
Monday 27 January 2014

Oh My Life! - Tales Of My Life And Times - I Do Love A Onsie, A Disney Movie and Making A Two-Tonne Of Meringue Goodness...


I thought I'd fill you in on one of my recent "lazy days". I feel like, in a strange way, I find "lazy days" work better as "Oh My Life!" posts, but you guys might not feel the same way. By the way, if you don't, then feel free to look through that little archive on the right hand side for something that takes your fancy.

I got up recently with nothing to do and nowhere to go (at least not particularly) and so decided to take up the opportunity to have some time to myself.

I had a shower and washed my hair when I woke up, and threw on my onesie when I got out. I'd actually like to put in a disclaimer in about the whole "onesie" topic...

From the day the onesie first hit the high streets, I decided that they were morally wrong and completely unacceptable. I also decided I'd never buy myself one. However, my mom bought me a super fluffy onesie from Next for Christmas and so I gave it a go. I LOVE IT! DO NOT knock the onesie until you have tried it - I guarantee you will enjoy it, even just a little bit. Also, my advice is to never buy a really cheap onesie; I'd advise a slightly more expensive one as it is much more comfortable and a lot less... meh. Oh yeah, and always opt for super fluffy!

So, yeah, I put on my onesie and made myself very, very comfortable on the sofa armed with a cup of tea. I spent most of my morning watching The Big Bang Theory, and eating the last of the Christmas Quality Street. Then it was scrambled egg on toast for lunch, which just improved my day further.

In the afternoon, I made the decision to check out what movies were on my Sky On Demand - other TV doobrees are available. I found "Mickey's Magical Christmas" and decided to watch that, despite it being January. I found the film really enjoyable, and I do love a good little Disney movie. I am an, if not *the* Ultimate Disney Addict/Fan.

Later on, like after dinner later on, I made a choice which involved creating some lovely meringues. I couldn't find the electric part of the whisk so worked up an hour's worth of a sweat before finally finding it... Oh My Life! But, I did end up with some pretty pink rose flavoured mini meringues to enjoy. I guess all's well that ends well. Especially when meringues are involved.

And, so, that's it. Considering this post was about a whole day, I kind of expected more of a lengthy post, but the joy of a lazy day is that there is very little to say and yet so much happiness can come from them. While it was a "lazy day", I tried to do some things, because I hate feeling like I have wasted a day.
I hoped that this post has been enjoyable for you. Have you had a "lazy day" recently? What do you get up to on a "lazy day"?

Have a really good day everybody!

GingerSnaps xxx

Tuesday 21 January 2014

Say Cheese!!! - Photography - Monster Attack On Tesco!!!


Yeah, that is right, a Monster Attack On Tesco... I said it.

When out and about in somewhere or other we stopped at a Tesco to get something for dinner when we arrived home.
 I was just casually wandering around Tesco, looking for a classy little Pot Noodle when all of a sudden I saw Sulley! 

I love Monsters Inc. and so this was such a massive highlight of my day!

A short and sweet post today, so that's your lot folks. I hope you liked that photograph and that it made you smile like it makes me smile.
Do you like Monsters Inc.? Have you ever seen something like this when in the supermarket? Let me know in the comments.

Have a fab day, guys!

GingerSnaps xxx

Monday 20 January 2014

It's So In Vogue! - Fashion, Supermodels, Models and Fashion Photography - Patrick Demarchelier


So, another instalment to this series. I do have a very strong fondness for this series, because it's a topic I have a real interest in. I hope that you've been enjoying this series as much as I have.

In today's instalment is on Fashion Photography... Lauren, I think you might just like this one. (Find her HERE).

I know I don't really need a disclaimer for this, but I know a lot of people have very strong opinions on the fashion industry, and in particular, on models. I think that these ideas are often a misunderstanding of the industry, and the work and dedication involved. The fashion industry is a field I would love to work in, and have a real interest in, and so if you do have strong opinions that may offend anyone, please keep them to yourself. Thank you.

