
Friday 25 December 2015

We Wish You A Merry Christmas! - Merry Christmas 2015!!!


Good morning, everyone! You might just have noticed that today isn't just a standard Friday and that it is in fact Christmas (it's CHRIIIIIISSSTMMMAASS!!!). I'd like to take this opportunity to wish you all the very best that the season has to offer so without further ado...

Christmas Day is the most wonderful, magical, fantastic day. It is a day for giving, receiving and being kind and good to everyone. It's also a time to celebrate friendship, love, happiness and enjoy all of the  estivities. 
I hope that you're all having a completely brilliant time, that you're stuffing your faces with all of your favourite festive food, that if you bought people presents, they love them, that if you are lucky enough to receive presents, you adore them and that you enjoy films, TV and time with those you love. Have fun dancing around to your favourite Christmas tunes and pulling Christmas crackers and making memories with the ones you love.
And, while you are enjoying the most wonderful time of the year, I hope that you take a moment to remember what Christmas truly means to you, and I hope you think for a moment about all of the less fortunate people who don't have the lovey things we do at this time of year...
Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones. I hope that you have the greatest day ever. Thank you for your continued support, it truly means the world to me. Have the magical time that you all deserve. I love you all so very much.
Christmas comes but once a year so do enjoy it and make the most of it. 

What are your plans for today? What are you most looking forward to? Do you have any other comments or any suggestions for future posts? Let me know in the comments below.
I'll see you all soon, thank you for reading. 
Have a holly jolly Christmas!
GingerSnaps xxx

Thursday 24 December 2015

Food Glorious Food! - Recipes - Three Festive Treat Recipes.


Welcome to the fifth "A Dash Of Ginger Festive Five" post! It's Christmas Eve, you guys!!! I'm so excited for Christmas tomorrow. I'm my family's resident baker and I'm often in the kitchen at Christmas so I thought that I'd share some festive recipes with you for you to try out over the festive period. Since Christmas is a time for overindulgence when it comes to food, I thought that some cupcake recipes and a festive drink recipe would be the perfect fit. So, without further ado, here is my first ever recipe post!

Gingerbread Cupcakes (makes 12) Ingredients List.
  • 125g butter
  • 100g sugar
  • 2 medium sized free range eggs
  • 1 and 1/2 teaspoons of vanilla essence
  • 125g self raising flour
  • 1 teaspoon ground ginger
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
  • 2 teaspoons black treacle
12 Gingerbread Cupcakes (makes 12) Method.
  • Preheat your oven to 200 degrees Celsius and put paper cases in a 12 hole muffin tray.
  • Cream the butter and sugar together.
  • Beat in the eggs one at a time.
  • Add the vanilla essence.
  • Fold in the flour, the ginger, the cinnamon, the nutmeg and the treacle.
  • Put the mixture into the paper cases and cook for 20 minutes.
  • Leave to cool.
  • Enjoy!
Orange and Cherry Christmas Morning Muffins (makes 12) Ingredients List.
  • 125g butter
  • 100g sugar
  • 2 medium sized free range eggs
  • 1 and 1/2 teaspoons of vanilla essence
  • 125g self raising flour
  • The zest of 1 orange
  • 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon
  • A tub of glace cherries
    Orange and Cherry Christmas Morning Muffins (makes 12) Method.
  • Preheat your oven to 200 degrees Celsius and put paper cases in a 12 hole muffin tray.
  • Cream the butter and the sugar together.
  • Beat in the eggs one at a time.
  • Add the vanilla essence.
  • Fold in the flour.
  • Fold in the orange zest and the cinnamon.
  • Put the mixture in the paper cases.
  • Put two or three glace cherries on the top of each muffin and sprinkle an extra bit of sugar over the top.
  • Bake for 25 minutes.
  • Leave to cool.
  • Enjoy!
White Chocolate and Peppermint Hot Chocolate (serves two) Ingredients List.
  • 2 cups of milk
  • 12 squares of white chocolate
  •  2 peppermint candy canes
  • Whipped cream/squirty cream (optional)
  • 2 handfuls of mini marshmallows (optional)
White Chocolate and Peppermint Hot Chocolate (serves two) Method.
  • Pour the milk into a small saucepan and warm over a low heat.
  • Add the broken squares of chocolate in small amounts and stir until melted. Repeat until all the chocolate has been used up.
  • Continue to heat the mixture until the milk/chocolate mix is hot.
  • Pour the milk/chocolate mix into two mugs.
  • If you are using the cream/marshmallows toppings, add those on top before hanging a candy cane over the side of each mug so that it sits in the hot chocolate.
  • If you aren't using the toppings, simply hang the candy cane over the side.

