
Saturday 23 November 2013

Fan-Girl-ing - Doctor Who 50th Anniversary


I am a Whovian. OK? I may not be as dedicated to the cause as some people but I basically just bloomin love Doctor Who. And, in case you didn't know, today is

I am very, very excited for this. I do have a soft spot for the Doctor, but I think everyone does really. I cannot believe that Doctor Who has been going for 50 whole years. Yep, 50th Anniversary happening here, guys.
I can't wait to see all the Doctors and Companions back together - especially looking forward to David Tennant - best Doctor ever! - and Billie Piper - best Companion ever! - during this episode. I'm also looking forward to all the monsters returning to my screen.  
I'm out and about tonight so I'm taping it - thank goodness for Sky+ - so I'll have to watch it when I get back from my super busy Sunday. I'm still excited - in case you didn't pick up on that from what I've said before.
Have a great day (of the doctor!) hehe...
GingerSnaps xxx

Celebrate Good Times! - Happy Birthday to You... - Happy Birthday Mom


Today is my Mom's Birthday. You probably don't care, but I do and she does, so, well, shut up.

This is just a quick post, because as I said, I don't think anyone else will find this very interesting.

 I just wanted to wish my lovely mother a very, very happy birthday. She really is wonderful and I don't know what I'd do without her. I do love her very much.
Happy Birthday Mommy, I love you very, very much. Thank you for everything you do. I hope this day is as wonderful as you deserve it to be. You always have a solution for every problem and despite having to make you countless cups of tea, it's the least I can do to say thank you. Love you muchly. x

Thank you for reading this post. I just felt like I should be a good little human and do a post.
Have a lovely day (especially you, Mommy...),
GingerSnaps xxx


Wednesday 20 November 2013

I've Been Thinking... - Busy, Busy, Busy.


It's really hit me today how busy I actually am.
 My all my weekdays are like everybody's booked up until tea time and fairly mundane. My weekends are typically quite relaxed, but from now until Christmas Day I am all booked up. I know that I am very, insanely lucky to be doing so many things; going to the theatre, going to see a ballet, going on a day out with Elf Girl (HERE), decorating the house, multiple trips up and down the country, Pantomimes with family and with all my muckers, countless blog posts about all these things, Christmas shopping, wrapping presents, writing cards, festive baking as well as getting any work I have to bring home done.
And breathe.

I can't quite process any of this. I don't want to sound at all ungrateful or spoilt, but the thing about it is, I feel a bit overwhelmed. When am I going to get chance to Christmas shop for everyone? When can I get bits and pieces done around the house? When am I going to blog? When am I going to breathe?
I know, I know, it sounds stupid. I know that of course it will all be insanely fun and crazy and it'll all be brilliant. and I'll look back when everything calms down and I'll think, "I'm so glad I did all those amazing things, it was so much fun", and I'll miss having exciting weekends when it all slows down.

But right now, I'm just a bit stressed about being able to get things done. And I know, that of course I will get those things done.
 I don't know. Once I get used to it, I'll be fine. But, yeah.

That's it for today then. It might have sounded bratty, I know it probably did, but this blog is an extension of my mind and if I need to clear my head I will, and you can take it or leave it.

Have a very lovely day!

GingerSnaps xxx

Tuesday 19 November 2013

Say Cheese!!! - Photography - Yellow Skirts at Christmas in London


As far as I'm concerned, Christmas is underway. I've done my big Christmas clean-up/blitz, I've bought all my wrapping paper, ribbons, cards and one or two presents and tried a festive Costa.

Time to start sharing my festiveness!!!
 Last year, on December 1st, I went into my beloved London for some shopping and a little tour of the lights. I took this picture back then - can you guess where? - and I still love it.


I'm just drawn to that beautiful blonde in the yellow skirt in this picture. Aren't you? Let me know...

Standing out from the crowd is always a good thing; don't be a plankton, OK?
Have a fun day!

GingerSnaps xxx


Sunday 17 November 2013

I've Been Thinking... - Well Done, M&S.


I'm sorry, but THIS Marks and Spencer Christmas Advert is the best-est thing ever.

Does anything get any better than Rosie Huntington-Whitley, David Gandy, and Helena Bonham Carter, the most adorable little dog, an assortment of beautiful clothes, rather nice knickers designed by Miss H-W herself, and of course the selection of stunning fairy tale themes? No, I think not. It makes me feel very festive, but it is so well made and I really appreciate being able to see something like that. Just lovely.
I just adore this advert. Plus, compared to last years slack effort on M&S's part, I am chuffed to bits. 
Have a day filled with magic and sparkle!

GingerSnaps xxx. 