Patrick Demarchelier.

Patrick Demarchelier, a model maker if ever there was one.
 He has done work outside of Fashion Photography, however he is most famous for his fashion work.

Demarchelier first fell in love with photography when, at the age of 17, his stepfather gave him his first camera. His career progressed from that point, gaining experience with using the camera and knowledge of the cameras themselves. He became an assistant to a photographer, before doing test shots at finishing school. After all that he became Hans Feurer's assistant, and Feurer worked with Vogue.

And that, as they say, is history.
 His career just went up and up and up from there.

Demarchelier has no formal qualifications. He has said in interviews that he has simply learned from his mistakes over time.

His Work.

I love the way that Patrick Demarchelier understands the camera.

Something I think is great is the fact that he doesn't try to control the location or change the way the model, styling or hair and makeup is performing. He runs with it, and makes sure that while his photography stands out with talent, he doesn't over shadow anything or one else. Models that work with Demarchelier are, in a way, exposed. Their ability shines through, and so does his.

Patrick Demarchelier has a real sense of his space. When he works to showcase the beauty in everything, and somehow strikes a perfect balance between focusing on the model and the styling and portraying the beauty of his surroundings.

His work, put simply, is beautiful.

The Final Notes.

You can find his website pages of some of his fashion work (HERE).
You can find his work for (British) Vogue (HERE).

Alrighty then. I really hope that you have enjoyed this post.
What do you think of Patrick Demarchelier's work? Do you agree with my thoughts? Which fashion photographers do you like?
I hope that you are enjoying this series, and if you have any suggestions for what you might like to see in this series, let me know in the comments.

I hope you have a brilliant day!

GingerSnaps xxx

Friday 17 January 2014

And Relax... - Pamper Evening Tips and Tricks.


How is everybody today? I hope your well and if you aren't then I'm sorry to hear that, and hope things start going your way soon.

I don't know about you guys, but I love a Pamper Evening. I relish (totally didn't just rob that word from THIS post by Lauren...) time spent unwinding, since I'm often busy or just feel busy.  Also, being a lover of beauty products, I find a Pamper Evening is a great way to try the far too many products I own. Plus, I always find that I sleep better after a Pamper Evening.

I've decided to share with you some of my tips, tricks and favourite products for when I have a Pamper Evening, in the hope of inspiring you all and to ramble about stuff I like. OK, let's do this!

I'll talk you through my steps first, and at the end I'll include a list of products and brands I like to use.

The Basic Steps.

First things first I like to wash my hair and have a shower. My hair is very heavy and so it tends to be easier for me to wash my hair in the shower. In the shower, I like to use lovely soaps, shower creams/gels and scrubs with amazing scents. I then wrap my hair up in a towel, and dry off.

You can skip my next step if you are an 100% shower person, and if you are highly eco-conscious, please do not hate me, because I don't have full on Pamper Evenings all the time, so it isn't that bad.

I like to run a nice warm bath. As much as I like to shower - good job too since I do it everyday - I find that baths are much more relaxing. While the bath is running, I sometimes like to light some candles and put them around the bathroom, but not all the time. I also like to grab myself a drink of water.

Whilst the bath is running I cleanse/exfoliate my face. The steam from the bath is great for cleansing the skin and opening the pores, so its always wise to ensure you have removed the day's grime before you get in the bath. And, it saves doing it later.

I am also a complete lover of bath bombs, bubble baths, bath soaks etc., so I love to use these on a pamper evening. They add something a bit more special to the bath, plus they give you a reason to stay in the bath that little while longer.

I like to just get in, soak for a while and think. I do sometimes like to play music or read a book, however I do just tend to fall into sloth mode.

Once I jump out of the bath, dry off and moisturise with a body lotion or butter. Moisturising as soon as you can after having a bath/shower means that the skin absorbs it better.

These steps are the basis of all my Pamper Evenings, and whether I add more steps or not depends on what I feel like doing. Even these steps alone make me feel so much more relaxed.

