
Sunday 31 December 2017

5, 4, 3, 2, 1! - Happy New Year (2018 Edition).


So, the last post of 2017 is here! I almost can't believe that we've arrived at the end of this year. Anyway, here's the annual review of the year and a message for you for 2018.

2017 has had some amazing moments for me. I've celebrated a milestone birthday, I've spent time with my friends and family and I left the kind of 'work place' I've known for most of my life. I've been to some great gigs, I've taken on big blog projects like Blogmas. I made some achievements in my 'work' life that I am still super proud of. I've watched my friends achieve and I truly could not be more proud of them than I am everyday. I worked harder than I actually knew I could but I've also taken plenty of time to play. I've danced and I've laughed. I've explored castles (and lived in one for a few days!). I conquered one of my biggest (although somewhat irrational fears) and had some dental work done that I'd been putting off for ages. I've passed on my knowledge of party dances and I've worn glitter all over my face and I finally got to go to London with my friends and I had the most amazing day. I went to Birmingham's MCM Comic Con in both March and November (and did some pretty cool cosplays). I dressed up as a fairy for Halloween and made jokes around a bonfire with friends. It snowed. And the snow settled. I got my Irish passport. I took ten million photos and am in the ten million other photos those around me took. I went bowling (and actually hit some of the pins!). I spent a day picking apples with my cousins. I watched a cake get set on fire and I ate candyfloss and we helped one of my friends build her first ever blanket fort. I got rained on while watching outoor Shakespeare and then later in the summer saw some far better and less rainy outdoor Shakespeare. I celebrated one of our closest family friends getting married and I ate pasta in Brighton and went on an Easter egg hunt and I sat on the grass and watched a Horrible Histories themed show and got lost in a maze with my best friend. I saw a fox in real life. I've carved pumpkins and sent an obnoxious amount of memes and played on a pinball machine and ate fries from a fake tree and and I reconnected with friends. I had really lovely and sometimes deep conversations. And looking back, I have loved so much of 2017 and I have learnt so much and done so much and I feel incredibly lucky.

If 2017 hasn't been a great year for you, for whatever reason, then I am really sorry. I hope that it at least has had some good moments and that you have smiled. Your story is so very significant and you really do matter.

I hope 2018 is an amazing year for you. I hope you get to make lots of lovely memories and spend time with the people who matter to you and I hope that when you get to this time next year and you're reflecting on what has gone before, you smile fondly and you realise that you've come a long way. I hope you and those who you love are happy and healthy and safe in 2018 and I hope you all love every second of the year. Thank you for your readership and support in 2017 and thank you for supporting me. Sending lots of love and good vibes for the New Year.

Thanks for reading.
What are your plans for the New Year? Do you have any other comments or suggestions for future posts? Let me know by leaving a comment.
I'll see you all next year.

Happy New Year!

GingerSnaps xxx


  1. Glad it has been such a fun-filled year for you with great success. I hope the coming year will be even better. xxx

    1. Thank you so much. Happy New Year! GingerSnaps xxx

  2. Replies
    1. Happy New Year to you, too!!! GingerSnaps xxx
