuck for something to watch, put one of those on and laugh yourself silly. You can find a list of my recommendations here.

Thank you ever such a lot for reading.
What are your favourite things to do in the run up to Christmas? Do you have any comments or suggestions for future posts? Let me know in the comments.
I hope you enjoyed the post.

Have a spectacular day!

GingerSnaps xxx

Thursday 15 December 2016

Style It Out - Fashion, Style and Get Ready With Me's - My Christmas Jumper Collection and How I Style Them.


So, as some of you may know already, tomorrow, Friday 16th, is Save The Children's Christmas Jumper Day. To encourage you to get involved - and because I thought it would be fun - I thought I'd show you my mini collection of Christmas jumpers, and talk you through how I style them.

First, here's a peek into the collection.

The first was a gift. I wore this earlier on this month while decorating the tree. I love that it is wearable for lots of situations because it's black but it also has the super festive reindeer face which keeps it fun.

This one was bought at New Look in Leeds a few years ago and I am eternally in love with it. I relate strongly to gingerbread men - I don't know why... I think it's because of my hair colour. Anyway, this jumper is Christmassy, fun, the gingerbread man is made of mixed materials, and it's wearable. I always get complimented on this.

I also have a very snazzy and rather cheesy number, with a fair isle inspired design. It has reds, whites and yellows through it, which really amps up how festive it is, and it is definitely one I love wearing. It was a gift a few years ago and one I was very grateful for, and I wanted to include it in this post but couldn't find it.

Now, how I style them.

I like styling my Christmas jumpers with blue or black jeans and boots. I like styling them over the top of red dresses and with black and white or burnt orange skirts.

I hope that you enjoyed reading this and that it has given you some inspiration for your own Christmas Jumper Day look.
Will you be taking part in Christmas Jumper Day? Do you have any other comments or suggestions for future posts? Leave a comment below and tell me.
Thank you for reading.

I hope your day is amazing!

GingerSnaps xxx

Saturday 10 December 2016

I've Been Thinking... - 7 Little Things To Get You Feeling Festive


Hands up if you are excited for Christmas - I know I am! And to help get you feeling super duper excited too, I've made this list of seven little things you can do in the run up to the big day that will make you feel just like Buddy the Elf. Let's begin, shall we?

Swap your normal shower gel for a Christmas shower gel.

It's probably unlikley that you'll get chance to use your Christmas bath bombs everyday, but by treating yourself a festive shower gel (and maybe also a scrub/moisturiser/lip balm), you still get that feeling of being pampered and to use those lovely seasonal scents. Check out Lush's Snow Fairy, Lush's Lord of Misrule and The Body Shop's Vanilla Chai.

  Buy yourself some Christmas socks.
Never underestimate the power of a good pair of festive socks. Buy any with snowflakes or reindeer or snowmen or Father Christmas on, and feel that little sprinkle of joy when you get dressed everyday (and when you get home and take your shoes off). Its such a simple thing,  but so fun. Primark always do some cracking ones.

Treat yourself to a Christmas Costa.
Whether you stay in the café or get yours to go in one of their adorable Christmas jumper inspired take away cups, it'll put a smile on your face. There's something to suit all tastes - hot chocolate and coffee - so take a look next time you pass one. Or, y'know, just make yourself a really snazzy hot chocolate at home. Also, big thanks to Elf Girl for helping with the presentation in the above photo (and for reading the list of drinks for me each visit -#shortsightedproblems). Check out the menu here.

Have a movie night.
 Line up some of your favourite seasonal movies - see a list of mine here - get in your PJs, grab a blanket and a hot chocolate and work your way through all of them. Laugh, smile and enjoy them all at your own pace. Oh, and turn the big light off, and get the fairy lights going instead - it gives it all a much cosier vibe.

Play Your Favourite Christmas Songs At Top Volume.
 Normally on the way home from going to see a pantomime, we have a huge family sing-a-long in the car. Last year, we outdid ourselves - playing songs top volume, screeching along to them, dancing in the car and laughing at each other. We even had a dance off with another family at the traffic lights. So whether yours is part of a car journey or in your house, and whether you perform solo or with a group, go for it and have fun. Play all of your favourites and pretend you're on stage. All the fun. And FYI, I wrote a post about my playlist last year if you need some inspiration.

Paint your nails in a Christmassy way.
  Maybe a red, maybe some glitter, maybe if you're super fancy and talented some penguins or presents or something. Or get some pretty pre-designed false nails if you're lazy or don't have much time to spare like me - look at these cute Henry Holland ones!!! (they also have Christmas Tree and Candy Cane designs if that's more your style).

