
Monday 30 June 2014

Congratulations! - Blogging Milestones - Happy 1st Birthday Blog!


How are we all today? I for one am mildly over excited because of today's post. In case you are a bit of a silly so and so and didn't read the title, my blog turned one this month.

My blog turned one year old on the 3rd of June (so some might say this post is belated but, umm, no) and I have a lot to say (this will probs be a bit cheesy!).

I started my blog just over a year ago with high hopes. In my first post, (HERE), I spoke of how a blog I had set up with a friend previously didn't work out and how I wanted A Dash Of Ginger to become a "constant creative space". I also set out the kinds of posts I wanted to write.

I proof read that first post into oblivion and checked with everyone within a kilometre radius that it was a good first post and what have you. Despite all this, I didn't feel nervous, more anticipation and curiosity for how this would all pan out.

One year on, here I am, typing up what will be my 88th post, feeling so many things on such high levels.

For every single one of the 2920 page views I have received so far, I am so incredibly grateful. You, my wonderful readers, make me so happy _
- even if this is the first post you have read on my blog. It makes me so happy to think that so many people from so many countries enjoy the things I write in my living room at home.

For the comments and follows, whether they be from people I know or not, I am very thankful. Again, it means a great deal to consider that people want to communicate with me about what I write and/or that people value what I write to the extent where they're seeking updates of my written activity.

 (I am fully aware that some people don't have the accounts in place to comment or follow - that was once me - but I still their support and readership).

You have no idea the pride I feel when I tell someone about my blog, or when someone tells me they liked one of my posts. You have no idea the pride I feel when I stop to "take a picture for my blog" - even though I seldom use them - or when I say "I'll put this in a post". You have no idea the pride I feel when I finish a post and hit publish.

The whole "pride" thing might come across self absorbed but I promise you it is not. I feel pride not just in "myself" but also in the fact that I have a bunch of lovely readers  who make all of these things possible.

I began my blog for a number of reasons but now I blog for even more reasons. I love how I have been able to watch my blog develop over this year.

I look forward to creating more content here and to seeing A Dash Of Ginger grow.  My readership and following might not be colossal but it means more to me to have you guys than millions of numbers on BlogLovin' ever could.

Who knows what this next year will bring this blog and its writer and readers? One thing's for sure, though, I would love you to stick around and find out with me.

So, here's to A Dash Of Ginger turning one and all the wonderful things that have come with it and will come from it.
I'll finish this in the way I finished my first post - I hope that you enjoy this little blog as much as I do/will.

P.S: feel free to have a look through the archives on the right as a celebration (I might)... but after you've read this of course.

I really hope that you have enjoyed this post, everyone. I love you guys so much and I can't wait to post more for you!
Any birthday messages for the blog? How long have you been a reader? What is your favourite post/type of post I have written? Do you have any suggestions or ideas for this blog or things you'd like to see? Anything else to say? Let me know in the comments. 
Thank you kindly for reading. 

Have a spectacular day!

GingerSnaps xxx

Sunday 22 June 2014

Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do! - Music - Some Favourites From This Time Last Year...


How are all of you lovely little people? I hope you are all OK and have been having a good week. I wanted to do a music-y post for you today and I've had this idea in mind for quite a while.

This time last year the music I was into was actually of an awesome standard and none of the songs here have ever really let go!

"Chocolate" by The 1975, (HERE).

 I adore the 1975 and I really love the album that this song is on (recommend for all the cool songs). This track was one of, if not the first from the album to be released and it is so good, so catchy and so awesome. Its music and lyrics are great and I just really love this song.

"Do I Wanna Know?" by the Artic Monkeys, (HERE).

The Artic Monkeys are brilliant and when they came out with AM last year I was chuffed. It is a fantastic album which has a really cool sound and this song was the first release from it, and what a good choice it was. This song is a complete beaut and I loves it.

"The Way I Tend To Be" by Frank Turner, (HERE).

This song is an absolute corker. I love this song, the lyrics are great and it is just a lovely listen. I remember playing this on the way to Cornbury Festival last year and singing along at the top of my lungs. It is a really strong summery indie track that I love.

