
Tuesday 31 December 2013

5, 4, 3, 2, 1! - Happy New Year! - 2014...


In exactly 5 minutes, it won't be 2013 any more. It will be 2014. A fresh start, a new year. 12 whole new months are ahead. 12 whole new months to fill with life, and time and adventures. 

2013 has been a good year. I started reading blogs, I started my blog. I went on so many cool days out, with family and with friends. I tried new things, and while I have up on some, I have also found some things that I love, and hope to continue. I have learned things, I have enjoyed myself, and discovered things. There's been up's and down's as there are every year, but when I look back, the up's stand out the most.
I hope 2013 was good to you all and that 2014 is a great year, that you find everything you search for, need. I hope that you find happiness this year.
Happy New Year to you and all of your families and friends.
So, lets see how the 2014 archive fills up on this here blog, and thank you for supporting and reading throughout the year. I'll speak to you all next year then...
Happy New Year, have fun!
GingerSnaps xxx

Thursday 26 December 2013

And That's A Wrap! - Boxing Day 2013


With any luck, you'll have had a fabulous Christmas - but it's not over yet. We still have today, Boxing Day, and longer after that. 

Christmas isn't, as cheesy and silly as this sounds, just one day, or when you open your advent calendar or first get excited for it. It doesn't end when December does. Christmas is a spirit inside us all, and it lasts past December 25th of every year. 

So I hope your Christmases were merry and bright, and that you had lots and lots of fun. I hope you enjoyed yourselves. I hope that you keep your Christmas spirit going, just a little while longer. 

Have a great day! 

GingerSnaps xxx

Wednesday 25 December 2013

We Wish You A Merry Christmas! - Merry Christmas 2013


Today is Christmas Day. The biggun, the one we've all been waiting for. I, for one, am supremely excited! Christmas is my favourite. I think you already knew that, considering I talk about it so much.

Christmas Day is a day for giving, receiving and being kind to everyone. It's a day of joy and celebration, of friendship and love.
I hope that you're all enjoying yourselves, that you're stuffing your faces, that if you bought people presents, they like them, that if you are lucky enough to receive presents, you like them, and that you like the Christmas specials on the tellybox.
And, while you are enjoying yourself, I hope that you take a thought to remember what Christmas is truly all about, and I hope you spare a little consideration for those who won't be enjoying what we are.
Merry Christmas to you all, and to all you families and friends. I hope that your day is wonderful. Thank you for all your support with my blog, and have a great day!
That's all for today, everybody. I hope you have a wonderful time and enjoy yourself.
Have an absolutely amazing day!
GingerSnaps xxx


Tuesday 24 December 2013

It Was Christmas Eve, Babe... - Christmas Eve 2013.


Today, it's Christmas Eve. I'm going to give you credit for the fact you probably know that already. I always enjoy Christmas Eve.

Christmas Eve is spent relaxing. Today, I'll be baking with my mom. We'll be making some gingerbread and some muffins for tomorrow morning's breakfast. I'll also be delivering some of my bakes to my family, so that they can enjoy a festive breakfast tomorrow too, before we all meet up for lunch.
A bit of a no picture "Outfit Of The Day".
 I've bought a new jumper for Chrisymas Eve, it's a black jumper from New Look with a Gingerbread Man in a Father Christmas hat, and I bought some Gingerbread Man earrings from Claire's. I don't have pierced ears, so mine are clip on's. If you do, however, have pierced ears, they do have a lovely selection of festive earrings for you, too.
Link to the jumper (HERE), and link to the earrings (HERE) - sadly, I could only find the version for pierced ears on the site, but check in store if you're interested.

I will be also be taking some time out for myself. I will be enjoying some pampering, to see the kind of products I will be using see (THIS) post. I might also use something from Lush, but will definitely use something from The Body Shop. Every year, as is tradition for me, I have a pamper evening, and I always look forward to it.

Then there's the traditional Christmas Eve film. We watch The Snowman (with or without the Snowdog - that's Channel 4's decision), and then I select a film to watch. This year, I'm considering Miracle On 34th Street - the 90's version with Mara Wilson - or Nativity! - because I love that film so much, it's so funny and Mr Poppy is an absolute legend! From there, it's goodnights and off to sleep, in my Christmas Eve pyjamas. They are red silk pyjamas with dainty silver hearts on them and I only wear them on Christmas Eve and Day. 