I hope that you've enjoyed this post with the very first recipes post on this blog.
Are you going to try out any of these recipes? Which one do you most like the sound of? Would you like to see more posts like this? Do you have any comments or suggestions for future posts? Let me know in the comments.
I hope you're all having a magical Christmas Eve! Thanks for reading.
Have an exceedingly good day!
GingerSnaps xxx

Wednesday 23 December 2015

Style It Out - Fashion, Style and Get Ready With Me's- A Festive Get Ready With Me.


Welcome to the fourth instalment of "A Dash Of Ginger Festive Five". Today I wanted to post something a little bit different. I've had the idea for a little while - I wasn't sure I could make it work but I think that I've got this sussed now. So, welcome to my Festive Get Ready With Me. I know, right? I've never done a Get Ready With Me before so I hope that you guys like this.

A Festive Get Ready With Me.
Once I'd dragged myself out of bed in the morning and I'd had some breakfast, I grabbed a cup of tea and headed up the stairs. I got some Christmas tunes going at an obnoxious volume on the TV in my bedroom and went off to do all the basics (brushing my teeth, washing etc.). At this point, I'd talk you through a super detailed skincare routine if I had one - basically I wash my face with my cleanser from the Aloe range at The Body Shop and bam that's it. I headed back into my bedroom and chose my outfit while drinking the cup of tea which was at the perfect temperature by this point. During the festive season, my outfit could range from a Christmas jumper to a dress and so on but on this particular day it was a red pinafore with a white polar neck jumper underneath and some mustard coloured cable knit tights.

I went on to do my makeup (I don't wear makeup on a daily basis but I fancied wearing it that day). On this particular day, I opted for a red lip (hello MAC Ladybug) and really toned down makeup everywhere else so it really stood out. I wanted to do something with my hair so I whacked half of it up into a bun with the rest down using a red velvet scrunchie. I put on my watch and then sorted the room out a little bit (opened the curtains, made the bed and so on). Then I danced around the room to all of the Christmas songs and sang all the words very loudly because its Christmas. Finally, I padded back down the stairs, pulled on some boots and left the house for my latest adventure which was a trip to one of my favourite places, Charlecote Park which was decorated for a Victorian Christmas.

You can find some links here...

To find some of the Christmas songs I was listening to, you might like to check out (THIS) post.
To find The Body Shop, click (ME)
To find MAC Ladybug Lipstick (CLICK ME)
To find everything you could want to know about the lovely Charlecote Park, (USE THIS).

Tah Dah! I'm really rather pleased with this post, I hope it was a nice read. I'm off to a pantomime this evening which I've been looking forward to for ages - it's Peter Pan which is one of the only pantomimes I haven't seen.
What did you think of my first Get Ready With Me? What are you getting up to today? Do you have any suggestions for future posts or any comments? Do let me know in the comments below, I'd love to hear from you.
I'll see you all tomorrow, which is Christmas Eve - I can't believe it.
I hope you have an exceptionally great day!
GingerSnaps xxx

Tuesday 22 December 2015

I've Been Thinking... - Some of My Favourite Christmas Films.


Good evening everyone, how are you all? Today is the third post in my "A Dash Of Ginger Festive Five" series and I'm really excited to write it. One of my favourite things to do at Christmas time is curling up and watching Christmas films with the Christmas lights on and a hot chocolate in hand as it always makes me feel so festive and happy. Since it is always such a huge part of my Christmas, I thought I'd share a few of my favourite Christmas films with you.

(Obviously, I haven't listed every single last one of my favourite Christmas films - as there are just so many - but these are some that I do really love and enjoy year in year out. These are my stand-outs.)