"Let Her Go" by Passenger, (HERE).

Can I just take a minute for this song - I completely adore this. I think Passenger is/are pretty awesome anyway and this song is just so fantastic. It is so beautiful and I loves it very, very muchly. This one is a lovely one and I recommend it for a listen on everyone's part right now. Go on, I'll wait in this tab.

"Broken" by Jake Bugg, (HERE).

This song is beautiful. I love it such a ridiculous amount. Jake's voice is just beautiful and the music and lyrics of this song are awesome. I highly recommend this for a listen. I really do think this song is wonderful and I wouldn't mind you heading off and listening to this one right now because I probably will too.
I'd also just like to point out that some changes may have happened with music on YouTube between the time I wrote this with the links and whatever time it is that you are reading it because of (THIS) the links might be disrupted. If they are then please just do a quick search yourself. It might be a bit of an inconvenience, so I'm sorry but I can't do a lot about it and respect the choices of the record labels involved.

I loved piecing this post together. I love all of these songs and hold them all in such a high regard in my heart (that is quite possibly the most cheesy thing that I have said but its true). I also hope you enjoyed this post too and if you would like to see more like this then let me know.
What were your favourite songs this time last year? Do you like these songs? Did you like this post? Any suggestions or comments? Let me know the comments.
Speak soon you lovely people. Don't forget that you can follow me on BlogLovin with the little button on the side, if you so wish.

Have a brilliant day!

GingerSnaps xxx

Friday 20 June 2014

Celebrate Good Times! - Happy Birthday To You... - Happy Birthday Lauren!


Today's post will be a short and sweet one since its a celebratory post and what have you. So, today's post is for Lauren's birthday which is this week.

You might recognise Lauren from her blog which is over (HERE).

Lauren is a lovely friend to so many of people (myself included) and she has laughs, sing-a-longs, chats, hugs and just general goodness to spare to name but a few things.

So, Happy Birthday Lauren.

I hope you have a wonderful day today honey, I loves ya!

That's all for today then, everyone. I hope that you have found this post interesting. I like posting on peoples birthdays as an extended celebration so, um, yeah.
Is your birthday coming up? What are your favourite things about birthdays? Any comments or suggestions for future posts? Let me know in the comments.
Speak soon everyone, I've got quite a few posts lined up that I think you'll like.

Have a completely brilliant day!

GingerSnaps xxx

Thursday 12 June 2014

He Shoots, He Scores!!! - FIFA World Cup 2014 - It All Starts Here...


Today, in case you live under a rock and need telling, is the start of the FIFA World Cup. Now, I don't know about you, but I absolutely love the World Cup and I fancied a chat about it today.

Brazil is hosting the World Cup this year and from what I can see, its going to be a brilliant one this year.

I love the World Cup for a number of reasons.
I love football anyway but the World Cup is always special because its such a big deal and it brings everyone together.
I am very, very over excited about the competition this year - the last World Cup seems so long ago - and have a little England top ready and everything.

I'm obviously supporting England this year but if you're from somewhere else or are just supporting somewhere else from the start, let me know who as I'll be watching all the matches and will watch out for your teams!

So here's to the World Cup, good luck to all (especially England - go on lads. Hehe) and I hope everyone enjoys!

(HERE) is a link to the World Cup website.

That's all then for today everyone. I hope that you enjoy the opening ceremony/match tonight if you are watching and if not then I hope you have a nice evening anyway.
Are you watching tonight? Who are you supporting? What did you think of the opening ceremony? Do you have any comments or suggestions for future posts? Let me know in the comments.
I will speak to you all soon, guys.

Have a totally fantastic day!

GingerSnaps xxx

Tuesday 3 June 2014

It's Showtime!!! - Theatre Review - Quietly.


How are you gorgeous people? I hope that you are all doing good. I have a theatre review for you to (hopefully) enjoy today and even if I do say so myself, it is a corker.

