
Tuesday 30 August 2016

Going Anywhere Nice On Your Holidays? - Travel - What's In My Suitcase? Cyprus 2016


Hello, lovely people. I hope you're having a brilliant week so far (and also that you enjoy this post...). Today is a post all about the contents of my suitcase. This is the second draft that I've done of this, because figuring out how to do it well has been interesting. Anyway, let's begin.

I have a whole bunch of cosmetic/wash bags. The red one contains my sun protection - two bottles of Nivea Factor 50, a bottle of Factor 50 Vichy Velvety Cream, aftersun and an SPF 30 lip balm from Malibu. The floral one is from Cath Kidston and it has my cleanser, makeup remover, toothbrush and toothpaste and deodorant. The blue one with the owls has my makeup in and there isn't loads - I have mascara, some colourful lipsticks, bronzer, concealer, primer and Nars Sheer Glow foundation and some brushes. I also have a colour protect conditioner (because it has UV filters), my fave shampoo and shower gel, some hair bobbles and insect repellent.
Clothes wise, I have a variety of vest tops, several pairs of shorts and some cover-ups. I also have some smarter tops and blouses, linen trousers, maxi dresses and a maxi skirt. I've got some light scarves and a light cardigan for the evenings, too. I have a couple of bikinis and a tankini - they are a bunch of different colours and prints.
I packed two pairs of sandals - some chunky white ones and some with black strappy detailing. I wore pair of trainers on the plane so I also have those with me.
I have this super snazzy (and rather glamorous) floppy sun hat which I adore - it is huge so it'll certainly help protect me from the sun. I've also got a blue and white one which has a slightly smaller brim.
And then the books. I packed Funny Girl by Nick Hornby, Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason by Helen Fielding, Paper Towns by John Green (on recommendation) and Brighton Rock by Graham Greene. Would you like me to review them when I get back? (Tell me in the comments).
And that, ladies and gents, is 'what's in my suitcase'. This was a bit of a different post for me, so I hope you liked it!
Have you been on holiday this year? Are you going anywhere? Do you have any comments or suggestions for future posts? Let me know in the comments.
Thanks for reading, speak soon.
I hope you day is going swimmingly!
GingerSnaps xxx

Saturday 27 August 2016

The Bare Necessities - Essentials - My Carry On Essentials.


I don't know about you guys but when I'm going on holiday (even if its weeks away), I'll be looking at packing lists, airport outfits and carry on essentials posts on the blogosphere. These are my own carry on essentials - I'm talking short haul today, because I have no experience of twenty hour flights. Let's roll.

Passport, Boarding Pass, Phone and Purse. These are the real essentials for your flight so pack these first, preferably in a little side pocket in your bag (if there is one...) so that you can find them easily and you don't have a mini did-I-leave-it-at-home heart attack.
Camera. I like to keep my camera in my hand luggage so that I know where it is and that it isn't going to get damaged in transit (or, you know, when its taken on and off the plane...). If you have a little case for it, then pop it in that. Having it in my hand luggage also means that, should I want to use it when at the airport or when I arrive, I have it to hand. Obviously it isn't in the photos because I was using it.
Sunglasses. I keep my sunglasses in my bag for multiple reasons. One is the good old 'don't want them to get damaged in transit' thing. Another is that, if I want/need them on the plane for any reason, then I have them handy. Finally, I might need them when I arrive (obvs this is dependant on the time of year and where I'm going). Mine will be in their plastic case.
Books and magazines. As much as staring out the window is my favourite thing to do on a plane journey, sometimes you want some other options. Bring a book for longer flights or a bunch of magazines for longer and shorter flights.
Tissues. They're just handy to have and even if you don't need them, someone else might. Buy a little packet and pop them in amongst the rest of your things.
Lip balm and hand cream. While I love plane journeys, I do sometimes notice it can leave my skin a bit dry. I like to bring hand cream as this keeps me feeling fresh and lip balm to keep my lips from drying. Pop them in one of those little clear bags and make sure they're under 100ml.

Pocket Size Sun Cream. This is somewhat dependant on where I'm going but if I'm going to somewhere sunny, then I like to bring this with me. Nivea do pocket size sun lotions which are less than 50ml, so you can bring these on the plane in your clear bag. You can then pop some on when you arrive at your destination - that way, you won't start your break with lobster red skin.

Sweets. I like to have some with me because they help to stop my ears popping (*shudders*) and also because I like sweets. I get them at the airport once I'm through security at WHSmith or something.