I'm so excited for tomorrow, I can hardly contain myself! There is nothing better than Christmas! 

I love my Christmas Eve activities, and I find it such a relaxing day. I hope you all have lovely days and I will speak to you all tomorrow. 

Have a wonderful day, everybody! 

GingerSnaps xxx

Saturday 21 December 2013

Are You Hanging Up Your Stocking On The Wall? - Christmas Traditions.


Today, I wanted to talk to you about the traditions that I have at Christmas time, personally and within my family. I'll tell you about Christmas Eve and Day and Boxing Day later on. I was going to add pictures, but can't be bothered right now, to be honest. To stay fair to you lovely lot, however, if you want, I'll do a post dedicated to pictures and link back to this.

Advent Calendars.

Every year, I have an advent calendar. This year I have 2. I have a normal, Me To You cardboard "box" type one, with all the little jumbled up doors you have to find. I also, however, have a 3D cardboard reindeer from Marks and Spencer. You hang bags filled with chocolates from his antlers. They are both very sweet, and I love them. Plus, it's double the amounts of chocolate for me!

The Christmas Cake of Destiny!
I make the family Christmas cake. I've done it for about 3 or 4 years now and I really enjoy getting stuck in and making a cake for everyone to enjoy. This year, I've used a different recipe than in previous year, but I think it has gone well. If this is the case, and it better be, then I'll share the recipe with you next year. Not everyone is a fan of Christmas Cake, but if you aren't, I still think it's nice to contribute to the festive feasting.
Christmas Shopping with All the Trimmings.
  I do my Christmas shopping in, what I call, sweeps. It usually takes me 2 or 3 trips, but I did mine in one day, and picked up some extras along the way.
Whenever I go Christmas shopping, I stop for lunch. I sometimes go to Pret... I love Pret... At Christmas time they have sandwiches which donate 5p to the homeless on purchase. I think that's great because I can have my lunch, and help someone at the same time. During the festive period, I always go and grab a festive Costa. The cups are really cute this year. My favourites are the White Chocolate Hot Chocolate, the Black Forest Hot Chocolate, and I also like the Spiced Apple Punch type thing. Snazzy.

 Christmas Decorations.

The decorations are one of my favourite bits of Christmas. We have a big Christmas tree in the window of the living room. It is a fake tree, but I think it has character, and isn't sparse or anything like that. We decorate it with 3 boxes of decorations, and I love the way it looks when its all finished. Its very lovely. We have garlands on the mirror, and I have a little Christmas tree in my bedroom. It's very pale pink, and very fluffy - it's made of feathers. My Dad got it for me for Christmas when I was very small, and I love it. Over the years, the original decorations got lost and this year I bought a load of new ones from John Lewis, and some from some Christmas markets. I like it a lot.

Festive Trip to London.

Every year, me and my Mom go to London to see the Christmas lights, do some shopping and spend some time in one of my favourite places ever. This year, we stayed in Travelodge Covent Garden, and got the First Class Virgin Pendolino train, which means snack boxes and peace and quiet. We went to the theatre but also spent lots of time soaking up the festive atmosphere, and looking at all the pretty lights. We went to our favourite department stores in London (Liberty, Selfridges etc), and picked up some decorations and had a look round. We had a great time, and I really enjoyed myself. T'was lovely.

Pantomime Time!

My Auntie, my Nan, my Mom and me go to see a pantomime together every year. This year, we went to see Sleeping Beauty at the Wolverhampton Grand - it was good, and we had a nice time. I'm also going to see a pantomime with my friends tomorrow, and we're going to have a bit of a shop and eat some food and stuff. Good times ahead.
Pantomime is one of the highlights of my year because even if it sucks, its still funny.

So, that's it for today. I'd love to know in the comments what your Christmas traditions are, and if you have any similar to mine. If you have any ideas for any more festive posts, let me know while there's still time. And don't forget to tell me if you want to see some pictures in a separate post. Alrighty then...
Have a fabulous day.
GingerSnaps xxx

Thursday 19 December 2013

Extra, Extra, Read All About It! - Events in the News - The Apollo Theatre


I know its very late, but I just got home and I found out that the ceiling at the Apollo Theatre, London collapsed.

