
Monday 17 March 2014

Be Lucky! - Saint Patrick's Day 2014.


Oh hello there! So, a short celebratory post today, concerning my heritage.

For those of you who don't know, I have Irish roots from both sides directly, and am half Irish.
My Dad was born and raised in Ireland and my Mom, despite being born in England, has Irish parents. And then everything in the past has been Irish too. Oh and former competitive Irish Dancer over here (and occasional Irish Dance Teacher)... ahem.
 So, Saint Patrick's Day is a bit of a deal.

I have been to many a museum on my childhood trips to Ireland which were about Saint Patrick, and have many a story book about him in my collection. I still love the whole concept, and find it really interesting
If you don't know about Saint Patrick, or would like to find out more, click (HERE), and do some searching.

Now I don't go out on Saint Patrick's Day, we don't have parties or anything like that, but it is a day that I enjoy.
 I always wear shamrock, real or sometimes, if I can't get my hands on any, then in pin badge/ribbon/etc. form. My family also text each other messages and in the past we have been to peoples houses or pubs for a catch up and get together.

I think it is a wonderful day that brings people together, reminds them of their culture/educates people on other cultures, and is something that everyone can get involved with should the want to.

So, wherever in the world you are, however you may be connected to Ireland, even if just through stories and photographs, Happy Saint Patrick's Day! 
May you be lucky and happy.
Love you guys xxx

Oh, and just before I go, Happy Birthday to my friend H (not a Steps reference). She doesn't read my blog, as far as I know, but it would be a shame not to mention her, especially since I am already writing. Happy Birthday lovely! x

Yes, so that is absolutely it for today, everyone. I hope that you liked this post and that it perked up your day a bit.
Do you celebrate Saint Patrick's Day? Do you have any Irish connections? Do you have any suggestions for upcoming posts? Let me know in the comments.
I will speak to you all soon guys, but I would love to chat to you in the comments in the meantime. Anyway...

Have a totally fabulous day!

GingerSnaps xxx

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