Water. You can bring water on a plane if you buy it at the airport, just to let you know (because I didn't until recently). I don't bring a bottle of water on shorter flights - I just get a cup of tea from the trolley - but on a longer flight, it's good to have the option. Dehydration at 30,000ft is not the one.

So, those are my carry on essentials. Hope you're enjoying the 'holiday-y' content.
What do you bring in your carry on? Do you have any recommendations for other things I could take? Do you have any suggestions for future posts or any other comments? Feel free to leave a comment.
Thanks for reading. 

Have a sunny day! 
GingerSnaps xxx

Wednesday 24 August 2016

I've Been Thinking... - Going Anywhere Nice On Your Holidays?


Today's post is a bit of an update about what I'm going to be getting up to in the next week or so. I thought that it might be interesting and also, I want to give you guys a heads up about some things blog-wise. Also, do you like the title? It is, as you may have guessed, based on *that* classic hairdresser question.

So, I'm going on holiday! I'm off to Cyprus and my flight leaves today. I'm super duper excited and it'll be a real adventure - I've been abroad a few times but I've done more city breaks with the occasional visit to the beach (sometimes in a jumper!) as opposed to a summer holiday. I'm going with my Mom and my Auntie S and I'm sure we're all going to have a lovely girly holiday together. I get back on the 31st. 
This brings me on to the blog related bit. I've written up posts and scheduled them so you can still expect your regular dose of 'A Dash of Ginger' content, there will still be lots for you to read. However, if you choose to leave any comments (and please do!), I won't be able to reply to them as speedily as I normally would.
I hope you enjoy this week's content and you have a lovely time, whatever you're doing.
Are you going on holiday this year? Have you been already? Do you have any comments or suggestions for future posts? Feel free to leave a comment!
Thanks for reading.
Have a beautiful day!
GingerSnaps xxx

Sunday 21 August 2016

Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do! - Music - Some Of My Favourite Tracks That You Should Play This Week.


Ah, Sunday. It's a wonderful day of the week, isn't it? I love it - the family time or time with friends, the relaxed schedule for the day, all of it. Sunday is also often the day when people plan for the upcoming week and so I thought I'd help you plan your listening for this week - there's some right gooduns and they all go together wonderfully.

'The Importance of Being Idle' by Oasis because... it is an amazing track with that classic Oasis sound, mixed with an older style, and cool lyrics.
'Love, Hope and Misery' by Jake Bugg because... it has vintage vibes, skilful guitar playing and great lyrics - it has both delicacy and power.
'Snap Out Of It' by The Arctic Monkeys because... it's catchy and has those instantly recognisable riffs that the album AM was full of.
'Champagne Supernova' by Oasis because... it's a classic - it has catchy yet clever lyrics and each of the instruments the band used can be picked out.

 'Bitter Salt' by Jake Bugg because... this is the latest release off the album 'On My One', and I like it - listen to it once, then again straight after, and you'll see my point.
'This Time Tomorrow' by The Kinks because... it is probably my favourite song by The Kinks in that I love the lyrics and the music is simple yet good.
And that is your recommended listening for this week (and for all of time, haha) - I hope you enjoy the songs, they are some of my all time favourites and I think this bunch all go well together.
What have you been listening to recently? Do you love these six songs as much as I do? Do you have any other comments or suggestions for future posts? Let me know in the comments.
Thank you for reading!
I hope your day is beautiful!
GingerSnaps xxx

Wednesday 17 August 2016

Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do! - Music - Meet My New Guitar.


This is a slightly different music post than normal but one I'm excited to share with you all. It features one of my birthday presents from my parents, which I've always wanted (but only recently actually asked for!).

Meet my beautiful new guitar. It's an acoustic guitar from Lindo.

It's mahogany with pale green artwork - it's basically my dream design for a guitar. I've been learning and practising for the past few weeks and I'm really enjoying it. It came with a canvas case which is super handy and my parents told me that they were super duper impressed with the company's customer service (friendly and helpful is always good).

I haven't played an instrument in a few years - I used to play violin. The two instruments I have always wanted to play are violin and guitar, so I'm doing pretty well in terms of life goals.
I am so, so excited that I now have a guitar and I'm already loving playing so much. I'm very thankful to my parents for buying it for me for my birthday, it is a really special gift.
So, there you go. A little musical life update from me.
Do you play an instrument? Do you like my guitar? Do you have any suggestions for future posts? Just fancy a chat? Talk to me in the comments.
Thanks for reading, have a great day.
I hope your day is pitch perfect.
GingerSnaps xxx

Sunday 14 August 2016

I've Been Thinking - The Superhumans.


