
Sunday 30 March 2014

Showing My Mom Some Love - Happy Mothers Day 2014


Today is Mother's Day, which I think you probably knew without me telling you. I thought that I would do a dedicated Mother's Day post today, and so here it is, my thoughts on your screen, with you.

I know that I am very lucky to have a Mother like mine. I appreciate that some people reading this may not have a Mother to celebrate with today, or for other reasons cannot or do not wish to celebrate this day, and for those people I know this day must be difficult.

However, like I said, I have a wonderful Mom. She is thoughtful, creative, caring and is always there for everyone, not just me. She is amazing, and I am so happy that she is my Mommy. I couldn't have asked for a better one.

So, this post is to remind her just how great she is, and how lucky I feel to have her.

Happy Mothers Day Mommy!
I love you lots and lots. Thank you for being everything you are, because you are brilliant.

So, that's it for today. I hope you enjoyed this post and that it has inspired you to tell your Mom how special she is - if this concept applies to you.
Are you celebrating Mothers Day this year? Are you a Mother or are you celebrating with yours? What are you getting up to? Any suggestions for the blog? Let me know what is going on in your lovely brains in the comments.
I shall speak to you soon, probably in a summary post!

I hope you have a great and joyful day!

GingerSnaps xxx

Friday 21 March 2014

Let's Make a Change - Charity Telethons - Sport Relief 2014


Today, I wanted to talk to you about Charity/Charity telethons. You might remember (THIS) post, if you have been here a long time. This post is similar, but it is in relation to a different charity.

Sport Relief is part of the Comic Relief group. There is a Sport Relief charity telethon shown every other year in March on the BBC. Comic Relief has been going since 1985, but I'm not sure how long Sport Relief has been a part of that for.

Sport Relief helps here in the UK and internationally too. The money raised is spent on providing better futures for people, creating healthier finances for communities and individuals, helping people find employment, reducing exploitation, abuse and violence and helping make communities stronger.

To find out more, click (HERE). 

You may have heard about Davina McCall's "Beyond Breaking Point Challenge", and if you haven't, look it up. She went above and beyond to raise money for Sport Relief and to try and improve peoples lives. Obviously, you don't have to swim Lake Windermere and go through exhaustion and hypothermia, but you can still contribute.

I'm not watching it this year, because I'm busy, but I have donated. Every tiny bit of donation money can change a life, so please, give what you can, even if it is only a pound. I'm sure that we can all appreciate how much this matters to some people, and we should all look after each other.

So, I hope you do what you can over the next few days, and that you all enjoy your weekends.
What do you think about the work Sport Relief do? Are you watching it this year? Have you donated? Do you want to donate? Do you have any suggestions for upcoming posts? Let me know in the comments.
Love you lots guys, speak to you soon. Please do what you can and...

Have a completely and utterly great day!

GingerSnaps xxx

Wednesday 19 March 2014

Oh My Life! - Tales Of My Life and Times - Noodles, Peter Kay, ExtraHot Hot Sauce, Fall Out Boy and Birthdays!


Today I want to tell you all about how I spent my time a few weekends ago. I know, I'm behind on my blogging a bit, but oh well - win some lose some.

On the Friday night, my older cousin came to stay with us. After a group walk around my neighbourhood in my pyjamas (I'd like to say that's the first time I had done that, but it wasn't...), we returned home with a Chinese takeaway; the line up including Singapore Noodles and Sweet and Sour Chicken. We also opened a bar of Dairy Milk, and sat and watched "Peter Kay In Conversation" which was still on our Sky Planner (other TV thingys are available). We were originally going to watch "The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy" (great film!) but we needed to download it from Sky On Demand first, and it took forever!

