
Tuesday 11 March 2014

Oh My Life! - Tales Of My Life and Times - My New House, Update One; Wallpaper, Screwdrivers and A Spot Of Elbow Grease.


Since getting the news about us moving house, everything has become about the house - and I actually quite like it...

See, the thing is with us is that we didn't have a moving date, and are not living in the new house yet. We did this for a number of reasons, and I am glad we did because it means that we have time to get things ready and make sure that everything is the way we want it to be.

So, we have spent weekends and evenings stripping the wallpaper from the bedrooms, pulling up carpets, ripping out wardrobes and beginning a clean up. A friend has been over to slap some emulsion on the kitchen walls and the members of our family who live locally have been round to see the house - and they all like it!

I really like the fact that I can see progress after every visit, even if we only do a "little bit". It is really satisfying to see that you are getting somewhere, and it keeps you motivated to do more.

Let's not forget though, the time spent in DIY stores, home-ware departments and reading magazines and books for inspiration. It is so nice to know you have a project to work towards and so, even though I probably won't use it, I am trying to get ideas from almost everything.

However, I am struggling to choose my feature wallpaper (for my bedroom) as my two options are utterly gorgeous. I'm also contemplating paint colours, accessories, and lighting.
It's very exciting but can be a little bit frustrating when you need to make decisions and are unsure.

So, for the moment, that is all I have to tell you. There is other stuff, but you might find that boring and we wouldn't want that, now would we? I did want to keep you up to speed though, and I hope that you liked reading this.
What do you think about moving house? Are you moving house too? Are you maybe just toying with the idea? Do you like hearing my updates? Did this post interest you? Let me know in the comments.
OK then, lovely people, I will be sure to speak to you lot very soon.

Have a very, very good day!

GingerSnaps xxx

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