
Sunday 16 March 2014

I've Been Thinking... - Things I Like About The Weekends.


I know I have been incredibly slack on the blogging front lately, and for that I am very, very sorry. But, no matter, I'm here today with a little post for you about the little things I like about weekends (in general, not just this one).

1.      Little lie-ins. My lie in's only really last till about nine o'clock at the latest, because I get annoyed if I feel I am wasting a day, but I don't see anything wrong with staying under a warm, snuggly duvet for just that little bit longer... Bliss.
2.      Going out with friends and family. I love spending time with my friends and family, and whether it is big deal eat-your-Weetabix kind of a day out like the ones we had in November and December, or just an evening spent out having something to eat like I did with some of my friends yesterday. It just makes me very happy. (1)
3.      Making the most of any weather. If it is sunny outside, we'll go out to a park somewhere, or we'll go "on an adventure" to a castle/stately home/places of interest. If the weather is otherwise, then we'll go shopping, stay in and watch films or go and visit friends/family. I find on "working" days, every kind of weather can provoke a sigh - if it's sunny it's an "I'm stuck inside" sigh, if it's otherwise then it's an "again?" sigh - but the weekends are different.
4.      Blogging. I have more time to blog and plan out ideas on weekends, because I don't have to rush myself so much. I like that. Also, I can round off the weeks blog reading which is always brilliant.
5.      Pamper Evenings. I can almost always find time for a pamper evening over the weekends, and that means a bit of quality time to wind down. Got to love it. (2)
(1) = See (HERE) for a post about being busy in November and December.

(2) = See (HERE) for a post about Pamper Evenings.

There are, of course, other reasons that I like weekends, but I thought that just a short and sweet post would suffice today.

Have you enjoyed this post? Would you like to know more things I like about weekends? What do you like about the weekends? Do you have any ideas for upcoming posts? Let me know in the comments.

I hope you have enjoyed this post, and can forgive my recent lack of blogging. I will speak to you all soon, and I hope that you...

Have an utterly wonderful day!

GingerSnaps xxx


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