Friday 15 November 2013

Let's Make a Change - Charity Telethons - Children in Need


Where is the year going, eh? Children in Need night already? Anywho, I thought I'd chuck my two pence into the (charity) bucket, and make a contribution... You have no idea how proud I am of that sentence... I need a life.

In case you live under a massive rock, or are not from the UK, and aren't aware of the concept, I'll give you a bit o background.

Children in Need is a charity telethon on the BBC every November. The CiN mascot is Pudsey Bear, who is just adorable. CiN supports different projects and people up and down (and to the side, if you're in Northern Ireland - side note of irrelevance; I love that place, must go back soon), the UK. Children in Need has been a part of our November's since 1980, I believe. If you want to know more then you can find out (HERE).
For me, having a bit of a pamper, ordering a pizza or a Chinese takeaway and plonking my rear end on the sofa for the whole evening - until I start dozing off - is a tradition. This year I may not stay up as late because tomorrow, I'm off out (more on that soon), but I will still enjoy it.

Also Children in Need Rocks was great last night my highlight being; Keane and the Madness/Rizzle Kicks collaboration.

There is always someone who needs help. There is always someone who needs support. Despite how much we enjoy the entertainment the telethon provides, we mustn't forget to contribute to the cause.

So enjoy the night but don't forget to help those who need it. You'd want the same for yourself and those you care about.

Have a great night!

GingerSnaps xxx

Monday 11 November 2013

Lest We Forget - Armistice Day


How are we all?  I did a post yesterday about Remembrance, which you can find (HERE). But today is also special, and so deserves a separate post.

On the 11th of November, 1918 at 11 O'clock, the First World War, came to an end. The world hadn't seen a war as terrible as this before, and so many, many men died.
At eleven O'clock today, the whole of the UK (I hope) will participate in a 2 minute silence, in order to show respect and remembrance for everyone who gave their lives in every war, who have fought in wars and who are out there fighting now.

I hope you'll take part in the silence, and take a little time to remember and consider. Believe me, 2 minutes of your time is the least you can do for the people out there who fight for us.

GingerSnaps xxx

Sunday 10 November 2013

We Will Remember Them... - Remembrance Sunday


This is a more serious note for this blog, but I feel it is imperative that we speak about it together. I couldn't choose whether to do a post today or tomorrow, however I decided to do a post on both.
Today is Remembrance Sunday. It is a time for us to remember the service men and women who have given their lives for their country. It's also to think of those who are still out their fighting, and those who have survived war.
We wear poppies all through November, and part of October too. It's a way of showing we are remembering service men and women, and also, it shows we have donated to the Poppy Appeal. I also have a wristband, and I've seen people with pin badges and poppy's for their cars too.
Although, Poppy's do have a habit of going missing, the most important bit for me is to wear a poppy on Remembrance Sunday and Day.
I hope that today, at 11am, you are all respectful and partake in the 2 minutes silence. I also hope you'll do the same tomorrow. Just 2 minutes today, and 2 minutes tomorrow. That is all it takes, and yet it means so much to service men and women, their families/friends and so many other people too.
I'm going to write some more about Remembrance tomorrow, as Remembrance Day is on the 11th of November. Do check back then, and please partake in the silences.
To all Service Men and Women everywhere, alive or passed, I salute you.

I hope your day is good, and that you spend part of it reflecting.
GingerSnaps xxx

Thursday 7 November 2013

Holidays Are Comin, Holidays Are Comin... - The Excitment for Christmas!!!


To be perfectly honest, I wasn't actually going to post anything about Christmas until December, for your sanity, but anyone who knows me will tell you that would have been utterly impossible for me. I then considered late November, but I just cannot help it.
I stepped out of my house last Friday afternoon, after getting some work done and I just felt Christmas. Unless you are someone who gets this, I understand, you think I'm blooming mental. But those who do will understand. I closed the door behind me, and the cold air nipped my ankles and I just... filled up with this... Christmas Cheer.
Then, we went to the shops down the way from me and went into Wilkinson's, and they began playing All I Want for Christmas is You and I began dancing and dramatically singing along and doing massive gestures... Good job I'm not easily embarrassed.
And ttthhheeeennnn, Radio One asked the listeners if they wanted to hear the same song... And then played it. (Cheers for that, Scott Mills).