As I'm sure you all know, the Olympics is currently taking place in Rio and the Paralympics are approaching. Channel 4 are providing the Paralympics coverage this year and they have obviously been advertising this.

The 'We're The Superhumans' advert is inspirational. It features Paralympics athletes as well as a variety of other people with disabilities. Multiple disabilities are shown in the advert.
Everyone in it is shown to be strong and capable of doing whatever they want to - be it sports or brushing their teeth or playing piano and so on.
The song, 'Yes I Can', and band that feature complement the feeling so well. They provide a powerful soundtrack to the actions of the people in the ad.
The first time I saw this ad on TV, I teared up. It was just so moving to see such a broad range of people given a chance to showcase their capabilities to the masses and celebrate each other.
There is a point in the ad when it cuts to a clip of a young man in a wheelchair being told "No, you can't". The next clip is of the same guy yelling "Yes, I can!" while playing basketball. It's heart warming and that is the best way to explain the sentiment this advert carries.
I wanted to share it with you because I want as many people as possible to see it and be inspired by it.
You can see it here.
I hope you enjoyed the post and enjoy the advert.
What do you think of the advert? Do you have any other comments or suggestions for future posts? Talk to me in the comments section.
Thanks for reading!
Have a super day!
GingerSnaps xxx

Wednesday 10 August 2016

I've Been Thinking... - Why You Should Go And See Suicide Squad.


I've been to the cinema more this year than any other year that I can remember - there have been so many new releases that I've wanted to go and see. My friends and I went to see Suicide Squad last Saturday and I thought you might like to here my thoughts on it.

There's been a lot riding on Suicide Squad, the 'movie event of the year'. This is for a number of reasons, one being the huge fan bases the character's in this film have, even though they've never been featured on film before.
I ABSOLUTLEY LOVE THIS FILM (sorry for the loud shouting, I just really do).
I think Margot Robbie gives a perfect performance as Harley Quinn, one of the greatest characters in film this year - she's out there, she's crazy, she's fearless and funny and all that kind of stuff. I also loved Will Smith as Deadshot - he played the super cool hitman brilliantly. Jared Leto's Joker is very impressive and great to watch. The other character's are very good, too. They may well be the 'worst heroes ever' but they some of the most interesting, daring and entertaining characters in cinema. Someone tell Taylor Swift that I've found different squad goals.
The plot is engaging and entertaining - I didn't look at my watch once, I didn't want it to end, really. It's not often that I'll think about a film for days after, it happens when I'm very impressed. This film and it's characters have cropped up in my head so often these past few days. I'll certainly buy the DVD release when it comes out.
I'd recommend it to you all. It's funny, sharp and unique and I really enjoyed it.
You can see the trailer here.
Well, thanks for reading.
Have you seen Suicide Squad? Do you have any cinema recommendations for me? Do you have any other comments or suggestions for future posts? Let me know in the comments.
I hope you enjoyed. Speak soon.
Have an awesome day!
GingerSnaps xxx

Sunday 7 August 2016

It's Showtime!!! - Theatre Review - A Tour Of The National Theatre and Afternoon Tea.


As I've mentioned previously, I spent a lot of time at the National Theatre in the week following my birthday. I saw two shows (which I reviewed here and here), but that wasn't all. One of my birthday presents was a tour of the theatre and afternoon tea at one of their restaurants. Here are my thoughts.

 The tour takes you behind the scenes, with time in each theatre within the National - the Olivier, the Lyttelton and the Dorfman - and also the props and set departments.
The tour is conducted in groups which are medium sized - there  are quite a few people and yet not too many, so if you have any questions, you'll be heard. You're given orange vests to wear so that none of you get lost and they are pretty snazzy.
You find out about the lay-out of the theatre, the reason they are each designed in such different ways. You also get to find out about the materials used for props and set, see the workspaces and hold some of the props used from previous productions. The tour guide will also talk to you about traditions the actors at the theatre have and the inner workings of the productions (like the Olivier Drum).
The National Theatre are keen to say that no two tours are exactly the same in that you may see different sets, props or maybe the making of some. You may find out different facts, depending on the shows that are on. There's always something new at the National and they want people to feel involved in that, which I love.
The tour is informative, interesting and fun. It is a unique experience, and definitely worth going, especially if you love the theatre.

The Afternoon Tea was amazing, too.

All of the elements of it are taken from productions by the National Theatre, some examples include a Hummus, Red Pepper and Green Bean Sandwich from One Man Two Guvnors and the greatest pork pie I've ever eaten which is inspired by Sweeny Todd (although thankfully not in a literal sense!). The deserts deserve a special mention, too - macaroons, gooseberry ice cream, honey cake (with honey from the theatre's beehives) and the obligatory scones.