The Additional Steps.

If I feel like it, have the time, or am going somewhere, I add some steps to amp up the Pamper Evening.

One thing I sometimes like to do is give myself a manicure. I trim my nails and if I desperately have to, I file them, even though I hate the sound of nail files... *shudder*. I then paint them with a base coat, colour and top coat. Finally, I like to apply a rich hand cream.

Sometimes, I like to apply a face mask. This isn't something I do very frequently as I find that face masks can be too rich sometimes, but every now and then, I think it is quite nice.

The Final Steps.

On a Pamper Evening, watching a film or some good old telly is a good way to unwind. Something that is unbeatable for me on many a level is watching a film or the TV in my pyjamas/onesie.

I do also enjoy reading books and listening to music to relax.

After all that Pampering, I feel an early night is in order. Not ridiculously early but even just half an hour earlier than normal can really make a difference, trust me.

Brands and Products and Picks.

Hair Products.

I like L'Oreal Hair Care products, as I find that they work well with my hair, work efficiently, and have good effects. I do also like Herbal Essences, but I use L'Oreal more often as I think I prefer it.

A link to L'Oreal Hair Care (HERE) and a link to Herbal Essences (HERE).

Shower Creams, Gels and Soaps.

Soap and Glory rock! I love the witty names, and the products are so good.
I really love Soap and Glory Body Washes/Shower Gels, as they smell out of this world and are very nourishing. 

My top picks from Soap and Glory are the Sugar Crush Body Wash, the Rich and Foamous Body Wash and the Clean, Girls Body Wash.

Links (HERE), (HERE) and (HERE).

Link to all Soap and Glory Body Washes and Shower Gels (HERE).

The Body Shop have some excellent Shower Gels and Cream. The formula is lovely, the scents are unique but familiar and they lather nicely. My favourite is the Satsuma Shower Gel (HERE), it is just my complete stand out. There are some other really nice gels/creams so check them out. There are also solid soaps.

Link to all The Body Shop Body Cleansers (HERE).

Body Scrubs.

I like the Scrub 'Em And Leave 'Em Body Buff from Soap and Glory, and it matches the Clean, Girls Body Wash in scent.
Find it (HERE).

Find the other Soap and Glory Scrubs (HERE).

The Body Shop have some really nice scrubs, and (THIS) Satsuma Body Polish is probably my favourites.

(HERE) is a link to them all.


A family friend makes candles, and they are so amazing. Plus, we get extreme mates rates on them, so they are an obvious choice. She doesn't have a website at the moment, so I can't link her, but I will when I can.
I just like candles in general, plain or scented, however I will link you to the John Lewis Candles Page and the Yankee Candle Page to start you off.

(HERE) and (HERE).


I use only one brand of skincare, because I have sensitive skin. I use the Aloe Range from The Body Shop and my cleanser, exfoliator and face masks as mentioned in this post are all from this range.
I love this range and couldn't be without it, because it is just so blooming good!

Link to the range (HERE).

Bath Bombs and Bubbles.

I am a Lush addict. Their products are so good!!! 
My favourites are their bath bombs - they are amazing - and I always have a stash somewhere in my house. I love how much diversity they add to the bath. They are really beneficial to the skin and they smell so good. Plus, they usually have seasonal collections alongside their permanent products, so there is always something you haven't tried.
I also like Radox Bubble Bath as it creates lots of bubbles, is very relaxing and smells great.

Lush Bath Ballistics/Bombs - (HERE).

Lush Bubble Bars (HERE).

My preferred Radox Bubble Bath (HERE) - I know its a guy's one by category, so please don't feel the need to tell me.

Music and Books.

To see Music and Books that I like, see my Blogger profile.

Obviously, we all have different taste in music and reading material, so by all means ignore me and carry on like you normally would.

If you feel inclined to buy a new CD or a new book, then (HERE) is a link to HMV and a link (HERE) to Waterstones, my favourite book shop.

