
Friday 28 February 2014

I've Been Thinking... - I Have Some News!


Yes, you read that title right. I have news for you all. If you cast your mind allllll the way back to August, you might remember I mentioned in (THIS) post that we were thinking of moving house. Fast forward a few months and look at where we are...

I mentioned in said post that we were thinking of moving house, and had a plan for a specific house which was the one I spoke about in August. However, that didn't work out, and that's probably for the best as it was one of the first houses we looked at, and I don't think now, in hindsight, it would have been just right for us. We didn't get disheartened, though, we kept looking. And it turns out that that led us to a lovely house, which we love. We offered and it was successful. That was the start of Autumn last year, and during this week , we received the news that at last that house was ours.

I am so excited about this move.

 We found such a lovely house, and cannot wait to get stuck in, and make it our own.

I'm so happy that I can share this news with you guys, and am looking forward to sharing our progress with you as well as sharing home-ware/home décor posts.

I hope you enjoyed this post, and are looking forward to sharing this move with me.
What do you think about me moving house? Do you have any useful tips for moving, cleaning or decorating? Do you have any suggestions for home posts you'd like to see? Let me know in the comments.
Thanks for reading guys, and I'll speak to you soon.

Have a marvellous day!

GingerSnaps xxx

Saturday 22 February 2014

It's So In Vogue! - Fashion, Supermodels, Models and Fashion Photography - Georgia May Jagger.


I'd firstly like to apologise for what may have seemed like a miniature blogging hiatus. I've been busy and doing lots of lovely things which I can't wait to share, so have been a bit slack on the blogging front. I knew I'd be busy and considered scheduling some things, and never got round to it. Sorry if you just so happened to miss me - I really hope somebody did!
Anywho, I have another instalment in my Fashion Industry series today. Its another model based post, and I hope that you enjoy it.

I know I don't really need a disclaimer for this, but I know a lot of people have very strong opinions on the fashion industry, and in particular, on models. I think that these ideas are often a misunderstanding of the industry, and the work and dedication involved. The fashion industry is a field I would love to work in, and have a real interest in, and so if you do have strong opinions that may offend anyone, please keep them to yourself. Thank you.

Georgia May Jagger.

Little Miss Georgia May Jagger... 

I really like Georgia May Jagger. She has a very individual look, and whenever I see her work, I can tell it is her within moments.

She has a very unique look. I think an obvious main player in that is the shape of her mouth, as well as the gap in her teeth and the shape of her teeth, (maybe that amazing mouth comes from being a Jagger...). It's really special, and unique to her, and really works so well.

Georgia looks very youthful, and yet not immature. She just always looks so fresh and radiant, which is so pleasing to the eye.

When she's working, Georgia isn't afraid to try something different. Her poses are classic with her own modern twist on them.

In December 2009, she was very rightly (in my opinion) awarded a Model Of The Year Award (beating competition such as Rosie Huntington-Whitely).

Georgia featured in the London 2012 Olympic Closing Ceremony alongside models like Lily Cole (post HERE), Kate Moss and Jourdan Dunn, and is one of the faces of Rimmel London (fronting campaigns for their Stay Matte Foundation among other products).

My personal favourite shoots of hers are "Dream A Little Dream" with Vogue, alongside the shoot she did for the Chanel Pre Autumn/Winter 2010 collection look-book photographed by Karl Lagerfeld himself.

The Final Notes.

I'll leave you with her agency page - she is signed to Tess Management - (HERE).

And her Vogue pages (HERE).

Right, so that's that for today. I hope that you have enjoyed this post, everyone. It's so good to be back in the blogging seat, I miss this gig when I'm not at the computer. 
Did you like this post? What do you think of Georgia May Jagger's work? What do you like about it? Do you have any suggestions for upcoming posts? Let me know in the comments, I'd love to chat to you!
I'll see you soon for some more posts and I hope you didn't miss me too much in my absence... Hehe...

Have an utterly lovely day!

