
Sunday 23 November 2014

Celebrate Good Times! - Happy Birthday to You... - Happy Birthday Mom


Today is my Mom's Birthday. This may or may not interest you, but quite frankly, as long as my Mom has a wonderful day and this makes my Mom smile, I don't care I think it'll be alright.

I won't keep you too long, but I couldn't leave my Mom without a post.

 I just wanted to wish my amazing mother a very, very happy birthday. She's wonderful, she's funny, she's fabulous and she makes me and so many other people feel very happy and loved.
Happy Birthday Mommy, I love you millions.
Thank you for everything you do. I hope this birthday is a good one and brightens up this month for you. You deserve a wonderful day. You are an amazing human being.
Love you muchly. x

Thank you for reading this post. I hope that you enjoyed and that you all have a nice day.
Is it your birthday this month? What is your favourite thing about birthdays? Do you have any comments or suggestions for future posts? Let me know in the comments.
See you all sooooooooooonnnnnn..... 
I hope you have a brilliant day (especially you, Mommy...),
GingerSnaps xxx


Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do! - Music - Songs I'm Loving At The Moment.


How are all of you wonderful people doing? Good, I hope. Today's post is a musical one about a bunch of songs that I have had stuck in my head recently.
Let's get on with it, shall we?

Scare Away The Dark by Passenger, listen (HERE).
I love Passenger, as I am pretty sure you all know, and Scare Away The Dark is a brilliant song.
This song has a really great message but is still inspiring and light-hearted.
It is unique, cool and a bit of a bold song...
I am always happy to sit and listen to this song because it is class.
I just love it, OKAY?!?!
Shake It Off by Taylor Swift, listen (HERE).
This is another song that I just love.
It is impossible not to dance from the start of this song to the end of it and if you can manage it then you need to give yourself a talking to.
Its super fun, the lyrics are something you need/want to hear no matter when it comes on, and I think its ace.

I Forget Where We Were by Ben Howard, listen (HERE).

This song is one you could get lost in, if that makes sense.
This is the kind of song that should be played so as it fills an entire room.
It's peaceful, it's pretty, it's poetic, it's current and yet not pop-py or rap-py and its an easy listener.
It's a bit charming.

Panic Cord by Gabrielle Aplin, listen (HERE).

I have loved this song since the day it was released.
Gabrielle has the most lovely voice and the lyrics are a little bit awesome. It's refreshing to see this kind of topic in a song without it being angry or bitter. It's like thoughts spilling through speakers.
It's catchy but not in annoying way and it sounds so graceful.
Have a listen.

That's Entertainment by The Jam, listen (HERE).
I am a huge fan of The Jam and Paul Weller and all of the amazing music they produced.
This song has been covered and put in a car advert but the cover - I'm sorry to be the one to say it - let's this song down.
Have a bit of a look through some of the comments (read the replies to the second comment down about the car advert - you'll find it funny and truthful  if you are anything like me but beware, there is a spot of bad language here and there from the commenters...)
One of the greatest songs of all time - you must listen.

I Lived by One Republic, listen (HERE).
I've been enjoying this one on the old Radio recently as it has really cool lyrics, fun music and has a good message.
Its one you'll love to sing along to and one that you might like to bop about to a little bit.
It is a strong song with a really good message and I think its worth a listen on your part as I look forward to hearing it on the radio.
Let me know what you reckon...
There may or may not be a type of post that I repeat this month because I have been enjoying a lot of songs at the moment which I really think you should hear - would we like to see more?
What do you think of these songs? Are any of them new to you? Do you have any suggestions for me to listen to? Do you have any comments or suggestions for future posts? Let me know in the comments below...
I hope you enjoyed this post and that you will join me again for some more posts!
Have an ace day!

GingerSnaps xxx

Saturday 15 November 2014

Holidays Are Comin', Holidays Are Comin'... - The Excitment for Christmas!!!


Hello everybody! How are we all doing? Now, hopefully, you're in a festive mood today because I want to talk about *Noddy Holder voice* CHRISTMAAS!!!!