Body Lotions and Butters.

Soap and Glory, again, are really great here. I find that their butters and lotions are really effective and while they can take a while to sink in, they have amazing effects.
I really love their Daily Smooth Body Butter and the Sugar Crush Buttercream.

Links (HERE) and (HERE).
Link to range (HERE).

Dove Moisturisers are also lovely and work great - (HERE).

Nail Polish.

I really like Barry M nail polishes, particularly the Gelly Hi Shine in Dark Green - according to the Boots website this is the colours name, I'm not 100% sure about this though..
It has a lovely finish and I really love the deep colour of this polish as it suits my very pale skin.

Gelly Hi Shine range (HERE) and all polishes (HERE).

I also think that the Maybelline Colour Show polishes are really good. They last well on my nails and I find that the brush is good to work with.
My favourite shades are Brick Shimmer and Downtown Red.

All colours (HERE).

Hand Cream.

A friend of ours gave me a bunch of really nice things for Christmas, and one was a Neom Complete Bliss Hand Cream. This hand cream is rich, and yet is absorbed quickly. I love it!
I do like the scent of this however the scent Inspiration is looking increasingly good to me.

Both creams are fragranced with one of my two favourite flowers, which I think is pretty cool.

Complete Bliss Hand Cream (HERE).
Inspirations Hand Cream (HERE).

Movies and TV shows.

See my Blogger Profile for my favourite movies.
I love sitcoms on TV, and any other form of comedy shows. I love them and they are really suitable for pamper evenings because they relax you and make you happy. I love Miranda, Not Going Out, F.R.I.E.N.D.S, The Big Bang Theory and How I Met Your Mother.

And that, I think, is finally that! Phew! I didn't expect that to take as long as it did, so I apologise. I hope this post was helpful to you, and that it didn't bore you terribly.
Has this post inspired you to have a pamper evening? What do your pamper evenings entail? What products do you like to use?

Have a fabulous day today!

GingerSnaps xxx

Saturday 11 January 2014

Food Glorious Food! - Restaurant Review - Viva, Leeds.


Woah there, another restaurant review? What on earth is happening?

This one is another one from my trip to Leeds, which was the first weekend in December. This was actually on the same day as when we went to The Botanist (post HERE). We went in the evening, and it was great to go out and eat some good food. As far as a lot of people are concerned, Viva is the best. Its on Bridge End, and that's as central as you can really get.

Looks and Appearance.

I didn't actually get that many pictures inside the restaurant. We were too busy chatting and eating, and the restaurant was fairly busy with people who had made reservations so I didn't want to be taking pictures with unsuspecting people's faces in them - especially not when they were eating. The interior was unique and inviting with a personal feel. There was also a very, as stupid as it sounds, Italian feel to it. It was a very homely place in general, and the minute you walk through the door it feels like walking into a friend's house or a family member's house, it has such an atmosphere.
There are loads of paintings and pictures everywhere, and every table has roses in a glass vase.
The little touches are what make this restaurant special.
The Food.

We began with a flatbread type thing - I'm really sorry that I don't know specifically what it was, but it was just brought out to us, we didn't order it. Despite my illiteracy there, whatever it was, it was really tasty and very light. It had a very Mediterranean flavouring, and I'm glad we had it.

I ordered Spaghetti alla Carbonara. Carbonara is one of my favourite dishes of all time. This was a really good Carbonara. It had lovely flavours and textures, and it wasn't too rich or sickly as some Carbonara's can be. It was comfort food made at an excellent quality. I highly recommend you try this if you go.
We ordered dessert to share between us all, however I will admit I was the one who ate the most of them.
We selected the Homemade Tiramisu, and it was beautiful. It was well presented and the textures and flavours were great.
As if we hadn't eaten enough, we also ordered a Homemade Crème Brulee. It was a perfect texture - not sloppy, just right. The flavouring was great and it was rich yet light.

When we paid the bill, they gave us all Dark Chocolate Truffles, which was a nice touch.