Last Saturday night, I jumped out of a taxi on Shaftsbury Avenue, and I went in to go and see The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time.
It is just so strange to think that had I have booked the theatre for, what, 5 days later, that could have been me. One of the many people, one of the screaming, terrified people. Its something nobody thinks could ever happen. 
My thoughts are with everybody who has been affected by this, and I cannot believe this - it seems so unreal. I'm so stunned.
Have a good day, everyone.
GingerSnaps xxx

Monday 16 December 2013

All Things Bright and Beauty-ful! - Beauty Product Review - The Body Shop Ginger Sparkle Range.


Christmas time is a special time. The time off from day to day life and hard work is a great time to relax and soak up the festivities. I know one way of relaxing that always works is a spot of pampering. I tend to dedicate an evening to it, and indulge myself in stunning bath and body products, skincare and hair care. I don't know about you guys, but my favourite stops for pamper essentials are The Body Shop, Lush and Soap and Glory. So, it only feels right that I talk about some of the bath and body products that I like to use at Christmas time.

(I do not work in partnership with any brands, and have no interest in doing so. I just wanted to share some products with you that I enjoy and have no motives other than sharing my favourite kinds of things with you. This post is not sponsored by anybody or any company. It's just not how I roll.)

I want to tell you about some of the Limited Edition products for Christmas from The Body Shop.
My favourite one of their Limited Edition ranges is Ginger Sparkle.
Last year, I tried and tested some Ginger Sparkle products on Christmas Eve and fell in love with them.

One of my favourite scents in the world is ginger, and so when this range was first introduced last year, I was very happy. This year, it is back and better than ever.
The products I have used are the Shower Gel, the Body Butter, the Lip Balm, and the Hand Cream.
First things first, lets start with the Ginger Sparkle Shower Gel, found (HERE).
This Shower Gel smells utterly amazing. It is very fresh and "zingy" (is "zingy" a word?), but still has a deep and festive scent. It smells like actual ginger, as opposed to a gingerbread kind of smell, but I feel like this is a nicer scent for a Bath and Body range. I found that this lathered nicely, but it does take a while to get it going.
The packaging is practical and sturdy, but the little gingerbread man on the front is really cute.
I like this product lots.
Second up is the Ginger Sparkle Body Butter (HERE).
Again, this has the unique scent. I often find that when you venture into the Limited Edition ranges, the product lacks. This is not the case here. This product is just as moisturising as the other Body Shop Body Butters. They do wonders for many people, and this will carry out those wonders very well, if you are one of those people. Even if they don't work said wonders, the Body Butters do still provide moisture to the skin and are very effective. The Ginger Sparkle Body Butter has a rich consistency, providing a sense of pampering.
Also, the packaging is sweet and festive, which appeals to the Christmas bug that I am.
This product is an effective moisturiser to keep dry skin at bay this Christmas.
Next up is a handbag essential for me at Christmas time. I'm talking about the Ginger Sparkle Lip Balm, which you can find over (HERE).
Rather unsurprisingly, this lip balm tastes/smells like the other products in this range... oooh yum...
It is very compact, so great for your handbag, but is not so compact you have to use it sparingly. You get a lot of bang for you buck with this one. The balm has a slight tint and gentle shimmer to it, which gives an added boost and also spreads a bit of festive sparkle. It moisturises my lips really well, and locks it in. It works very well.
The packaging is very unique, a dome in which the raised balm sits. You can apply with your finger, but I prefer to push the dome onto my lips, as this is effective for on the go use.
I love this product.
Finally, the Ginger Sparkle Hand Cream (HERE).
Big shocker now - it smells like the other products in this range... Oh, how I love that smell... Be still my beating heart. This hand cream is very luxurious, more so than it's price tag would suggest. It is very rich, but is not oily whatsoever. It is the perfect size to keep in your bag, and is really effective. You only need a small amount to moisturise both of your hands nicely. This really does beat it's price tag.
Ginger Sparkle Hand Cream comes in an easy to use squeezy tube and has that cheeky little gingerbread man on the front.
This product is great.
To see the rest of the products in the range, mosey on over (HERE).
Overall, I highly recommend this range and hope that you will go out and try one or two pieces from this range. As far as I'm concerned, it is completely worth it. If you do become obsessed like I am, I suggest you stock up while you can, since it is only around at Christmas time.
This range would also make a great gift. Just check out this Ginger Sparkle Shower, Scrub & Moisture Collection (HERE). Isn't that tin just the cutest?
That's that for today then, everybody. I hope that you've enjoyed this post and that it has inspired you to take out some time to relax during the buzz of the festive season. If you have any questions about the products, any ideas for festive posts you'd like to see, let me know in the comments. Also, if you have any ideas for other festive bath and body products that might be of interest, let me know and I'll check them out.
Have a day filled with (ginger) sparkle!
GingerSnaps xxx

Tuesday 10 December 2013

Holiday's Are Comin, Holidays Are Comin - The Excitment for Christmas!!!


