
Friday 1 December 2017

I've Been Thinking... - Surprise, I'm Doing Blogmas!


Happy December! I am so excited that December is here again. Christmas is my favourite time of year and Winter is my favourite season, so December is all kinds of wonderful in my eyes. I have some news about my plans for this blog in the run up to Christmas to share with you (which, as you may well have guessed from the title, is that I'm doing Blogmas). I thought I'd start this project by explaining what that will involve and what I hope to do so let's get started, shall we?

 First things first, for those of you who aren't familiar with it
Blogmas = uploading new posts every day from December 1st all the way to Christmas Day.
It is something I have watched other bloggers (and YouTubers - through the equivalent Vlogmas) do for years. I have wanted to participate for such a long time but this year seems the perfect time to commit to it because I have plenty of time to invest in this project and plenty of ideas for things to share.
I'm a little bit apprehensive but mostly very excited to create twenty-five posts for you to read (and hopefully enjoy) in the run-up to Christmas. I think it will really get me into the spirit of the season to be uploading Christmassy posts every day and hopefully I can pass it on to you when you read them.
As I mentioned earlier, I have got lots of ideas already in the pipeline. I think there's something for everyone with music and beauty and theatre and lifestyle posts all making appearances - put simply, it will be all of the things I usually share with you but with a Christmas twist.
Thanks for reading Blogmas Day 1!
What are your plans for December? Do you have any suggestions for posts that you'd like to see during Blogmas? I'm definitely open to your ideas, so feel free to let me know in the comments if you have any.
See you tomorrow for Blogmas Day 2!

I hope you have a wonderful day!
GingerSnaps xxx


  1. do a tag join me on the dark un creative side

    1. I might just do a tag, this might be the time to join the club. GingerSnaps xxx