The Final Summary.

Visiting Viva was great, and I would happily go back there for dinner. There was a welcoming atmosphere, and the service was great with dishes altered to suit us, and all dishes made fresh. The staff made us feel like family and were very helpful.

The Final Words.

Viva have a website (HERE).

I hope that this post was enjoyable for you. Have you been to Viva? Would you like to go? If you have any restaurant recommendations for me, let me know. Also, if you have any ideas for upcoming posts, then tell me.

I hope that you have a nice day!

GingerSnaps xxx

Thursday 9 January 2014

It's So In Vogue! - Fashion, Supermodels, Models, and Fashion Photography - Lily Cole


I've recently been juggling writing a theatre review and a restaurant review, but today when I started up my computer, I didn't really feel like writing either, and that's OK. I did want to post something though, so I decided to create this series. I have a real interest in the Fashion Industry, and so this series seemed to make sense.

Today's instalment is about Supermodels. My idea for this is a particular person, company, or magazine at a time. So, today, we are going to have a natter about one of my favourite Supermodels...

I know I don't really need a disclaimer for this, but I know a lot of people have very strong opinions on the fashion industry, and in particular, on models. I think that these ideas are often a misunderstanding of the industry, and the work and dedication involved. The fashion industry is a field I would love to work in, and have a real interest in, and so if you do have strong opinions that may offend anyone, please keep them to yourself. Thank you.

Lily Cole.

Yes, Lily Cole. I love her so much.

 She is, probably, my favourite model ever. She is perusing other career paths and ideas at the moment, but she does still model.

 Her work is really beautiful and her knowledge of art is very clear in her work.
Her doll like features, her beautiful skin and hair and her elegant body shape, as well as her unique and stunning technique when modelling, all add to the work she creates.
Her work has real personality, and life and there is something behind her work that shows a real depth and tells such a story.

She was discovered at just 14 years old, in London.
At the age of 16, she became the youngest model to appear on the cover of (British) Vogue.
She won a British Fashion Award for Best Model, and it was well flipping deserved if you ask me.

She is very environmentally conscious and does a lot of work to support the environment. As well as this, she does a lot for the people, and does charity work.
On top of all that, Lily has her own site called "" which is a really amazing concept. It's a social giving network (like a social network, but better), and it invites you to help others and share your skills with them, and for them to do the same for you. While she has said that she originally considered not putting her name to "impossible" - because then people associate it just with the famous name, and not with the real project. However, I think that it's good that we can all have someone to be thankful towards for the website.

I think that she is an amazing person, and we could all learn so much from her.

The Final Notes.

I will leave you with a link to Lily's work - she is signed to Storm Models.

I will also leave you with a link to - check it out.

I hope that this post was enjoyable for you. It was most certainly enjoyable for me, and I hope this series can continue in a good way, and be of interest to you all. Are you familiar with Lily Cole's work? Do you like her work? What do you think about ""? Are you a user of ""? What do you think of her environmental and humanitarian work?

Have a lovely jubbly day!

GingerSnaps xxx

Sunday 5 January 2014

I've Been Thinking... - Time To Hit F5?


So, New Year and all that jazz. A whole fresh start, and a time to weigh things up. I like the prospect of this. Would anyone like a chat about it?