Some of My Favourite Christmas Movies.
One Christmas movie that has been a favourite of mine for many years is Miracle on 34th Street. I love both versions but my favourite is the one made in 1994. The story is absolutely beautiful and totally enchanting, I love all of the characters, and the cast and production of this film are wonderful. This film makes me feel all Christmassy and makes me smile every time I watch it.
Another fantastic Christmas movie is Nativity!. This film is hilarious and charming and I'm a huge fan of it. The characters are great (especially Mr Poppy - what a legend!) and the storyline is brilliant. This film is bound to put you in a good mood, the children in it are adorable and all of the characters are loveable. It's just a stroke of genius.
Elf. How could we get through a Christmas movie post without Elf? There is quite a bit of hype surrounding this film and I can say that, in my opinion, it is totally worth it. It's really funny and I quote it a ridiculous amount. I really like how it has just the right amount of classic Christmas-ness mixed with lots of laugh-out-loud moments.

If you know me, you'll know about my serious love for Love Actually. I just think it's brilliant - I'm a huge fan of Richard Curtis movies and of Christmas so this was always bound to be a favourite. It has lots of hilarious moments, some beautiful stories and the format of multiple intertwining stories is unique and works really well.

The Holiday is a really wonderful festive film and I've loved it since I first watched it. I think the story is beautiful, the characters are brilliant and I'm always left smiling and feeling really happy by the end. This was an instant favourite for me and I think it will be for you too - it is so sweet, so funny and so excellent. I also dressed in Iris (Kate Winslet's character in this) inspired outfits for a good year or so after seeing this film...

Saving Santa is a super fun animated Christmas film. It has a lovely storyline, it is really cute and the characters are very loveable. This has some really funny moments and it is a great feel good movie which is guaranteed to fill you full of Christmas cheer and joyfulness. I am a big fan of this one and I 100% think its worth a watch.

Arthur Christmas is a great one. I watched this the other night (I'd seen it before then but it reminded me how much I like it). There are some really touching moments in this as well as some funny and slightly crazy moments (it's not often that light up slippers can be used to calm down lions!) and the character of Arthur is really sweet.

The Polar Express has been a love of mine for many years and is a treasured part of Christmas for me. The storyline is wonderful and it takes you on an adventure with the characters. I think its a really lovely film and I enjoy it every time that I watch it. This is best enjoyed with a hot chocolate and pyjamas and I think you'll really like it.

For as long as I can remember, I've loved the Muppets so of course The Muppet Christmas Carol is on this list. I've seen it so many times but it never gets old and it always makes me feel festive and cheerful. There are songs, familiar Muppet faces and the classic and meaningful Charles Dickens storyline to look forward to so you should check it out.

Another favourite is Home Alone. This is such an out-there story but it works really well and makes all of the slapstick comedy more hilarious. I'll always want to ride a sledge down the stairs and I still admire the genius of the character Kevin for looking after himself so well and for his creativity when it comes to protecting his home. Classic Christmas comedy.

An undeniable seasonal classic is White Christmas. This has all the best bits of an old school musical - brilliant songs, great characters, memorable costumes and a fun story. This has a special place in my heart - I have lots of memories watching the film and last year my Mom and I went to see it at the Dominion Theatre.

I'm a big Disney fan so Mickey's Once Upon A Christmas/Mickey's Twice Upon A Christmas/Mickey's Magical Christmas: Snowed in at the House of Mouse are some of my favourites. The little sketches and stories within the film are charming and it's lovely to see some familiar faces in the form of Mickey and Co.

That's all for today then, folks. I hope that you enjoyed this post and that it has inspired you to curl up with your favourite Christmas film. I hope you're enjoying the "A Dash Of Ginger Festive Five" series so far, I'll see you tomorrow for the next instalment.
What is your favourite Christmas film? Have I drawn your attention to one you haven't seen before? Do you have any comments or suggestions for future posts? Let me know in the comments section.
Thank you for reading, I hope you're having a lovely week.
Have a terrific day!
GingerSnaps xxx

Monday 21 December 2015

Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do! - Music - Some Festive Favourites.


Now that it is officially Christmas week, I thought that you guys might like a little insight into my extensive Christmas playlist. This isn't my full Christmas playlist (that is more than 50 songs long and I thought that it might make for a bit too much of a lengthy post...). You can bet I'll be listening to these, along with all the other Christmas songs and Christmas carols that I love, this week so we can be twinning with our playlists. YAY!

(By the way, if you want to listen to all of these songs in a full playlist style, then keep this post open in one tab and click the links to listen to the songs play in another. Also, I have tried to ensure all the links are correct but if you find that one isn't then do let me know so I can sort it out.)