GingerSnaps xxx



Friday 14 February 2014

All You Need Is Love... - Valentines Day 2014


Today is Valentines Day. Its a funny one, is Valentines Day. You either love it or loathe it. I feel like most people just need perspective on Valentines Day, because no matter what your situation, you can enjoy it.

As I mentioned in (THIS) post, Valentines Day is not just about couples. Valentines Day is a day for showing the people/things/animals you care about love and providing a little bit o happiness for them.

Another thing which I think bugs people is that it can be "too cheesy". I do agree that some people go so overboard it can make you feel nauseous, but whether it is a big showy display of affection or a candle on the dinner table, it can be incredibly sweet.
For me, personally, it is about doing something extra special to *remind* people you love them. It shouldn't be a day where you *prove it* to someone.

I like Valentines Day because I am happy in the knowledge that I love a lot of things in this world, and I can reflect on them as I chose. Its also a pretty sweet day to be a rom com, which we all know I love (side note, Happy Valentines Day Mr Richard Curtis, creator of the films which I love the most! and also being a bloomin good egg all round.)

To all you beautiful people reading this, Happy Valentines Day. I hope you have/have had a wonderful day and that you have enjoyed yourself. I love you all very, very much and you do not understand how much every page view, comment and follow means to me - whether I know you personally or not.
Friends, family, blog readers and everything else in between, I love you and thanks for your support. xxx

I hope you have enjoyed this blog post, and that it has brought some happiness into your day. I love you all.
Have you had a good day? What do you think of Valentines Day? Do you have anything else you would like to say? Let me know in the comments.

Have a LOVE-ly day,

GingerSnaps xxx

Tuesday 11 February 2014

I've Been Thinking... - Things That I Love... LOTS.


So, for those of you who have been living under a rock/don't celebrate it, it's Valentines Day on Friday. Now, I know that some people love it, and some people hate it but I guess you are going to have to accept it.

I personally like Valentines Day. I spend it with family and friends. To me, it is some time spent with friends, and a meal with family before one of my beloved rom-com's in my pyjamas.
I don't think people should dwell on "couple status" when it is a day based upon love and love comes in many different ways (e.g family, friends, pets, shoes, handbags, food, coffee in the morning... whatever takes your fancy).
All love should be celebrated as far as I am concerned (even if it means putting a party hat on a kitten... that made more sense in my head... I'm so sorry...).

Therefore, to show how love can mean many a different thing, I have compiled a list of some things I LOVE... LOTS.

Films I LOVE...

My favourite film of all is About Time.
I cannot even put into words how much I LOVE it. It feels like it was made just for me - it wasn't, obviously, but hey. It could not be more perfect - in my eyes. I LOVE IT!

To see more films I LOVE, head on over to my Blogger Profile.

Music I LOVE...

The artists I LOVE includes Van Morrison, Elbow, and Jake Bugg.

To see more music I LOVE, see my Blogger Profile.

If you want to talk about the songs that I LOVE, then let me know in the comments and I can chat to you there, or update the post. It's no bother, I would LOVE to.

Models I LOVE...

I LOVE models like Lily Cole, Georgia May Jagger and Kate Moss and LOVE their work and creativity.
I LOVE quite a few other models, but will discuss them in my upcoming additions to the "It's So In Vogue!" series.

Places I LOVE...

To name but a few places I LOVE - Northern Ireland, the area I live in, London, St Albans/Watford, Leamington Spa, Leeds, York, Barcelona....

I could go on about the places which I LOVE all day, but I wouldn't want to bore you. If you want to I would LOVE a conversation in the comments about it!

Blogs I LOVE...

In no particular order... A Rosie Outlook (HERE), Charlottes Web (HERE), The London Project (HERE), Little Winter (HERE), Chronicles Of The Red Herring (HERE), I Get The Feeling (HERE) and Zero Reality (HERE).

To see a few more blogs I LOVE, click on my Blogger Profile.

People I LOVE...

