
Thursday 16 November 2017

Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do - Music - New Music Picks.


Good afternoon, lovely people. Today I have some new music to share with you. Most of the songs in this post are so new that they have only been released in the last week or so making them hot off the press tracks. There's everything from slow melodic songs to upbeat bops so hopefully you'll find something you like amongst this lot - I certainly like them all a lot.

 Nobody Gets What They Want Anymore by Marlon Williams (with Aldous Harding)

This song is melodic with a vintage, 1950s and 1960s feel to it. The melancholic lyrics pair wonderfully with the soft, rounded vocals, delicate harmonies which provide an air of vulnerability. It also reminds me of those indie movies and short films that have incredible soundtracks as well as great characters and beautiful videography - I'm not sure if that makes much sense to anyone other than me, but if you understand what I mean, then yes, it's that. It is a gorgeous piece and I have decided its compulsory listening for November.

Lemon To A Knife Fight by The Wombats

The newest release from The Wombats has all of the key components of the band's signature sound but a more mature, perhaps slightly more restrained, finish compared to their previous work. The vocals and lyrics are almost conversational and combine realism with quirky wording in a show of how their signature style has developed and improved over the years. I found that musically it reminded me of older tracks like Moving to New York in places, but with a less brash sound and a more dance around than jump around quality. I'm excited to hear what their upcoming new releases are like because this is certainly very promising.

Alright by The Magic Gang

You may remember that back in August I mentioned The Magic Gang to you - in this post - and since then I have been listening to and enjoying more and more of their music. They have become one of my favourite bands of 2017 and 'Alright' is a perfect example of why. This song is rooted in indie rock with electric guitars and layered harmonies ready to elevate the piece. The lyrics are catchy and the overall effect of the music, lyrics and vocals is a cool and unique sound which I cannot stop listening to.

That brings me to the end of this post. I hope you enjoyed reading it and I hope you enjoy listening to these songs this week.
Which is your favourite? Do you have any other comments or perhaps suggestions for future posts? Leave a comment and let me know.
Thanks for reading!

I hope you're having a fantastic day!

GingerSnaps xxx

Sunday 12 November 2017

We Will Remember Them - Remembrance Sunday and The Poppy Appeal.

Good morning. Today is Remembrance Sunday, and while I did do a post on similar themes yesterday, I wanted to post a very short post to honour today, as has become traditional for this blog.

Today, as there was yesterday, there will be a two minute silence to honour those who have died in conflicts worldwide since WW1. I strongly encourage you to participate in the silence, think of those who have been and are impacted by conflict as a mark of respect for them all.

I also wanted to remind you that it's not too late to donate to the Royal British Legion's 2017 Poppy Appeal, the money from which will go to supporting veterans through all sorts of issues from careers advice to rehabilitation courses and also on raising and maintaining the profile of Remembrance in our communities. You can find out more information (here).

Thank you so much for reading.
Do you have any comments or maybe suggestions for future posts? Let me know in the comments.
Speak soon.

Have a good Sunday!

GingerSnaps xxx

Saturday 11 November 2017

Lest We Forget - A Message on Armistice Day.


Good morning, I hope you're all well. Today, as you probably know, is Armistice Day and I've written a post today to honour that.

Today is obviously Armistice Day and there will be a two minute silence at 11am to honour those who have died in conflicts around the world since WW1.
 Every year I write posts encouraging you to stop and think about those who have been and are impacted by wars, past and present and to remember what others have done for us. I do this because I truly believe that, regardless of our opinions about the conflicts they are involved in, service men and women, past and present, deserve our respect.
So treat this as your reminder to participate in the silence and take the opportunity to reflect. 
Thanks for reading.
Have you got any comments or suggestions for future posts? Leave a comment to let me know.
I hope you're enjoying your weekend so far.

Have a lovely Saturday!

GingerSnaps xxx

Thursday 2 November 2017

I've Been Thinking... - My New Favourite Magazine.


Hey gang! I wanted to have a chat with you about a new discovery and a new favourite of mine. I recently found myself on a long train journey and - silly me - I hadn't brought along a book. I decided that I should grab something to keep me occupied on the return journey, especially as getting home always seems to take approximately nine-hundred-billion years longer than the outbound journey. I had a flick through the magazine racks at WHSmith and here's some thoughts on magazines in general and on what I found.

On the whole, I don't like glossy magazines much. Those concoctions of 95% adverts mixed with unattainably expensive products that can be entertaining but never seem to have enough going on for what you've paid and don't ever seem to fill as much time as you hope they will.

I wanted a magazine though because I do inherently love them. I have a great fondness for magazines - as a child I collected Bratz magazines and Girl Talk magazines and GoGirl magazines and I still have a lot of them.
 I love the way magazines can contain so much - perhaps that's why I find it so frustrating when they are full of adverts. I love that they can include content on music and on fashion and some recipes and some lifestyle content and interviews, neatly packaged into one easy to digest bundle and with a fun to read format and style.

When I spotted Frankie magazine on the shelf and saw the beautiful cover, I thought it might be up my street. I saw some of the key featured topics written across the top - ranging from design, art and fashion to music, home and craft - and I knew I had to get it.

It's an Australian publication which is also sold in New Zeland and the UK.

I love the writing styles that feature in in - personable, warm and sometimes slightly cheeky prose written by a range of talented writers which gives the feeling of catching up with a group of friends.

The adverts featured in it are less frequent than in a glossy magazine and they actually advertise things that a typical person might be interested in which makes them far easier to get along with.

It's a beautiful publication with a minimalist layout, with pastel colours used to accent titles and gorgeous photography. A copy of Frankie is a really lovely thing to own.

At 128 pages, the majority of which are filled with words and photographs, I was able to continue reading it long after my hour and a half long journey home. I had plenty to keep me occupied on the train and I still had lots to read with a cup of tea in the mornings for a good while after.

It also came with a gorgeous photographic poster - which was 100% my aesthetic (colourful, a little bit kitsch, soft focus - 10 out of 10) - with a two month calendar on the back which made my day and looks delightful in my room.

Most importantly though, reading it really made me feel inspired. It made me feel inspired to produce content, the interviews inspired me and opened my eyes to the amount of opportunities there are and can be for creative people.
 I felt inspired to try new things, to be kinder and be more silly and more spontaneous and I felt inspired to seek new perspectives.
Reading Frankie has been a really positive and enjoyable part of October.

I'd urge you to go out and grab their November/December issue if you can - if September/October is anything to go by, it'll be great.

I hope you enjoyed this post and have found a new source of offline inspiration.
Do you have a favourite magazine? Do you have any comments or suggestions for future posts? Let me know in the comments.
Thanks for reading!
Have a spectacular day!
GingerSnaps xxx