On Saturday morning, my cousin went home, I washed my hair and we went around to the new house. We finished stripping all the wallpaper upstairs with the help of a steamer, and a friend of ours came round to help paint the living room and kitchen. I left at 4 because I was going out 6:30, but everyone else stayed at the house until 7 or something! I kind of felt bad for not staying and helping but sometimes your social life needs attention.
Some friends and I went out to Nando's for something to eat to celebrate my friend H's birthday, mentioned (HERE). I say "some friends" because there were about three or four people who were invited that couldn't make it, and that was a massive shame. Still, we all ate chicken, as you do at Nando's, and had a really good  time. I had a Medium spice Chicken Burger with Chips and the Extra Hot Sauce served in a black bottle marked with a red X, and couldn't resist a White Chocolate and Raspberry Swirl Cheesecake and a cup of tea.
For those interested, I wore a cream peasant blouse, skinny jeans, my Converse High Tops and some braces.

If you want to see the Nando's website and find out more, click (HERE).

Then on Sunday, we went out for a cooked breakfast and for a little shop. From there it was around to the new house for a bit, and then home to watch the football on the tellybox. I half watched, half caught up on my blogging/blog reading. My Nan came round for dinner and we dropped her home because we were off to see Fall Out Boy that night.
I adore Fall Out Boy, and have done since, I don't know, about 2009. The tickets were a Christmas present, so I had been excited for a really long time.
I do have to tell you about our struggle getting into the gig, though, because it was so odd.
We joined the queue in the car park with everyone else, and were then told that we needed to go down ten flights of stairs because we were in standing, not in the seats. I wouldn't have minded so much but we had already climbed up and down said stairs twice to pay for parking, and then we had to queue down a hill, up the hill, down the hill again, up the hill again and then in a spiral to get to the doors.
Once inside, though, everything changed.
The first support act, who I believe were called New Politics, were playing some great music and very loudly telling me to follow my dreams, we dived into the scrum at the merchandise stand for a wristband, and we managed to find ourselves a great spot. The second support act was The Pretty Reckless, and they were alright.
Then it was Fall Out Boy. The minute they came on stage, they had everybody captivated. Their set was so, so awesome. I literally couldn't have been more pleased with the gig. It was amazing and everyone there enjoyed themselves. Also, there were old interview/film clips played throughout the gig, and that added to the experience, making it a bit more personal than just them playing music. I'd also like to mention the slideshow that was shown during the gig, as it included so many of the amazing musicians we've enjoyed through time, and really showed everyone there how well the band know good music.
 I knew Fall Out Boy would be good, but they exceeded my expectations by miles.
We did have to leave 5/10 minutes early because we were on one of the highest floors of the car park and didn't want to be stuck in the car until 1am. We were gutted about leaving but I think it was for the best. 
We got home and made tea and toast. I found Lee Evans - Big on TV, so I suggested we watched that while we ate. Then it was bed time. 
That was a great day. 

The days that followed included H's birthday and Saint Patrick's Day (posts HERE), and doing some more work on the new house.
It was a good week.

And that is that. I'm glad to have finished this post, and I am sorry that I have been behind on my blogging this month. I hope that this post was interesting and that you enjoyed having an insight into my little life.
What have you been up to recently? What do you think of what I have been up to? Any suggestions for upcoming posts? Fancy a chat? Let me know in the comments.
I will see you next month (eek - can you believe its April tomorrow?) for a summary, but for now I bid you farewell.

I hope your day is supreme!

GingerSnaps xxx

Monday 17 March 2014

Be Lucky! - Saint Patrick's Day 2014.


Oh hello there! So, a short celebratory post today, concerning my heritage.

For those of you who don't know, I have Irish roots from both sides directly, and am half Irish.
My Dad was born and raised in Ireland and my Mom, despite being born in England, has Irish parents. And then everything in the past has been Irish too. Oh and former competitive Irish Dancer over here (and occasional Irish Dance Teacher)... ahem.
 So, Saint Patrick's Day is a bit of a deal.

I have been to many a museum on my childhood trips to Ireland which were about Saint Patrick, and have many a story book about him in my collection. I still love the whole concept, and find it really interesting
If you don't know about Saint Patrick, or would like to find out more, click (HERE), and do some searching.