I don't make "resolutions", because hardly anybody can stick to a resolution, can they? In previous years, I have said that I have made a resolution, but it has been a silly one, like "To eat more cake," - I'm proud of that one, I can't lie. I mostly just did it out of tradition.
This year, I didn't bother making a resolution, or even really saying the word.
Something else that I'm not particularly keen on is the phrase "New Year, New Me".
 People that say this phrase don't tend to want to create a completely "New" them, but it just seems to me that it's like trying to be something you aren't or can't (poet and, yep, I know) be. 
I have had some ideas which I believe will help me "refresh", so I can be the "best version" of me. I'm not making promises I can't keep, and I'm not trying to become somebody else.
 I am who I am, as cliché as that is, but there is always a way that you can push what you are doing, strive for more, and benefit the person you are.
I've constructed a bullet pointed list - what did you expect, you guys know I love a bullet pointed list! - to show you the kind of "refreshes" that I'm going to see through and give you a better idea of what I'm trying to say.
My F5/Refresh List.
  • Make better use of my time and do more. I did a bunch of really great things in 2013, and did lots in all the other years of my life.  2014 has 12 untouched months - give or take the first few days of January - to add some exciting adventures, days out, days in, trips, weekends away. I want to make sure that I use the time I have wisely, and have more adventures, because I enjoy them.
  • Keep on top of my fitness. Throughout my life, I've always had an OK level of fitness, but I have noticed in recent years that its been deteriorating. My refresh here is to make sure that I do something to ensure that my body is fitter and healthier so that I can live better and do more.
  • Put more energy into this blog. I love my blog. I check my account everyday, I think about my posts, I try and make sure my posts are of a standard I can be proud of and I constantly photograph things "for the blog", even though I tend to have a lot of issues with uploading pictures, which is why you don't always get to see the pictures I specifically take for you lot to see. I would like to post some more, I would like to expand this blog, and help it grow.
See, only a few little things, really, which are "refreshed" versions of what I already do.
You know when you hit that F5 button? You hit it because the page has been sitting there for a while and you want to check if anything has changed. You hit it because the page isn't quite how you'd like it to be. 
My "F5/Refresh" plan is my way of refreshing the pages of me. To see if anything is different. To help make things a bit more like I'd like them to be.
I hope that you enjoyed this post, and that it has maybe inspired you to make an "F5/Refresh" list. I hope that the New Year is being kind to you so far.
Have a lovely day, you lovely human.
GingerSnaps xxx

Friday 3 January 2014

Food Glorious Food! - Restaurant Review - The Botanist, Leeds.


I haven't done a resturant review in absolute donkeys. I do, however, love food, and eating out so I think a review is in order.

The first weekend in December, my Mom, my Nan, and me went to Leeds. We stayed with my Auntie, and had a brilliant time. On the Saturday, we went out shopping and the like and obviously had to stop for lunch. My Auntie recommended The Botanist, which is physically underneath the Trinity Centre.
Looks and Appearance.

I'm sure you can understand what I mean about it being underneath the Trinity Centre from the last photo in this section. It's down a little set of steps. There is outdoor seating, and there are some rather efficient heaters out there, so you should be OK. We however went inside.
The interior of The Botanist is something else, it really is, or at least I think so. It is very inviting and welcoming. It has a rustic, indie kind of charm, which really appeals to me, and there are some really innovative uses of space and unique decorative features, like a chandelier made from different glasses, cups, ect. That chandelier happens to be the one thing I didn't get a picture of. There were also lots of random little features, which made everything feel as though it was collected over time by someone, and they had no idea where to put it, so put it wherever they thought it looked good.
The Food.

We'd been out and about all day and had meal plans for the evening so decided that it would be best to just have some "nibble-y" type foods. We noticed the Deli Boards, and decided to give them a go. The idea is that you choose four things from any parts of the list to make up your board.
My Mom and I chose to share a board. We selected some Parma Ham, which was really tasty and had little to no fat on it. We had some Lancashire Cheese, which had strong flavouring and a great texture. The Roast Chicken was chicken, really, although it was very nice and complemented the rest of the platter dishes. The Home-dried Tomatoes were rich and luxurious but not oily or greasy as some dried tomatoes can be.
We also ordered some Properly Seasoned Chips - that is what they are actually called, its not just me commenting early. They were actually very nicely seasoned, so I didn't have to do anything.
The Final Summary.
I really enjoyed visiting The Botanist, and would happily return. It was a very relaxed atmosphere. The staff were helpful and friendly, and I enjoyed the food. I'd advise you to check it out, if you are ever in Leeds.
The Final Words.
The Botanist have a website (HERE).
So, that's all for today then folks. I hope you enjoyed the review, I know I haven't done one like this in a really long time, but I do have a bunch lined up, so fear not dear Foodies. Have you been to The Botanist? Are you interested in going? Let me know your thoughts.
Have a really good day!
GingerSnaps xxx



Wednesday 1 January 2014

So, To Sum It All Up - December Summary.