You might, if you've been here for a long time, remember (THIS) post from last year which showed my excitement for Christmas for the first time that year. If you want double festivity head on over and read that (or many of my archived posts from last December).

Anyone who knows me well will know how much I love Christmas (I'll give you a hint - I love it more than Buddy from Elf loves sugary foods and Santa...). The dawn of Christmas adverts on the old tellybox and the Sky Movies Christmas Channel (other Christmas movie channels are available) have sparked this within me, and my festive feelings are increasing by the second as more and more festive things happen/start.

And, to really kick my Christmas off, I am heading to London to see White Christmas with my wonderful Mom today and hopefully there will be red lippy, festive Costas and shopping involved... the excitement is real.

I am looking forward to gift giving, decorating the whole house (we'll have a new house to dress up this year), going to Panto, being Nigella and cooking my first full blown Christmas dinner, Christmas films and music and lots more!

The excitement, for me, has well and truly arrived and I couldn't be more happy! I am so excited!

I hope that you are looking forward to lots of festive posts over the next few weeks and that you are as excited as me.
Are you feeling the excitement yet? What are you most looking forward to? What's put you in a Christmassy mood? Do you have any comments or suggestions for future posts? Let me know in the comments.
I will see you all soon for some (hopefully) exciting and fun posts.

I hope you have a fabulously fun day.

GingerSnaps xxx

Friday 14 November 2014

Let's Make a Change - Charity Telethons - Children in Need 2014


Welcome back, you beautiful people!!! Can you believe that it is Children in Need night already? Whether you can or not, here it is. Are you ready?

Children in Need is a massive charity telethon that the BBC put on every November. I did a detailed post last year which gave more information about CiN which you can read over (HERE). Some things you may recognise CiN by are Pudsey Bear, the adorable mascot, as well as the amazing work they do. 
So far, I've gotten through some pizza, Vanilla Coke and quite a bit of the show. I have seen a general VT including a very cute little boy demonstrating "little" and "big" donations with his hands and one about a little boy called Joe (so adorable) who has had heart problems. If you get the chance to see either of those, watch them.

I'm also very excited for Doctor Who, Strictly and the S Club Reunion!

There is always someone who needs help. There is always someone who needs support. There is always somebody out there who deserves lots better. Have fun tonight but be sure to give what you can.

So enjoy the night but don't forget to help those who need it. You'd want the same for yourself, your family and friends.
Have you donate yet? Are you planning on it? Have you done any super cool fundraising activities? What are you most looking forward to the most about tonight? Do you have any comments or suggestions for future posts? Let me know in the comments below.
See you guys soon!!!

Have a really great night!

GingerSnaps xxx

Tuesday 11 November 2014

Lest We Forget - Armistice Day 2014


How are we all?  I hope that you are all doing well and have had a good start to the week. On Sunday, I did a Rememberance post - you can find that over (HERE) - and am also doing a post today. Remembrance is very important and so two post seems right and logical. 

On this day in 1918 at 11am, the First World War was officially over. The conflict that had lasted for four years and saw so many casualties, deaths and tragedies was over and done with.

That, and all of the other conflicts throughout time, are the reason we put our lives on hold for just two minutes and stand silent. We keep our mouths shut for just two minutes to commemorate the ending of conflicts and to remember all of the brave men and women who have died for their country as well as those who have put their lives on hold to go and fight and who have found adjusting back into life w challenging.

I really, really hope that you will take part in the 2 minutes silence today and that you are respectful of what it means.

I hope you take part in the two minutes silence today and that you enjoyed this post.
What does the Armistice Day and Remberance mean to you? Do you have any stories on this topic which you would like to share? Do you have any comments or suggestions for future posts? Let me know in the comments below!
I hope you enjoyed this and I'll see you soon!

Have a completely wonderful day!

GingerSnaps xxx

Sunday 9 November 2014

We Will Remember Them... - Rememberance Sunday 2014


While this post is s serious one, it is also a very important one. You guys know how important Rememberance is to me  and so I wanted to post something today. I will be posting something on Tuesday, too, so look out for that.