I had my first mince pie of the year on Sunday and it was so good, I love mince pies. I also bought all my Christmas cards and my wrapping paper, ribbons and tags, all of which are things I usually end up doing last minute and so I'm doing well on my checklist this year.
 Christmas has begun officially. I went to a bonfire on Saturday and I see fireworks as a send off for Autumn and a celebration of the start of winter and thus Christmas, so for me Christmas has started.
If you think it's still too early, I'm sorry, but you can just avoid my Christmas posts until you are ready to embrace Christmas... But I suggest you do so soon.
I hope you have enjoyed this post and are as festive as me and we can all be festive in the comments! And, if you have any ideas for Christmassy posts you want to see, let me know in the comments, and I'll do my best. Also, if you have any suggestions of really nice Christmas candles, let me know, I'm currently on the hunt...
Have a magical day!
GingerSnaps xxx

Tuesday 5 November 2013

The Night of The Sparkler - Bonfire Night


Today is Bonfire Night, as you may not know depending on where you are from. If you aren't sure what it is, you can find out more (HERE).

Bonfire Night is one of my favourite times of year, as I adore fireworks. We go to an arranged display, which was on Saturday last week and it was brilliant, the fireworks were exceptional and I had a lovely time.

We didn't always go to an arranged display; my parents used to buy fireworks from the supermarket and light them in the back garden on the 5th of November. I remember many a year of spinning sparklers round and writing my name, watching beautiful fireworks and going inside for a drink and rushing back out again. I also remember a mild burn on my Dad's thumb from, not the firework, but the lighter - daft old so and so...
That was also the year my Dad first read poetry with me.

So, I hope you have a lovely time, whether you are having fireworks at your house or going to an organised display or just watching them out of your window (*ahem* Loz)

Stay safe, have fun, and enjoy your evening!
GingerSnaps xxx

Friday 1 November 2013

So, To Sum It All Up - October Summary


I was actually going to post this yesterday or the day before but I didn't think I could really overshadow Halloween successfully. Anyway, October was a pretty good month for me and so I wanted to share some of my highlights. This could be a bit of a lengthy post - I suggest you get yourself a cup of tea...
Going to see About Time with Elf Girl.

          That was a brilliant day, About Time is my now my favourite film, without a doubt, and I
          want you all to go and see it, please, and I will be a very happy little ginger. I know it sounds weird but the film completely changed my outlook on life - you'll know what I mean when you see it. Best film ever.
          Apart from the film, we went to Hawkins Bazaar and had soooo much fun messing with
          all the toys - Elf Girl walked away with a Chinese Finger Trap and I left with a sparkly
          majorette baton.
          We went to Giraffe for lunch, I can't believe we hadn't been before but I highly recommend the Penne Margarita. It was just a day filled with lots of little happy things and I am very grateful for days like those.  
You can find a post I did on my excitement to see About Time (HERE), and a link to Elf Girls Blog (HERE) - I mention her too much.

Taking up running.  

Granted I haven't been on a great deal of runs, but making the decision and actually even just completing one run is a huge deal for me and I took some big steps last month towards changing my lifestyle for the better so I can live a healthier life for many years to come.
I also realised that anyone can do anything if they really want to and it is imperative that we all learn this.
You can find a post I did about taking up running (HERE).
Enjoying the little things.

Last month I've been noticing the little things a lot more.
I found beauty in a Sainsbury's car park and I really enjoyed my long weekend at my Aunties house. I didn't do a lot of "big" things last month but it was just a good month for me.
You can find the post I did about that car park (HERE) and you can see the post I did about staying at my Aunties (HERE).
Halloween Shenanigans.

Halloween this year was pretty fun and I really enjoyed it.
Elf Girl and I had another addition to our Halloween Shenanigans, as one of our friends joined us, and it was lovely to have her round.
I was very happy with my costume and my hair and makeup. The pumpkin was nice to me and, I think, looked pretty cool. Elf Girl's pumpkin went a bit mad and almost set the curtains on fire... And I'm scared of fire (no jokes, please). We watched Ghostbusters - great film... - and we ate lots of food and just had a cracking time.
You can find my Halloween preparation post (HERE) and my Happy Halloween post (HERE). To find Elf Girl, I'll link her a-gain, (HERE).
My favourite YouTube video from October.

 I think it might have to be...
Autumn LookBook by "Zoella" (HERE) - I LOVED THIS. It was filmed so, so, so beautifully, the outfits were stunning and it looked like something out of a movie... One of my favourite YouTube videos ever, I think.
My favourite Blog Post from October.
October has been a month of great blog posts but my favourite is going to have to be...
A yurt holiday and some news... by Rosie at A Rosie Outlook (HERE) - A Rosie Outlook is one of my favourite blogs anyway, if not my favourite, and this post was utterly adorable. I won't spoil it for you but I do want to say Congratulations to Rosie. Do go and have a read and be sure to leave a lovely comment for her.
Phew, that was a bit of a lengthy post but if you made it this far, I hope you enjoyed it. I'm not sure that I'll do these every month, but I did enjoy piecing this together and if you want to see more of these, then do let me know in the comments.
Have a truly lovely day.
GingerSnaps xxx