I LOVE my amazing family.
I LOVE my wonderful friends.
I LOVE all the people who inspire me, whether it is through music, fashion, art, books, anything, and are all round good eggs.
I LOVE all of the people who read this blog, who hopefully LOVE it and who have supported me - whether you have read from June 2013 or 5 minutes ago.

So, just a short post today. I probably could have gotten through many a category, however I think "short and sweet" was a good approach for today. I just wanted to remind people to focus on the little things that matter to them in this week of love and stuff.
What do you love? Did you enjoy this post? Let me know in the comments.
And, that, as they say is a wrap...

Have a marvellous day...

GingerSnaps xxx

Sunday 9 February 2014

Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do! - Music - Album Review - The Seldom Seen Kid by Elbow.


In recent weeks, I've considered doing an album review on my blog. Music is something that is a real passion of mine. I am, however, very conscious of the fact that I am not a musician, and am not aware of the right words to use and can only tell you how the music affects me. However, I hope this will work to my advantage and make this more relatable to you as a reader.

I decided to review an album by one of my favourite bands (if not my favourite) so that I'd feel more comfortable with the whole thing. So, here it goes. I will warn you now, this will be a lengthy post.

I'd just like to reiterate what I said previously about me not being a musician, or a musical expert. I do, however, enjoy listening to music and have opinions I would like to share.  I have given my 100% honest views. I am not working with any brands/companies on these reviews nor am I interested. Also, while you are free to share your thoughts in the comments, be respectful of others, and be aware of the work that goes into albums. Ta very muchly.

The Album.

The Seldom Seen Kid is Elbow's fourth studio album.

Track List.

Track One - Starlings.

Track Two - The Bones of You.

Track Three - Mirrorball.

Track Four - Grounds For Divorce.

Track Five - An Audience With The Pope.

Track Six - Weather To Fly.

Track Seven - The Loneliness Of A Tower Crane Driver.

Track Eight - The Fix.

Track Nine - Some Riot.

Track Ten - One Day Like This.

Track Eleven - Friends Of Ours.

Track Twelve/Bonus Track - We're Away.

Song by Song Review.

Track One - Starlings.

The introduction to this song is really unique, with an almost chant like feel. I like the use of interesting instruments during the introduction as well as the vocals and how it leads into beautiful music, which to me, sounds like flight and gracefulness.

The lyrics are clear and beautifully written, with Guy Garvey's voice really guiding the lyrics. The message of this song is beautifully conveyed.

This piece just flows and drifts, and despite the constant change in the music and vocal volume and tempo, it somehow all comes together in a gorgeous way.

I feel like this piece really shows just how exceptionally talented Elbow are as a band, and also as artists.

I really love this song.

Track Two - The Bones Of You.

This song has a slight folky theme. I really like the simplicity of the music, because it is still so effective. It doesn't overbear, but it doesn't fade away into the background.
The bridge of this song has a nod to rock which I like, as it is like all the emotion of the song has built up to that release.
The music speaks for itself here, and almost resembles the mind, in a strange way.

I really like the lyrics of this song, and the emotion that comes through strongly.
Personally, I find that you can connect with this song instantly and this really appeals to me.

I'd also like to mention the ending of this song. It's faded and simple and lovely. I feel like it adds a really personally touch.

Track Three - Mirrorball.

Mirrorball is one of my favourite songs, I'd just like to point that out now.

Mirrorball is such a soft, gentle piece.

The lyrics of this song are so, so gorgeous, and Guy Garvey's voice is stunning in this piece. This song is beautiful, and it really stands out for me on this album.

The music is complimentary to everything else in this piece, and completes the song.
This track really showcases the talents of Elbow.

Listen to this and you'll see exactly what I mean.

Track Four - Grounds For Divorce.

I really like this. I think it would be fair to say that this isn't necessarily typical Elbow, but it really works.
On listening to this, I see that this result is what lots of other artists aim for in their work, but I think that, in a way, only Elbow could do this.

The music is modern and yet classic. It has a nods to rock, alternative and indie music all in one, I think.

Lyrics are, as per usual, amazing. The lyrics here are bitter - is that the right word? - and yet are not aggressive and meaningless. How do they do it?