Today is Remembrance Sunday, as I'm sure you are aware. Today, and Tuesday, are days of remembering the service men and women from around the world who have sacrificed their lives for their country. Today is also a day to think of those who are still out there fighting, and to think about the service men and women  who have survived war. It is also a time to think about the families throughout time who have and are supporting the soldiers they love and the families who have not been lucky enough to have their loved ones return home. 

Obviously, this year has a bit of a more of a focus on those who died in the First World War, those who lived through it and those who were impacted by it, too, because of the centenary anniversary and rightly so.

We wear poppies every year throughout October and November to show that service men and women and their families are being thought of and/or remembered by us as individuals and as communities. Poppies are also a great way of giving money to the Royal British Legion so that they can support service men and women and their families and friends during and after wars, no matter what happens to them. 
To me, it is significant to wear a poppy on Rememberance Sunday and Armistice Day (at least) and this year, I not only have my Royal British Legion poppy but a beautifully crafted poppy I was given while in Normandy last month and I wear both with utter pride.

 I hope that today you are respectful and take part in the two minute silence. Two minutes from your day is all it takes to show just how much the service men and women are valued by us all and it means a lot to them, the people they are close to and to a tonne of other people. We all know about the wars throughout history, from one-hundred years ago to last year and everyone has an understanding of war. That why there's no excuse not to be silent for just two minutes.

And with all this in mind, I'm sure that at 11 o'clock this morning, you'll know what to do. And in that two minutes, think to yourself about the things discussed here, of stories you have heard, of people you might know or anything relevant, if you like. Maybe you might like to pray or reflect. Just make sure those two minutes count.

And in the words of someone I met once, "Never forget".

To all Service Men and Women everywhere in the world , alive or passed, who fought years ago or today, I salute you.

I'm going to write some more about Rememberance on Tuesday - and will be urging you to take part in the second two minute silence. Do check back then to see that.
Do you have a poppy or maybe a pinbadge or wristband to wear? What does Rememberance Sunday mean to you? Do you have any stories you would like to share about this topic? Do have any comments or suggestions for future posts? Why not let me know in the comments? Lets all be respectful there, please...
See you guys soon!
I hope your day is a good'un and that you spend some time remembering.

GingerSnaps xxx

Wednesday 5 November 2014

The Night of The Sparkler - Bonfire Night 2014!


Today is the 5th of November which is, of course, Bonfire Night, as you may not know depending on where you are from. If you aren't sure what it is for whatever reasons, you can find out more about it (HERE).

Bonfire Night is one of my favourite times of year, as fireworks are one of my favourite things in the entire world. They are enchanting, beautiful, magical and make so many people, myself included, so happy. I cannot quite explain just how much I love fireworks, or why, but hopefully you get the idea.

 We go to an arranged display every year and this year, its on (this coming) Saturday. It is the best display I know of (as I said in my post last year - HERE - we didn't always go to displays) and they have wonderful fireworks there.

Bonfire Night is also a time I see as the send off to Autumn and the start of Christmas (as I see Christmas as a celebration in Winter) which makes it all the more fun and exciting.

So, here's to Candy-Ball Apples (or Toffee Apples, as I know many people like to call them), burgers, family, friends and a fabulous time filled with beautiful colours and sparkles.

I hope that you enjoy your Bonfire Night, any fireworks you have at your own homes or any displays you might be going to, and that you stay safe.

 I hope you enjoyed this post and that you will all enjoy your evenings.
What are your favourite parts of Bonfire Night? Are you having fireworks at home or going to a display? Do you completely love fireworks? Do you have any comments or suggestions for future posts? Let me know in the comments below!
I will see you guys soon for lots of (hopefully) good posts!

Stay safe, have a great time, and enjoy your Bonfire Night!
GingerSnaps xxx

So, To Sum It All Up - October Summary.


Welcome to my October Summary. I am aware it is a few days behind where it would usually be but I have been very busy! I know its no excuse, but I think that maybe it might be OK? Anyway, lets get on with this shiz.