I hope you are all well. Christmas time is well and truly happening, right now. I love Christmas time, and am very excited to burn festive candles, to give people their cards, their presents, and spend more time sat by the Christmas tree watching lovely festive films and eat all the chocolates in my advent calendars (yep, two, because I couldn't choose!).

Here are just a few of my recent festive activities...
  • I wrapped all my presents, but suffered some minor technical difficulties. The tags fell off the presents and I didn't know what was for who, and just... Oh dear... I have a long way to go...
  •  I made paper chains the other night, which I love. That is, however, the extent of my crafting talents...
  • I've watched quite a lot of Christmas films so far, like Elf a few nights ago - brilliant film, which I love! - and Arthur Christmas tonight - lovely little Christmas film, very sweet.
  • We've decorated the house, and I am going to write my Christmas cards very soon.
  • I've got through many a festive Costa coffees and hot chocolate - nom. And also, how cute are the take out cups this festive season? I think they are soooo cute! 
  • Also, while in Leeds at the weekend (post coming soon), I bought a new Christmas jumper and some festive earrings. It's Christmas shopping, but for me! What isn't to love?
I am really looking forward to Christmas and doing all sorts of festive things. I do love Christmas, but I would really love some ideas for Christmassy posts, because I am stumped. Maybe festive outfit posts, or a traditions post, or some festive recipe ideas? Decoration ideas? Let me know in the comments. Alrighty then, I think that's it for today, and I will see you back here soon.
I hope your day is epic!
GingerSnaps xxx

Tuesday 3 December 2013

Makeup Your Mind - Makeup and Beauty Inspiration and Tips - Festive Day Makeup


How are we all today, guys? It's December now, which means it's Christmas time now. Christmas time is my favourite time of the year. I like to try and make everything special, and that includes my makeup. I want to share some of my tips and tricks for festive daytime makeup.

(These ideas are just that - ideas. If these ideas don't suit you, I do apologise, but at the same time, they are just things I like to do. Please be nice about what I say. I am very passionate about makeup.)

If I feel like it, I pop on some primer and foundation. I don't do this everyday, but I do always use concealer. I use Nars Pore Refining Primer (HERE), either Nars Sheer Glow Foundation (HERE)- find my review (HERE) - or No7 Instant Radiance Foundation (HERE), which I had match made. At the moment, I'm still using Collection Lasting Perfection Concealer (HERE), but want to switch to something more moisturising, as its becoming too dry now its Winter.

Obviously, red lipstick is an item of makeup most people associate with the festive season. I, however, don't have the energy to keep up lip liner, lipstick etc. unless I'm going out, out (Mickey Flanagan fans?). Therefore, I like to choose something which has more of a balm texture, as it is more comfortable for the day, and is easier to maintain.
 I recently bought a Rimmel Lasting Finish Colour Rush Balm, in the colour The Redder, The Better (HERE). So far, I like this product but when I've used it some more, I'll review it. It does work as a balm nicely, smells like vanilla and, considering it's a balm texture, it lasts well.
I find that a brown eye goes nicely with a red lip, but I like to keep it soft and pretty during the day, rather than packing it on to a highly intense pigment.
One of my favourite palettes is the Sleek iDivine Ultra Mattes V2 "Darks" Palette, (HERE). When you get these palettes, the cellophane sheet over the shadows has the names of the colours on it. If you keep this, I use "Paperbag" or the brown shade, all over the lid, blending it loads into a very soft brown, yet still layering it for staying power (does that make sense? - apply, blend, repeat, repeat, repeat. Yeah?). Then I use either "Pillow Talk" or "Dune", to highlight the inner corner and under the brown bone.
Then it's lashing of mascara on my top and bottom lashes.
From there, I tend to add some blusher - usually a peachy/pale coral shade, as I find some pink blusher worn with red lipstick can be a bit much.
I don't really have too much of a preference. I will recommend Sleek Blushers to you though - they have a great formula and colour range.
I also powder over my skin with my Rimmel Stay Matte Pressed Powder (HERE) - best thing ever!
I use Real Techniques brushes for application. They are utterly amazing! Find their Boots page  (HERE).
So, I hope you enjoyed that. It's a different kind of post for me, and pictures probably would have helped, but hey ho! Anyway, I hope that's been helpful or has inspired you to get a bit festive with yo faces!
Have a glamorous day! 