Some Festive Favourites.
  • "Fairytale of New York" by The Pouges and Kirsty McColl - (HERE)
  • "Stop the Cavalry" by Jona Lewie - (HERE)
  • "Last Christmas" by WHAM! - (HERE)
  • "Merry Christmas Everyone" by Shakin Stevens - (HERE)
  • "Do They Know Its Christmas Time" by Band Aid - (HERE)
  • "All I Want For Christmas Is You" by Mariah Carey - (HERE)
  • "I Wish It Could Be Christmas Everyday" by Wizzard - (HERE)
  • "Step Into Christmas" by Elton John - (HERE)
  • "Happy Xmas (War Is Over)" by Jake Bugg (cover) - (HERE)
  • "Merry Xmas Everybody" by SLADE - (HERE)
  • "Little Drummer/Peace on Earth" by David Bowie and Bing Crosby - (HERE)
  • "Wonderful Christmas Time" by Paul McCartney - (HERE)
  • "Oh Santa!" by Mariah Carey - (HERE)
  • "When A Child Is Born" by Johnny Mathis - (HERE)
  • "Mary's Boy Child" by Boney M - (HERE)
  • "The Christmas Song" by Nat King Cole - (HERE)
  • "Underneath the Tree" by Kelly Clarkson - (HERE)
  • "Joy To The World" by Mariah Carey - (HERE)
  • "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas" by Frank Sinatra - (HERE) or by Judy Garland - (HERE)
  • "White Christmas" by Bing Crosby - (HERE)
  • "It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas" by Michael Buble - (HERE)
  • "Driving Home For Christmas" by Chris Rea - (HERE)
  • "Christmas (Baby Please Come Home)" by Darlene Love - (HERE)
  • "Feliz Navidad" by Michael Buble - (HERE)
  • "Rockin' Around The Christmas Tree" by Mel and Kim - (HERE)
  •  "Santa Clause Is Comin To Town" by The Jackson 5 - (HERE) or Michael Buble - (HERE)
  •  "Baby It's Cold Outside" by Michael Buble and Idina Menzel - (HERE)
  • "It's The Most Wonderful Time of The Year" by Andy Williams - (HERE)
  •  "Jingle Bells" by Michael Buble - (HERE)
  • "Hark! The Herald Angels Sing" by Mariah Carey - (HERE)
  • "Mistletoe and Wine" by Cliff Richard - (HERE)
  • "I'll Be Home For Christmas" by Bing Crosby - (HERE)
  • "Silent Night" by Michael Buble - (HERE)
  • "Walking In A Winter Wonderland" by Dean Martin - (HERE)
  • "Holly Jolly Christmas" by Michael Buble - (HERE) or Lady Antebellum - (HERE)
I hope that you guys enjoyed this. As I said, this list doesn't include all of my favourite festive tunes but it does include quite a few so I hope you enjoy listening to them.
What is your favourite Christmas song? How about your favourite Christmas carol? What are your plans for Christmas? Any comments or ideas for future posts? Be sure to let me know in the comments below.
Thank you for reading, I hope you have a lovely week.
Have a very merry day!

GingerSnaps xxx

Sunday 20 December 2015

Makeup Your Mind - Makeup and Beauty Inspiration and Tips - Three Christmas Makeup Looks.


Who's excited for Christmas? I know I am and I'm very excited for all of the fun things I've got going on this week (and onwards to the New Year). As a big ol' makeup lover, it only seems natural that I'll be doing lots of fun and festive looks and I thought that you might like some inspiration for makeup that you could try out. So, I've been sat by our lovely Christmas tree with the open fire crackling away coming up with some ideas. I have three looks for you today and so hopefully you'll find something for you.

(I'm by no means a professional but I really enjoy makeup and creating fun looks. Please feel free to adapt and change these looks based on what you prefer, what you think suits you best and all that jazz)

