
Friday 21 March 2014

Let's Make a Change - Charity Telethons - Sport Relief 2014


Today, I wanted to talk to you about Charity/Charity telethons. You might remember (THIS) post, if you have been here a long time. This post is similar, but it is in relation to a different charity.

Sport Relief is part of the Comic Relief group. There is a Sport Relief charity telethon shown every other year in March on the BBC. Comic Relief has been going since 1985, but I'm not sure how long Sport Relief has been a part of that for.

Sport Relief helps here in the UK and internationally too. The money raised is spent on providing better futures for people, creating healthier finances for communities and individuals, helping people find employment, reducing exploitation, abuse and violence and helping make communities stronger.

To find out more, click (HERE). 

You may have heard about Davina McCall's "Beyond Breaking Point Challenge", and if you haven't, look it up. She went above and beyond to raise money for Sport Relief and to try and improve peoples lives. Obviously, you don't have to swim Lake Windermere and go through exhaustion and hypothermia, but you can still contribute.

I'm not watching it this year, because I'm busy, but I have donated. Every tiny bit of donation money can change a life, so please, give what you can, even if it is only a pound. I'm sure that we can all appreciate how much this matters to some people, and we should all look after each other.

So, I hope you do what you can over the next few days, and that you all enjoy your weekends.
What do you think about the work Sport Relief do? Are you watching it this year? Have you donated? Do you want to donate? Do you have any suggestions for upcoming posts? Let me know in the comments.
Love you lots guys, speak to you soon. Please do what you can and...

Have a completely and utterly great day!

GingerSnaps xxx


  1. have u been following the Alex against the rock ?

    1. No, actually, I hadn't been following. Just had a look now, though, and that is amazing. Its so good to see people trying to help others and really challenging themselves, isn't it. GingerSnaps xxx
