
Saturday 23 December 2017

I've Been Thinking... - 5 Things To Do In The Lull Between Christmas and the New Year.


I know some of you will be rolling your eyes at the title of this post because we haven't even had Christmas yet but today is Blogmas Day Twenty Three, we're very close to Christmas and I thought it might be nice to be able to have this list handy whenever you might want some inspiration. Also, I am sorry to anyone who won't be enjoying the lull between Christmas and New Year because of work or any other reason - you got this.

Read a book.

I'm sure a lot of us are in the 'I wish I had the time to read more books' club - now's your chance! Whether it's the new book that somebody bought you for Christmas or one of the books on your existing 'to be read' pile, taking the time to sit with a cup of tea and actually enjoy a book and switch off is always worthwhile.
Play a board game.

I love a good board game and the space between Christmas and New Year is the perfect time to play them because you'll have plenty of time and you can actually sit down and play a full game start to finish. My favourites are Cludeo and Best of British (I'm also very interested in playing the Logo Board Game, especially since it's made by the same people who created Best of British). If you really want to make something of it, then you could invite some of your favourite people round and finish all the Quality Street chocolates you have left before everyone gets busy or goes back to their own corners of the country again.

Go to the cinema.

While lounging about on the sofa at home is lovely, you also might want to get out of the house for a few hours between now and New Year's Eve. I went to see Star Wars: The Last Jedi a few days ago with some of my family and I would highly recommend going to see it (I'm hoping to do a separate post on it soon, but if I don't get round to it, just know that I love it, I finally had my 'Star Wars Moment' that made the franchise something I really love rather than something I just enjoy and, while it's busy, every scene and character has agency). Aside from how great the film was, it was also lovely to spend some time with my family, to eat burgers and discuss film trailers and laugh at a spilled Tango Ice Blast - if you didn't already know, I can be very clumsy - together.

Do some exercise.

I know it's maybe not the most fun thing on the list, but I can't be the only one who gets to the twenty ninth and starts to wonder whether all of the cheese I've eaten over Christmas is going to catch up with me suddenly and if my internal organs will hate me for it? I'm not sure how much half an hour of yoga will help my internal organs post-Christmas, but I think it's something I'll feel better for. Oh, and obviously if you prefer running or swimming or paragliding, then you can do that.
Have a pamper evening.

Similarly to reading books, I feel like taking time for ourselves through things like pamper evenings often fall by the wayside when we get busy. If you've been given any bath and body care products over Christmas, this would be the perfect time to use them and you'll actually have enough time to let your nail polish dry properly so it won't smudge. If you want to know more about my routine or the products I like, then check out my Blogmas Day Nineteen post here.

Thanks for reading today's Blogmas post.
What are your plans for the rest of 2017? Do you have any other comments or suggestions for future posts? Leave a comment to let me know.
I'll be back tomorrow - which can I just remind you is Christmas Eve, how exciting! - with another Blogmas post.

I hope you have a truly fabulous day!

GingerSnaps xxx