We booked tickets for the preview of Quietly last Tuesday a while back - we wanted to guarantee tickets! - and so spent the afternoon in London shopping in Covent Garden, eating cupcakes at the BB Bakery and walking through Chinatown. We got to the theatre early so sat in the bar for a while, which was nice.

Before I begin, I just want to say that it might seem like I think every show is brilliant and worth a viewing. However, this isn't the case. I would never tell you to go and see something that I didn't think was worth your time or hard earned cash. There will be times when I tell you not to go and see something, as well as times when I say you *have* to go and see something (like today). These reviews contain my 100% honest opinion and just because something isn't my thing, doesn't mean it won't be yours, these reviews are for advice only.

What's it about?

Jimmy and Ian are Belfast men in their 50's, in a pub, talking.
Both have their lives have been shaped by the actions of their 16 year old selves and neither one is able to forget what happened to them during the Troubles in their home city. With Robert, the barman from Poland (who has problems himself), watching from the side-lines, they try and dig through the mess they made all those years ago.

What did I think?

I absolutely, completely loved it!
Seriously, I believe that this is one of the best plays that I have ever seen, and is right up there in the favourites list.

This play is truly deep, interesting, substantial, humorous (in places) and filled with a sense of truth and emotion all at the same time- something rare and to be savoured.

The writing was just, simply wonderful. Owen McCafferty - the playwright - managed to create something that felt real, something that was highly emotionally substantial and made me feel truly involved as an audience member.
Quietly is an excellent piece of writing.

Patrick O'Kane took on the role of Jimmy. He acted very, very well, and even in silence, he maintained his characters emotions. I really connected with the role that he was portraying and I believe he really brought the role into the "real" world. His acting was powerful and focused on the world he was acting a part of.

Ian was played by Declan Conlon. He created a very convincing range of emotions within his performance and he seemed very involved with his character. Conlon sustained his emotive technique, which really blended nicely with O'Kane, making both of their characters convincing.

Robert Zawadzki played... Robert, who despite having less dialogue than the others, managed to give a real sense of tension and atmosphere, even in his characters observations of the two men. His actual spoken performance was great and he brought depth to his character and their situation.

The staging and all the additionals (costume/sets/etc.) were of a very high standard too.

The entire thing was deeply moving - I think everyone in the room cried at some stage! - and it was of excellent quality.

What did other people think?

Like I mentioned above, pretty much everyone cried at some stage, and everyone laughed at the funny bits and seemed to love it.  

I did some eavesdropping and everyone seemed to enjoy it, everyone seemed to be discussing/considering all of ideas and points raised throughout and I think that it really spoke to everyone.

Would I recommend it?

100% yes, as if you couldn't tell from my gushing about it!

I think that Quietly is well worth a view if you get a chance - you should make a chance, really - and that you will enjoy it very much if you do go.

When can you go and see it?

Quietly is on at the Soho Theatre, Dean Street, in Soho in London. It is, as far as I know, running until the 22nd of June 2014 there.

The final notes...

  • The bar of the theatre is often very busy, but is a nice place to hang around before your show. They also make announcements as to when you can go to your seats clearly - helpful when no late comers are allowed!
  • If you do go, enjoy it, dress smart casually and buy a programme (they have information on the cast and creative team, but they also have the text/script of the play inside them!)
  • You'll be able to get a good view wherever you sit, I think, so don't worry too much the very front row is full! Its still worth it!
  • Consider taking tissues if you go!

That is a wrap! I hope that you have enjoyed this post and that it has been interesting for you to read! Have you seen Quietly? If so, then thoughts on it? If not, would you like to? Did you enjoy this review? Any questions or suggestions for future posts? Let me know in the comments. I love hearing from you guys.
I will see you all tomorrow, I suppose, for my summary of this month. It has gone very fast - its such a cliché but it is true. So, yeah, see you soon.

Have a wonderful day/night!

GingerSnaps xxx

Monday 2 June 2014

So, To Sum It All Up - May Summary.


How are all you lovely people? I hope you are all well. I can't believe that it is June already! Honestly, I was writing the title for this post and wrote "April Summary" instead of "May Summary".