Track Five -  An Audience With The Pope.

Unique, is how I feel I can best describe the actual music of this song.

An Audience With The Pope is really pleasing to the ears. It's relaxed, and feels like an insight into somebody's mind. The lyrics are so great, and I highly enjoy listening to this song.

This song has a laidback, near 1960's style - or at least that's what I can hear. The music here is lovely as are the lyrics, and I think they are a really good pairing.

It fits together well and I don't think it gets enough credit. I like this one a lot.

Track Six - Weather To Fly.

Gentle, flowing, amazing.

Weather To Fly is just lovely. It is such easy listening, and such a sweet sound.

The lyrics are meaningful and wonderful. They speak in a delicate way to you as a listener and the music is so complimentary.

 I feel like Elbow really struck on something here and I think this is one of those hidden gems you find on albums and I'm proud to have found it. To me, its softly conveyed message made it even nicer to listen to, because it could have easily been thrown at my face and it wasn't - it was soothing and well thought out.

Lovely stuff.

Track Seven - The Loneliness Of A Tower Crane Driver.

Heavy, strong drums begin this and guide it throughout.

This is one of the less known pieces Elbow have crafted and yet it is so emotional, beautiful and incredibly powerful.

The piece finishes with gentle, emotive ascending music.

The lyrics and music is just amazing and I cannot find fault.

I haven't written much for this one, because I don't think I'd say what I want to say about it.

 It is just gorgeous.

Well done lads.

Track Eight - The Fix.

The Fix is almost Latin American-y. It's almost Cuban - is that just me?

Rich music, rich vocals, rich lyrics. Gotta love it.
I do quite like this, as it is unusual and different.

This makes my ears happy, and I think that its a lovely piece of work, with lots and lots of layers and depth. It's intriguing and unique.

Track Nine - Some Riot.

I really, really like this.

Some Riot is a stunning piece of work. It wouldn't be out of place in a performance i.e theatre or film - and that should only be taken as a compliment and not as anything else.

I really love the way this sounds. I love the sentiment behind this song, and the raw and edgy feel that it has.

It has the ability to transport you to another place in your mind which I find amazing and fascinating.

Music like this reminds me why I listen to music in the first place.

Track Ten - One Day Like This.

I would recognise this song anywhere, and I can pick it out from a mile away.

 This song is an anthem, and a king among music. This song matters to so many people, and this is one of my most favourite songs in the world.

The music can only be described as gorgeous.
The lyrics can only be described as sublime.
The vocals can only be described as amazing.
 All together, they can only be described as legendary art.

This song can fill me with joy and optimism - no matter what.

This song is one of Elbow's most famous, and rightly so. It is one of the most amazing things, and I love this song to absolute eternity. I cannot recommend you listening to this song enough.

It is utter perfection.

Track Eleven - Friends Of Ours.

A gem from the album. Its calming, its soothing.

Friends Of Ours is just delightful and a pleasure to listen to. It is a really special piece of music in my eyes and I could listen to it for a long time.

There is something about Friends Of Ours which I can't quite place, but it really makes this piece wonderful.

Its very, very good stuff.

Track Twelve/Bonus Track - We're Away.

This song is sounds so sweet and peaceful.

Thank goodness my album has this bonus track, because it is so lovely.

It is the shortest track on the whole album, and yet it is so special, personal, and filled with beauty.

I really do have a soft spot for We're Away, and I do not think it gets nearly enough recognition.

The Final Notes.

If I had to rate this album between one and five stars, I personally would award it five stars.

It is a work of art and beauty.

I would highly recommend you listen to it, buy it and just in general listen to it, because as far as I am concerned I cannot see you regretting it in any way.

Right then, well I hope you enjoyed this post. You have no idea how long I have been working on this, but I am proud of the end result. I hope that I can do more posts like this in the future, because I found this a whole lot of fun.
Are you interested in this album? If you have listened to it before, do you have a favourite song from it? What do you think of Elbow? Let me know in the comments.
That is it for today then, guys. I will speak to you very soon.