During October I was travelling in Normandy for around 4 days non-stop and then came home and went to London nearly straight away!

Being in Normandy, especially in the year of numerous war anniversaries, to see cemeteries, a number of D-Day Landings museums and activities and spending time with a bunch of awesome people was really a very memorable, special and enjoyable experience.
 I was exhausted when I got home as we began our travel very, very early in the morning and basically did not stop until we got home very, very late after 4 days but it was so truly worth it.

While in London, I spent time with my brilliant family and went to see the beautiful poppy installation at the Tower of London. I had a great time and I really enjoyed myself. It was very relaxing and my sleep was "repaired".

Getting a New Follower on BlogLovin'!

I hadn't checked my BlogLovin' or my emails in quite some time and when I did the other day, I got the delightful surprise of a new follower! I now have 3 followers, which may not seem like many in comparison to some other blogs, but you have no idea how much it means to me.

Thanks to everyone who follows my blog on Blogger, BlogLovin' and everyone else who reads this blog. I hope you enjoy it.

You can follow my blog on BlogLovin' using the button on the right hand side.

Watching Charity Telethons.

I love a good charity telethon and I view it as a very easy and enjoyable way of helping out some amazing causes.

Stand Up to Cancer was on Channel 4 during October and I was watching, laughing and occasionally crying at the stories shown. It was a great night of telly and it is such a good cause to support.

To see a post about Stand Up to Cancer, mosey on over (HERE).

Appreciating a Bit of Advertising.

You guys know I love a good advert and October produced some pretty good adverts.

One of my personal favourites was the SSE advert featuring the orangutan discovering all of the beautiful things energy can do.
It was innovative, interesting and very wonderfully done.

To see a post I wrote about this advert, see (THIS).

Halloween Fun-Times.

Halloween, as I always say, is not just about creepy, spooky things. To me, it is about having fun with friends, dressing up and being silly.

This year, I spent time with the fabulous Elf Girl and some of her family, watched movies and ate too chicken and popcorn and really enjoyed myself.

To see a post about Halloween, click (HERE).

To find Elf Girl, click (HERE).

Nearly Completely Moving House.

We are finally super close to moving, with the final stages in motion and it is exciting. We are looking forward to moving in and enjoying our new home at last.

I will update you when we have made our official move and will possibly provide more updates as we enter the final stages of the move.

To see the most recent post I did on moving, see (HERE).

My Favourite Blog Posts From October.

"A weekend in the Cotswolds" on A Rosie Outlook, (HERE).

I really like places like the Cotswolds, and I love spending weekends and short breaks like this - big, long walks, pub lunches/dinners and cosy evenings - and loved Rosie's friend's home.

An enjoyable read, indeed.

"Berlin" on Charlotte's Web, (HERE).

This post included brilliant photography of the beautiful city of Berlin and a couple of very cool insights into some of the best things going on there, as well as Charlotte's personality.

A cool, wanderlust-y post.

"We liked: The Start of Autumn" on Little Winter, (HERE).

I really liked the simplicity of this post and the warmth that it gave me reading it. I too enjoy cosy evenings and trashy TV, which made this post relatable.

A nice lifestyle post which will make you want to drink hot chocolate.

"Love in Unexpected Places" on The London Project, (HERE).

This post is charming and incredibly sweet. I am a complete sucker for things like this and found this post a bit great, really.

A quirky, cute post worth a view.

See also "Postman's Park".

"5 Minutes With... Dawn O'Porter" on What Olivia Did, (HERE).

I love reading interviews and this was a quick, interesting read with lots of talk about all thing vintage and fashion.

A fun interview with a lot of Sixties moments.

So, I hope you enjoyed this post everyone. I thought October was a pretty ace month and I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.
What were your favourite parts of October? What did you think of what I got up to? Did you enjoy the posts I recommended? Any thoughts about this or suggestions for future posts? Let me know in the comments. 
See you guys soon....

Have a completely great day!

GingerSnaps xxx