GingerSnaps xxx

Sunday 1 December 2013

So, To Sum It All Up - November Summary.


Another month over already and now its December. You know what that means. It's CHRISTMAS BABY!
So much has happened this past month, and I've written so many posts. Some are still in draft form, waiting to go, so I will send those off into cyberspace as soon as I can, but I can assure you, this month has been fun. I remember when I did my October Summary, I said that I was unsure if I'd do these every month, and I still don't know, but for November, I will. I might go on a bit here, so make sure you're sitting comfortably.

Bonfire Night and all the Fireworks.
I love Bonfire Night. One of my favourite things in the world is fireworks; they're glitter for the sky. My Mom and I went to our favourite display, about half an hour away from us. We had chips and a good old brew in a paper cup, and bopped about to really rather rubbish music. The bonfire was on a very windy night, and so all the sparks and ashes blew to one side. That happened to be the side I was on, and fire scares me a little, so that was a bit of a panic. But then it settled, and the fireworks started, and everything looked magic. Gold twirls, and silver swirls, green glimmers and blue shimmers - that got a bit odd... But, yes, I had a fabulous time. I wore my Primark Super Cosy Tights - the best things in the world - and so I was nice and toasty, so keep them in mind for the future. I had a great evening.
You can find a post I did about Bonfire Night (HERE).
Supporting others.
November, for me, is a great time for helping others. With Remembrance Day and Children in Need going on, there is plenty of reason to support people who help us and who need help. It's a lovely feeling knowing that you are showing that you care about what people do for you and that you care about people who need your help.
You can find my Remembrance posts (HERE) and (HERE). You can find my Children in Need post (HERE).
Days Out and About.
I've been busy this month, going out and about all over the place.
I went on a day out with my Auntie, my Mom, and my Auntie's best friend. We went to Chatsworth House for some festive shenanigans, and I had a lovely time. It was a great day, and it got me feeling incredibly Christmassy. 
Then, I was off to see the Nutcracker Ballet, which was spectacular. I can tell you right now that I had a brilliant time. I want to be a ballerina!!!
And, after all that, I was off to MCM Comic Con in Birmingham with Elf Girl, which was just... oh my glob. Myself and Elf Girl are complete and utter geeks, so we were in our element entirely and... just wow.
I have blog posts coming up on everything I just talked about. You can find a post about being busy right (HERE). You can find Elf Girl's blog (HERE).
My Mom's Birthday.

This section will be short and sweet, but I loved spending some quality time with my Mom and doing my best to make sure she had a lovely day. I even wrote her a blog post.
You can find that post (HERE).
Whovian Times.
The Day of the Doctor/the Doctor Who 50th Anniversary. I am a Whovian; sorry, not sorry. I found this whole thing very exciting, though I still haven't seen it, because I've been a bit too busy. Must watch soon. I hope I don't bore you lot with my weird fangirling.
You can find my Whovian ramblings (HERE).

My favourite YouTube video from November.
For a change, I haven't actually been on YouTube a lot this month, because I've had other things to keep me busy. I did, however, make some time to watch this 25 FACTS ABOUT ME! video, by Jim Chapman, (HERE). Jim is one of my favourite YouTubers and I do love a good 25 Facts About Me. Brilliant.
My favourite Blog post from November.
I love a Mundane Midweek post, and Charlotte's most recent instalment didn't disappoint. It's on the blog Charlotte's Web, and it's called Mundane Midweek - you can find it (HERE). Charlotte's version of mundane is very different to mine. If that's her day to day, then, wow. And I know I included a post from A Rosie Outlook last time, but Rosie really is a kindred spirit. Going Back to the Sea (HERE), was a nice read.
Alrighty then. I think after all that reading, you'll be ready to wave goodbye to November and crack on with December; a time of red lippy, Christmas trees and lighter wallets.
Have a completely brilliant day!

GingerSnaps xxx