December has been a great month. I've managed to pack a heck of a lot into it and I've had a lot of fun. I want to share with you some of my December highlights, and also say HAPPY NEW YEAR! since it's now January, so not just a new month, but a new year.

Having "Booked Up" Weekends.
My weekends have been booked up fully all through December. One weekend, I was in Leeds, the next in London, the next shopping and a pantomime with my friends, and the weekend just gone I was staying with my Auntie and some of my cousins. I've loved packing my bags, the long journeys, and the amount of wonderful things that I have been able to do while staying at all these places/visiting these places. I've done so many awesome things this December, and I'd like to thank everyone that I've spent time with for contributing to that fact. Being so busy has meant that I have spent more time with the people I care about and that is something, I feel, should be recognised.
While I've loved being busy, I do look forward to a weekend or two off, to chill and "be bored".
Find a post from way back when about me being busy (HERE). 
Christmas and Festivities.
I love Christmas, as most people do. It's always such a lovely time. It is a time where we fill our days with giving, receiving, relaxing and happiness. Over this Christmas period, I have carried through my traditions, I've enjoyed lots of things and eaten lots of food. I've loved seeing everyone's faces when they opened their cards and gifts; I think I bought very well this year. I also received some absolutely wonderful gifts from my friends and family, I feel very lucky and grateful - thanks you guys!

To find multiple posts about me feeling excited for Christmas, look (HERE), and (HERE).
To discover some of my traditions, look (HERE).
Find my Christmas Eve post, (HERE), you can also find my Christmas Day post, (HERE).
Finally you can find my Boxing Day post, (HERE).

Pampering and Relaxing.

Since I've been so busy, I've tried to relax where I can. I've turned to some well loved brands to help me out. I mostly used Christmas Eve onwards to relax, because I've been so busy aside those days. Sometimes, even a simple shower with some great products, and some time on the sofa in your pyjamas, can make you feel so much more rested and relaxed.

Find a post about some great pampering products, (HERE).

Having Some Fresh Ideas.

I've had some ideas for things I can do and projects I can take on. I've started some already and I will be sure to keep you up to speed.

That's about it for this summary. I know this one has been fairly short but the things in each section have been big things for me, and have taken up lots of my time. So, I hope you enjoyed. Here's to the new year, and 12 new months to summarise.

My Favourite YouTube Video Of December.

I have watched little to no YouTube this past month - I've been too busy and I just haven't felt like watching any - I might catch up this month. Therefore, I'm going to have to link up the only YouTube video I've watched this month which is the Alexa Chung Makeup Tutorial by "Pixiwoo", (HERE). I like Pixiwoo videos a lot and I like Alexa Chung a lot so this was a good match. It was a nice watch. 

My Favourite Blog Post Of December. 

I always keep up to speed on blogs, so I have a lot of choice for this one. I've recently started reading "The London Project" - written by the lovely Charlotte, of Charlotte's Web, (HERE), fame. I liked Hello My Name Is Paul Smith, (HERE). Granted it isn't very wordy, but Charlotte is good with a camera and the exhibition is very cool.
As it's the New Year, I'll add in some blogs you might want to check out in 2014. I've enjoyed posts on A Rosie Outlook (HERE) - big surprise - as well as Charlotte's Web and The London Project, mentioned above. I'll link my friends Lauren, and Elf Girl, (HERE) and (HERE).
So, that's it for that summary. I really enjoy piecing these posts together. I hope you've enjoyed this post and that I didn't ramble on about blogs too much. I'll be speaking to you all very soon, and I hope that the New Year is treating you well.
Have a cool day!

GingerSnaps xxx