
Wednesday 19 March 2014

Oh My Life! - Tales Of My Life and Times - Noodles, Peter Kay, ExtraHot Hot Sauce, Fall Out Boy and Birthdays!


Today I want to tell you all about how I spent my time a few weekends ago. I know, I'm behind on my blogging a bit, but oh well - win some lose some.

On the Friday night, my older cousin came to stay with us. After a group walk around my neighbourhood in my pyjamas (I'd like to say that's the first time I had done that, but it wasn't...), we returned home with a Chinese takeaway; the line up including Singapore Noodles and Sweet and Sour Chicken. We also opened a bar of Dairy Milk, and sat and watched "Peter Kay In Conversation" which was still on our Sky Planner (other TV thingys are available). We were originally going to watch "The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy" (great film!) but we needed to download it from Sky On Demand first, and it took forever!

On Saturday morning, my cousin went home, I washed my hair and we went around to the new house. We finished stripping all the wallpaper upstairs with the help of a steamer, and a friend of ours came round to help paint the living room and kitchen. I left at 4 because I was going out 6:30, but everyone else stayed at the house until 7 or something! I kind of felt bad for not staying and helping but sometimes your social life needs attention.
Some friends and I went out to Nando's for something to eat to celebrate my friend H's birthday, mentioned (HERE). I say "some friends" because there were about three or four people who were invited that couldn't make it, and that was a massive shame. Still, we all ate chicken, as you do at Nando's, and had a really good  time. I had a Medium spice Chicken Burger with Chips and the Extra Hot Sauce served in a black bottle marked with a red X, and couldn't resist a White Chocolate and Raspberry Swirl Cheesecake and a cup of tea.
For those interested, I wore a cream peasant blouse, skinny jeans, my Converse High Tops and some braces.

If you want to see the Nando's website and find out more, click (HERE).

Then on Sunday, we went out for a cooked breakfast and for a little shop. From there it was around to the new house for a bit, and then home to watch the football on the tellybox. I half watched, half caught up on my blogging/blog reading. My Nan came round for dinner and we dropped her home because we were off to see Fall Out Boy that night.
I adore Fall Out Boy, and have done since, I don't know, about 2009. The tickets were a Christmas present, so I had been excited for a really long time.
I do have to tell you about our struggle getting into the gig, though, because it was so odd.
We joined the queue in the car park with everyone else, and were then told that we needed to go down ten flights of stairs because we were in standing, not in the seats. I wouldn't have minded so much but we had already climbed up and down said stairs twice to pay for parking, and then we had to queue down a hill, up the hill, down the hill again, up the hill again and then in a spiral to get to the doors.
Once inside, though, everything changed.
The first support act, who I believe were called New Politics, were playing some great music and very loudly telling me to follow my dreams, we dived into the scrum at the merchandise stand for a wristband, and we managed to find ourselves a great spot. The second support act was The Pretty Reckless, and they were alright.
Then it was Fall Out Boy. The minute they came on stage, they had everybody captivated. Their set was so, so awesome. I literally couldn't have been more pleased with the gig. It was amazing and everyone there enjoyed themselves. Also, there were old interview/film clips played throughout the gig, and that added to the experience, making it a bit more personal than just them playing music. I'd also like to mention the slideshow that was shown during the gig, as it included so many of the amazing musicians we've enjoyed through time, and really showed everyone there how well the band know good music.
 I knew Fall Out Boy would be good, but they exceeded my expectations by miles.
We did have to leave 5/10 minutes early because we were on one of the highest floors of the car park and didn't want to be stuck in the car until 1am. We were gutted about leaving but I think it was for the best. 
We got home and made tea and toast. I found Lee Evans - Big on TV, so I suggested we watched that while we ate. Then it was bed time. 
That was a great day. 

The days that followed included H's birthday and Saint Patrick's Day (posts HERE), and doing some more work on the new house.
It was a good week.

And that is that. I'm glad to have finished this post, and I am sorry that I have been behind on my blogging this month. I hope that this post was interesting and that you enjoyed having an insight into my little life.
What have you been up to recently? What do you think of what I have been up to? Any suggestions for upcoming posts? Fancy a chat? Let me know in the comments.
I will see you next month (eek - can you believe its April tomorrow?) for a summary, but for now I bid you farewell.

I hope your day is supreme!

GingerSnaps xxx

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