Get the Christmas jumpers out.

Wrap yourself up in the cosy, cheesy-ness of them and love every second. Every time you look down at the fair isle/gingerbread men/reindeer/etc  on your jumper, you'll be filled with joy. And, what better excuse than donating to Save The Children's annual Christmas Jumper Day campaign and being charitable in the process?

And those are some of the things you can do to reach peak Christmas.
What are your favourite things to do at Christmas time? Do you have any comments or suggestions for future posts? Let me know in the comments.
Thanks so much for reading.

I hope your day is magical.

GingerSnaps xxx

Tuesday 6 December 2016

Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do - Music - You Need This Tom Grennan EP In Your Life.


How is everyone today? I've got some new music to share with you today and when I say new, I mean like a month old new, by a new artist. Very exciting times. I think you guys are going to like it and I'm really excited to share it with you all. So, let's begin, shall we?

Before I go any further, the point of this whole post is basically to tell you that if you that if you only buy one thing this week, it should be Tom Grennan's EP, 'Something In the Water'.
The EP was released at the end of October and features four tracks - 'Old Songs', 'Something In The Water', 'Sweet Hallelujah' and and an acoustic version of the Chase and Status track 'All Goes Wrong' which he provided the vocals for.

There is a really strong sense of cohesion between all the songs on the EP but each one maintains interest. I think he's got a really soulful voice and I also really like the songs lyrically. The music is a balanced blend of power and ease and I could definitely listen to a whole album of this.

This is, in my opinion, one of the most exciting new releases of the year and I think Tom Grennan is one to watch in 2017. He has a great voice, and the tracks on this EP are all amazing. This guy has got talent.

Go and have a listen to it if you get the chance, you can buy it for £2.99 on Google Play, and I'll link the YouTube videos here.
I hope you enjoyed this post and that I might have steered you towards an artist you'll love. 
What do you think of this EP? Do you have any comments or suggestions for future posts? Let me known in the comments.
Thanks for reading.
Have a magical day!
GingerSnaps xxx

Saturday 3 December 2016

I've Been Thinking... - Four Of My Favourite Comedy Christmas Specials


So as it's now officially December (cue excited squeals), I thought it was about time that I got some Christmas content going on over here. So today, I wanted to talk about one of my favourite parts of Christmas - the comedy specials. Here's some from over the years that I think you should watch to get you feeling festive.

The Royle Family, 'The New Sofa'

This one is my all time favourite Royle Family Christmas special ever - and that's saying something as there are loads to choose from. From Denise wanting to be Nigella (we've all been there), to Dave trying to defrost the turkey in insane ways, to the excitement at a reclining sofa, this episode is full of so many laughs that you simply must watch it- what a fabulous festive classic.

Gavin and Stacey, Christmas Special

This is one of the best Christmas specials there is. I think at this point I could quote it backwards, and with good reason, because it is hilarious. It has the incredibly loveable characters we know and love from the show, and they all get a turn in this one. Expect lots of loud singing, talk of tea towels, a bit of a fight, some side splittingly awkward moments and those iconic gift wrapped Celebrations chocolates.

Miranda, 'The Perfect Christmas'

Miranda is a ridiculously funny show all year round, but something about this Christmas special tops it all. One thing everyone loves about Miranda is how relatable it is and that doesn't change at Christmas - Miranda misses the delivery of her parcels full of presents, she tries to have Christmas at her house but her friends cause chaos and some fantastic Christmas jumpers are worn. All round festive fun with the potential to make you cry-laugh.

The Vicar of Dibley, 'The Christmas Lunch Incident'

I've seen this one loads of times now, and it never stops making me laugh. What happens when you say you'll go to three christmas lunches? This episode shows you. With laughs galore, Dawn French as the fabulous Geraldine, advent calenders, jokes from Christmas crackers and some of the best one liners that the character Alice was ever given, this is a must watch before the big day.

All of these Christmas specials are available on the TV Channel ChristmasGOLD (Sky Channel 110, BT Channel 310, Virgin Channel 124 and TalkTalk Channel 310), and are available as part of series box sets. Some are also available on streaming services, like Netflix and SkyGo so do be sure to try a quick search there too.

Thanks for joining me today, I hope you liked this post.
What is your favourite Christmas special? Do you have any comments or suggestions for future posts? Let me know by leaving a comment. 
Go forth and watch TV.

I hope your day is full of laughter.

GingerSnaps xxx