The service at the restaurant was excellent and we were given plenty of time to enjoy the experience, which I appreciated greatly.

It was an absolute treat and I would wholeheartedly recommend it.

There is a package featuring both experiences or you can, I believe, do them separately. I've linked all the information you could possibly want on this here and here.

I hope you found this interesting. I'm super lucky to have had this experience and writing this really made me smile.
Have you been on the tour or had afternoon tea at the National? Would you like to? Do you have any suggestions for future posts? Fancy a chat? Talk to me in the comments.
Thanks for joining me today, I'll speak to you soon.

Have a marvellous day, lovely people!

GingerSnaps xxx

Thursday 4 August 2016

Oh My Life! - Tales Of My Life And Times - My Birthday!, Family, Friends, Bunting and Balloons.


As I've recently celebrated my birthday, I thought that I'd fill you guys in on what I got up to because I often find this kind of thing quite interesting, and thought you would too. So, without further ado, let's talk about my birthday.

I had my family get-together at my Auntie's house in Watford this year. I've got family in various places around the country and almost everyone managed to make it (except those who were away/had prior commitments and so couldn't).
We spent the afternoon eating lots of yummy food and catching up. The garden was decorated with bunting, garlands and photographs of me throughout the years, all of which my parents had either put up or made, which was ever so thoughtful.
I was given some wonderful cards and presents, too, which I'm extremely grateful for.
 I had a fantastic time and am so happy that I got to spend the day with my family, having fun.
Elf Girl came round for a cup of tea a few days before my birthday and gave me some lovely presents and a card while she was here. It was great to see her and I'm very lucky to have a) such a great best friend and b) received such lovely things.

We also did a joint birthday kind of thing yesterday with our friends which involved lots of food, a very snazzy playlist, time in the hot tub and some hilarious group photos featuring various props.
It was a really great day and it was good to see everyone.
And that is the summary of my birthday! We're going to the cinema tomorrow for Elf Girl's actual birthday which should be lots of fun.
What have you guys been up to recently? Anything exciting? Do you have any comments or suggestions for future posts? Let me know in the comments - I'd love to hear from you.
Thank you for reading.

I hope you have a spectacular day!

GingerSnaps xxx

Monday 1 August 2016

It's Showtime!!! - Theatre Review - The Plough and The Stars.


Good morning, lovely people. How are you today? I have another theatre review for you, and it is once again a production at the National Theatre. Today we're going to discuss 'The Plough and The Stars', which is in its preview stages.

'The Plough and The Stars' is a play by Sean O'Casey. It was written in the 1920s and is based on the events of Easter Uprising of 1916 - this production at the National Theatre commemorates the 100th Anniversary of the uprising. When the play was first performed in Dublin, the audience broke out into fights and WB Yeats famously said to the audience, "You have disgraced yourselves again".
It follows a group of Dubliners living in tenement housing and the problems they faced before and during the unrest. The group are men and women with different religious beliefs and views on Ireland and the rebellion. There is tragedy, sometimes comedy, and many aspects to this plot.
The play itself is good, but possibly covers a few too many things. A lot happens within that two hour and forty minute space, and sometimes it can feel a bit much. Other than that, I really like the content of the play and the way it focuses on real life as well as the uprising, that there is a human focus to such an event.
The set is a good backdrop to the action. It features a pub, houses and a street and they are detailed, despite being simple.
There are lots of characters in 'The Plough and The Stars' and therefore lots of actors. I was truly impressed by Judith Roddy (Nora), who gave a very emotional performance, Stephen Kennedy (Fluther), who was hilarious when he needed to be, and Justine Mitchell (Bessie), who performed her dynamic character, who is bold and different and yet also caring, with admirable skill.
The rest of the cast were also very good and I think they successfully breathe life into O'Casey's characters. In such a big cast, I don't feel any of the characters are lost, which speaks in the actors favour.
I'd give a solid and enthusiastic four stars to this production of 'The Plough and The Stars'. I was very impressed, particularly with the standard of acting, and I would recommend it to you all (especially if you like historical plays and/or have an interest in Irish History).
To find out more about 'The Plough and The Stars' at the National Theatre, click here.
You may also like to check out this video, which will show you the variety of different characters represented in the play.
And that concludes my review. I hope you enjoyed it.
Have you seen 'The Plough and The Stars'? Do you have any theatre recommendations for me? Have you got any other comments or suggestions for future posts? Be sure to let me know in the comments section - I'd love to hear from you.
Thank you for reading.
Have an awesome day!
GingerSnaps xxx