Now I don't go out on Saint Patrick's Day, we don't have parties or anything like that, but it is a day that I enjoy.
 I always wear shamrock, real or sometimes, if I can't get my hands on any, then in pin badge/ribbon/etc. form. My family also text each other messages and in the past we have been to peoples houses or pubs for a catch up and get together.

I think it is a wonderful day that brings people together, reminds them of their culture/educates people on other cultures, and is something that everyone can get involved with should the want to.

So, wherever in the world you are, however you may be connected to Ireland, even if just through stories and photographs, Happy Saint Patrick's Day! 
May you be lucky and happy.
Love you guys xxx

Oh, and just before I go, Happy Birthday to my friend H (not a Steps reference). She doesn't read my blog, as far as I know, but it would be a shame not to mention her, especially since I am already writing. Happy Birthday lovely! x

Yes, so that is absolutely it for today, everyone. I hope that you liked this post and that it perked up your day a bit.
Do you celebrate Saint Patrick's Day? Do you have any Irish connections? Do you have any suggestions for upcoming posts? Let me know in the comments.
I will speak to you all soon guys, but I would love to chat to you in the comments in the meantime. Anyway...

Have a totally fabulous day!

GingerSnaps xxx

Sunday 16 March 2014

I've Been Thinking... - Things I Like About The Weekends.


I know I have been incredibly slack on the blogging front lately, and for that I am very, very sorry. But, no matter, I'm here today with a little post for you about the little things I like about weekends (in general, not just this one).

1.      Little lie-ins. My lie in's only really last till about nine o'clock at the latest, because I get annoyed if I feel I am wasting a day, but I don't see anything wrong with staying under a warm, snuggly duvet for just that little bit longer... Bliss.
2.      Going out with friends and family. I love spending time with my friends and family, and whether it is big deal eat-your-Weetabix kind of a day out like the ones we had in November and December, or just an evening spent out having something to eat like I did with some of my friends yesterday. It just makes me very happy. (1)
3.      Making the most of any weather. If it is sunny outside, we'll go out to a park somewhere, or we'll go "on an adventure" to a castle/stately home/places of interest. If the weather is otherwise, then we'll go shopping, stay in and watch films or go and visit friends/family. I find on "working" days, every kind of weather can provoke a sigh - if it's sunny it's an "I'm stuck inside" sigh, if it's otherwise then it's an "again?" sigh - but the weekends are different.
4.      Blogging. I have more time to blog and plan out ideas on weekends, because I don't have to rush myself so much. I like that. Also, I can round off the weeks blog reading which is always brilliant.
5.      Pamper Evenings. I can almost always find time for a pamper evening over the weekends, and that means a bit of quality time to wind down. Got to love it. (2)
(1) = See (HERE) for a post about being busy in November and December.

(2) = See (HERE) for a post about Pamper Evenings.

There are, of course, other reasons that I like weekends, but I thought that just a short and sweet post would suffice today.

Have you enjoyed this post? Would you like to know more things I like about weekends? What do you like about the weekends? Do you have any ideas for upcoming posts? Let me know in the comments.

I hope you have enjoyed this post, and can forgive my recent lack of blogging. I will speak to you all soon, and I hope that you...

Have an utterly wonderful day!

GingerSnaps xxx


Tuesday 11 March 2014

Oh My Life! - Tales Of My Life and Times - My New House, Update One; Wallpaper, Screwdrivers and A Spot Of Elbow Grease.


Since getting the news about us moving house, everything has become about the house - and I actually quite like it...

See, the thing is with us is that we didn't have a moving date, and are not living in the new house yet. We did this for a number of reasons, and I am glad we did because it means that we have time to get things ready and make sure that everything is the way we want it to be.

So, we have spent weekends and evenings stripping the wallpaper from the bedrooms, pulling up carpets, ripping out wardrobes and beginning a clean up. A friend has been over to slap some emulsion on the kitchen walls and the members of our family who live locally have been round to see the house - and they all like it!