I would also like to just say a quick apology for my lack of blog posts in May. It is something I am sorry for, and I hope that you guys don't mind me taking a little break once in a while.

Onwards with el summary, then...

Retail Therapy...

This month, I created a wants/wish list of beauty products I had my eye on, and have picked up one or two bits from the list. It was nice for me to piece together some ideas, and organise the kinds of things I've been/will be looking for recently in the shops.

Also during this month, I took some time out to appreciate the kinds of adverts that are on telly at the moment. Sometimes, I think its easy to forget how hard people work in advertising and how much of an excellent standard there is in adverts.

Find a post (HERE) on my current wishes/wants.

Find the post that I wrote about the recent John Lewis advert over (HERE).

The Chelsea Flower Show.

The RHS Chelsea Flower Show happened in May and I honestly thought that it was brilliant this year.

The show gardens were really quite beautiful, the flowers/plants/vegetables/fruits/various other things in the Great Pavilion were interesting and everything else about it was superb.

My Auntie S and my Nan went to visit the show, and another one of my Aunties went along too. They all really enjoyed themselves - obviously - and their various stories/photos from it were lovely to see.

I'd like to, as an admirer of all things RHS-ish, a massive well done to everyone involved in the show this year, it was awesome.

To see my post on the Chelsea Flower Show, head on over (HERE).

Look out for/search for the interview with the Reverend William McMillan, he's one of the best people in the floral world, and the interview was brill. Do a YouTube search if you missed it.

Spending Time In London.

I went into London last Tuesday, with my Mom (who is the "we" that I reference here and in the review), to go and see Quietly, a play by Owen McCafferty at the Soho Theatre - my review is going up tomorrow, so be sure to check it out!!!

We spent the afternoon eating cupcakes, shopping and then chilling in the bar of the theatre. We had a lovely time - despite the drizzle - and the play was great.

My review of Quietly will be posted tomorrow, Tuesday 3rd June.

Family Time.

During May, I enjoyed a Sunday Roast with nearly all the family, a trip to soft play with my little cousins and lots of chatting/play time with them, and time, as mentioned above, with my Mom.

Its always really nice to have some real, good family time and it makes me very happy.

We've also seen family friends this month, and its lovely to be able to catch up.

My Favourite Blog Posts Of May.

(In no particular order, as per...)

"Music" and "Sometimes It's OK To Rant" on Chronicles Of The Red Herring, (HERE).

Both of the posts Elf Girl posted on Chronicles Of The Red Herring this month were interesting and overall just very good. They were lovely weekend reads and you should have a look.

"Just Bobbing Along" on A Rosie Outlook, (HERE).

I think you should look at all of Rosie's posts from May, as they were all very good, however this was one of my top posts.
I liked the catch-up, relaxed feel of the post, and the photography here is gorgeous. I also liked the honesty of the post, and the way it encouraged me to take more time to relax/to stress less.

"Something Sweet" on Charlotte's Web, (HERE).

I favoured this post for its content, its "Tinder based humour" and of course, how sweet and adorable parts of this post were.
It put a big smile on my face when I read it.

"Lovely Little Things" on Little Winter, (HERE).

You guys know I love "little things" and always try to take some time to consider them. I liked this post because it highlighted some little things that make people happy and this post in general made me grin.

"The Woods Are Lovely, Dark and Deep" on Made Up of Little Things, (HERE).

This post was wonderful. The references to poetry, the many great photographs and the blissful theme made this post for me. I also love to here about other people's happy places, maybe one of Rachael's favourite spots (which she talked about in said post) could become one of mine. Must visit.

And that's everything, all finished for today. Sorry this is a day later than usual, I was really busy yesterday and didn't really look at my computer. I hope you've enjoyed.
Did you like this post? What do you think of what I got up to? What did you get up to in May? What were your favourite blog posts of May? Any comments or suggestions? Let me know in the comments.
I'll speak to you tomorrow - when my Quietly review will be up.

Have a totally fabulous day!

GingerSnaps xxx