Have a marvellous day!

GingerSnaps xxx


Monday 3 February 2014

Celebrate Good Times! - Happy Birthday To You... - Happy Birthday Auntie S.


So, you alright? It'll only be a short post today, because it is more of a personal thing than anything else.

Today is my Auntie S's Birthday (I shortened it to "S" because I don't want to use her full name), and I know she reads this blog all the time, so I thought I would dedicate a post to her birthday.

"S" as you will be known on this blog, Happy Birthday. I hope you have enjoyed your day, and are still having fun.
Thank you for being the wonderful Auntie that you are.
Thanks for the pantomime bookings, the catch ups with a cuppa, the music/sing alongs on car journeys, days out and fun - just to name a tiny few of the amazing things you do.
Love you lots and lots.

Have a great day people!

GingerSnaps xxx

Saturday 1 February 2014

So, To Sum It All Up - January Summary.


The first month of the year is gone already, so we are well and truly into 2014 now. January has been a unique month to say the least and I've got some things to share, so here you go guys, my summary.

Keeping Up With My "F5/Refresh List".

I've never really been one to stick to resolutions or anything like that, and my "F5/Refresh List", was, for me, a different way of making some changes. I set myself three little goals, and knew they were things I was completely determined to do.

I've spent my time more wisely, although maybe not as much so as I would like. I've gone back to the Warner Bros Studio Tour for the third time with my beautiful cousins and gone out for meals, and I've had days in which I've really enjoyed. I would like to keep developing this "F5/Refresh" so that when I look back on February, I see tons more cool stuff than this month.

I have definitely kept on top of my fitness this month - if you would like to see how, let me know. I feel like I have really achieved something and I can really see and feel the results. I've finally found what works for me, and I couldn't be more proud of myself. I'm also happy I've kept this up for so long, and I will continue to.

My final item on the list was to put even more energy than normal into the blog, and I feel I've done this. I've had new ideas, created a new series and found a way around my computer not letting me upload pictures to my posts to improve my content. I sincerely hope you've enjoyed and that you'll stick around to see how I'll put even more effort into this month.

To see my "F5/Refresh List" post, click (HERE).

To see one of the ways I have spent my time in January, click (HERE).
To see the new series I created in January, click (HERE) and (HERE).

Spending Time With My Family and Friends.

I love whenever I get chance to see or do something with my friends and family and have had some lovely opportunities over the past month to do so. It's also been a month where I have realised even more than usual how much I love my friends and family.

I think this is one of the most important highlights of this post.

Making Some Decisions and Arrangements.

Throughout the month, myself and other people have made decisions and arrangements for February and further down the line. I'm excited to share some of the plans with you and do some posts about what I've been up to.

My Favourite Blog Posts of January.

I've got a selection of posts for you this month.

"La Musique De Ma Coeur" on Chronicles Of The Red Herring (HERE).

I thought this post was lovely. My friend Elf Girl has a new blog - Chronicles Of The Red Herring - and it shows her thoughtful, "deep creativity" and advice giving side, which I think is great. I liked this post the most, and advise you to check it out now.

"A Festive Film Review: Frozen" on I Get The Feeling (HERE).

I am a massive Disney addict, and my friend Lauren reviewed Frozen really well. I thought it was nice to see a film review, as not many of the blogs I read have that kind of content. Also, Lauren, if you're reading this... "Do you wanna build a snowman?"...

"Reasons We Like Weekends" on Little Winter (HERE).

I discovered Little Winter at the start of this month, and I love, love, love it! This post was so simple and yet so good. Also, I really want heart shaped plates and jars to drink juice from...

And that's that. I've got rid of the YouTube Video section, and so I hope you enjoyed it.
What did you get up to in January? Did you have fun? What do you think about the blog posts I recommended?
I look forward to posting more this month, and I have lots of fresh ideas in my mind right now. Let's see how it all pans out.

Have a completely fabulous day!

GingerSnaps xxx