I really like the fact that I can see progress after every visit, even if we only do a "little bit". It is really satisfying to see that you are getting somewhere, and it keeps you motivated to do more.

Let's not forget though, the time spent in DIY stores, home-ware departments and reading magazines and books for inspiration. It is so nice to know you have a project to work towards and so, even though I probably won't use it, I am trying to get ideas from almost everything.

However, I am struggling to choose my feature wallpaper (for my bedroom) as my two options are utterly gorgeous. I'm also contemplating paint colours, accessories, and lighting.
It's very exciting but can be a little bit frustrating when you need to make decisions and are unsure.

So, for the moment, that is all I have to tell you. There is other stuff, but you might find that boring and we wouldn't want that, now would we? I did want to keep you up to speed though, and I hope that you liked reading this.
What do you think about moving house? Are you moving house too? Are you maybe just toying with the idea? Do you like hearing my updates? Did this post interest you? Let me know in the comments.
OK then, lovely people, I will be sure to speak to you lot very soon.

Have a very, very good day!

GingerSnaps xxx

Friday 7 March 2014

Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do! - Music - Songs That Are Stuck In My Head.


How are you are all today? I haven't posted all week, which I am very sorry for. I have so many posts that I have started up but I just didn't know how to continue. So, I haven't. But today, I decided to do a simple post which I can just write...

You know when you get songs stuck in your head? If you don't, then.... what? Anyway, some are good songs, some are bad songs. Todays selection are good songs, in my opinion, and they will give you a bit more insight into my taste in music.

Riptide by Vance Joy, (HERE).

This song is addictive, sounds lovely and is a new addition to my endless favourites list. It is such a refreshing change to hear something like this on the radio, as I find dance tracks are always favoured. This is a nice addition to my journey home everyday, & my ears like it muchly lots. I hope you like it too.

Cannonball by Damien Rice, (HERE).

 I grew up with this song at summer barbeques in Northern Ireland, but I was used to a family friend singing it for years. I have listened to the original a million times now, and I have found myself singing it round the house a lot lately. The lyrics & music are amazing. I know some X Factor band did a cover of this years ago, but I really didn't like it, so pay not attention, original all the way!

Best Day Of My Life, by American Authors, (HERE).

I like this song. It has a very uplifting kind of feel, and since it is getting a fair amount of airtime at the moment on the radio and TV, it sticks to you. It all blends really well together and if you sing bits and pieces from this in your head and they don't quite go together it doesn't matter. It is a really good song and I'm pleased that I have stumbled upon it.

She Will Stay Beneath The Moon, by Adam Barnes, (HERE).

This one is a lovely one. I rediscovered this recently and I really like it. Its catchy, the music and lyrics are really cool and I just think it is so peaceful. It is a pleasure to listen to, it really is, and you will find yourself singing along without a care in the world.

Side note: I used to know a kid called Adam Barnes (not this one), and sat next to him in History at school for a year... Its weird.

The Airplane Song, by Scouting For Girls, (HERE).

Another "vintage" beauty here. I love SFG so very, very much and I listened to their first album constantly for pretty much a year when it came out. I played this recently after finding the CD again, as I remembered how good it was, and I wasn't wrong. I have sung this at the top of my voice here, there and everywhere, and I have fallen for this song all over again. I don't believe it was ever released off the album like She's So Lovely etc., so I don't think there is a video. But no matter, take a listen anyway.

That is absolutely all for today. It feels so good to be back in the blogging seat and I hope that you have enjoyed this post.
What songs are in your head today? Do you like any of the songs I have mentioned here? Do you have any suggestions for posts you want to see? Let me know in the comments.
OK then, tis all. Look out for my new posts, you might well see some fresh ideas that I have been thinking about on your screens.

Have an amazingly good day!

GingerSnaps xxx

Saturday 1 March 2014

So, To Sum It All Up - February Summary.


Another month of 2014 gone already? Wowza. Although, I'm blaming this on the fact that February is a short month and nothing else. Anyway, enough about my 80 year old rants, onto the post.

Celebrating People's Birthdays.

My Auntie S's birthday was last month, and my family and I had some fish and chips at my Nan's house to celebrate, gave her cards and stuff, and we all had a really nice time. I really hope she had the lovely day she deserves and I loves her very much.

But I've even been celebrating the birthdays of musicians. 
The 28th of February is the utterly amazing Jake Bugg's birthday, and I "celebrated" by listening to his music. It was also Kurt Cobain's (RIP) birthday on the 20th, so I listened to Nirvana. I was going to do blog posts on their birthdays but didn't get round to it, which is.... irritating.

(HERE) is a link to the post I did for Auntie S's Birthday.
I have put a link to Jake Bugg's VEVO (HERE) -  I cannot recommend you his work enough, and also, try and find his MTV Live Vibrations, tis good stuff...
I have put a link to Nirvana's VEVO (HERE).

Feeling The Love...

February is a month of love and stuff.
 I do like to remind people of priorities though. I like to think about all of the things that I love and I think about how much I love the people around me, and how much they (hopefully) love me. I really hope that you have all enjoyed your Valentine's Day/Lovey Dovey Month, and I loves you all very muchly.

To find my post about things I love click (HERE).
To find my Valentine's Day post (HERE).

Getting The News That We Are Moving House.

I am so excited about moving house, and late last month when I told you guys I was very excited to tell you. Its so nice to tell people like you guys about the news I have, and its nice to think that you guys might be happy for me.

To see the post about the news go (HERE).

Stepping Out The Old Comfort Zone.

This month, I have done things that I am unfamiliar with, and taken on things I thought I would find really challenging (e.g plane journeys and job interviews), however it has shown me that I mustn't limit myself, because as Elf Girl kindly told me "You can do anything, well except turning into a dragon..." - that's why I love that girl. Thanks by the way for being so supportive Elf Girl, as well as everyone else who has shown me support through these ventures, and you guys, as I feel I always have your support.

My Favourite Blog Posts Of February.

Lengthy list this month, because people have been hot on the blogging front.

Five Reasons Why Blogging Is Awesome (And You Should Do It) on A Rosie Outlook (HERE).

Obviously, I already have a blog, and so this post didn't need to convince me to blog. However, it is great when you see that other people have started noticing things differently since blogging, and that blogging is very much a passion and can be quite cathartic... And also, the first picture in this post is so cute!

This Is Adorable on Charlottes Web (HERE).

Yes, this was more of a show and tell kind of post, rather than Charlotte's own original content, but a) Charlotte has good taste, as shown here by the whole Tiffany thing, and b) it is worth a dedicated show and tell. So incredibly cute, and to think I wouldn't have found this if it wasn't for this post...

Strong Hearts on Chronicles Of The Red Herring (HERE).

I thought that this was lovely, and I really like this blog. It always makes me happy and has some beautiful writing on it. Its very unique and this post was no exception. Elf Girl can be very deep sometimes, *puts on snorkel*. Short, sweet, well worth a read.

Review: You've Been Mangoed Bath Melt By Lush on I Get The Feeling (HERE).

I liked this review. It was straight to the point, interesting, and has only increased my obsession with Lush more - like my bank balance needed that. This post was friendly (just like Lauren) and was a lovely read.

Other blogs with amazing posts this month were Little Winter (HERE),  The London Project (HERE) and Zoella (HERE).

Thank you for reading. I hope you have enjoyed this post, and that this has been interesting for you.
What have you enjoyed about February? What do you think of my highlights? What do you think of my favourite blog posts? Do you have any favourites to recommend? Let me know by commenting.
That's it for today then, I have lots of ideas for this month though, so keep coming back to see what's going on.

Have a fabulously lovely day!

GingerSnaps xxx