Gold and Rubies - A Red Lip and Gold Eyes.
  • First things first (I'm a realist) you'll want to get a nice base going. Apply a primer all over your face with your foundation brush of choice then apply your foundation with this same brush (applying the primer with the foundation brush first will help your base blend better). Then apply your concealer under your eyes, around your nose and over any blemishes you have. Go ahead and set it all with your choice of powder and then apply a light dusting of blusher over the apples of your cheeks. If its going to be a long day (or night) then spritz on some setting spray to help keep your base looking fresh.
  • For this look, gold tones on the eyes will be lovely. Take a metallic gold cream eyeshadow and apply some over your eyelid with your ring finger (as it will be more gentle on your eye than say your index finger) and then blend it out with a brush to soften the edges and make sure it looks as lovely as possible. Keep doing this until you build up the intensity of gold you are looking for. Curl your lashes and add some black mascara to both your top and bottom lashes.
  • Finally, your lip colour. With a name like "Gold and Rubies" what else could this look feature aside from a red lip. Apply a few coats of red lipstick and bam, you're done.
  • Recommended Products: Rimmel Match Perfection Fix and Perfect Pro Prime Primer (HERE), Nars Sheer Glow Foundation (HERE), Collection Lasting Perfection Concealer (HERE), Rimmel Stay Matte Pressed Powder (HERE), Sleek Rose Gold Blusher (HERE), Urban Decay Chill Setting Spray (HERE), Maybelline 24hr Colour Tattoo in 24k Gold (HERE), Lancôme Hypnose Doll Eyes Mascara (HERE), MAC Ladybug Lipstick (HERE), Real Techniques Brushes (HERE).
O Christmas Tree - Forest Green Eyes.
  • Once again, you'll want to start with your base. Primer, foundation, concealer, powder, blusher, the optional setting spray.
  • The main focus for this look is the eyes - we're taking our inspiration from the lovely Christmas tree which is of course evergreen. Take a pale green colour on the inner section of your eye, then take a brighter, truer shade of green over the middle section of your eyelid and then take a dark green on the outer corners and underneath your lower lashline. Now, blend. Lots of blending, up and out and blend between the shades to create a lovely progression through the hues. Now, as always, mascara, top and bottom lashes.
  • There a few options for lip colour here. I think a plum or burgundy toned lipstick would look really pretty, as would a red but I also think that a really nice, natural pink shade would also look great with the colours going on here. So, take your pick and see how you feel.
  • Recommended Products: Rimmel Match Perfection Fix and Perfect Pro Prime Primer (HERE), Nars Sheer Glow Foundation (HERE), Collection Lasting Perfection Concealer (HERE), Rimmel Stay Matte Pressed Powder (HERE), Sleek Rose Gold Blusher (HERE), Urban Decay Chill Setting Spray (HERE),  Bourjois Smokey Eyes Eyeshadow Trio in Vert Trendy (HERE), Lancôme Hypnose Doll Eyes Mascara (HERE), Revlon Colorburst Balm Stain in Crush (HERE), MAC Ladybug Lipstick (HERE), Chanel Rouge Coco Shine Lipstick in Boy (HERE), Stila Lip Glaze in Starfruit (HERE), Real Techniques Brushes (HERE).

    Silver Bells - Silver Glitter Eyes and Bright Pink Lips.
  • You guessed it, the first step is all about that base (am I not just hilarious?). Primer, foundation, concealer, powder, blusher, the optional setting spray.
  • You will need: lots of silver glitter. What can I say? I'm a glitter girl at heart. Don't be scared by the prospect of falldown, I'm going to share one of my biggest tips with you right now - glitter eyeliner. Using the applicator that comes with your silver glitter eyeliner, apply the amount that you want to your eye and blend in across with your ring finger. As with the gold, you can build up the intensity to suit you. Then pop a grey kohl eyeliner on your waterline and under your lower lashine. Finish off your eyes with some black mascara on your top and bottom lashes.
  • Lipstick is always a fun part of makeup and one of my favourite shades to wear is a bright fuchsia pink. Apply a coat or two and you're good to go.
  • Recommended Products: Rimmel Match Perfection Fix and Perfect Pro Prime Primer (HERE), Nars Sheer Glow Foundation (HERE), Collection Lasting Perfection Concealer (HERE), Rimmel Stay Matte Pressed Powder (HERE), Sleek Rose Gold Blusher (HERE), Urban Decay Chill Setting Spray (HERE), Collection Glam Crystals Dazzling Gel Liner in Hustle (HERE), Max Factor Kohl Eyeliner Pencil in Charcoal Grey (HERE), Lancôme Hypnose Doll Eyes Mascara (HERE), MAC Show Orchid Lipstick (HERE), Real Techniques Brushes (HERE).
That's all for today then. I hope you enjoyed this and that this has given you a few ideas for some makeup looks to see you through the festive season.
What are your plans for the festive seasons? Do you have a favourite look for the festive season? Have you got any other comments or suggestions for future posts? Be sure to let me know in the comments, I'd love to hear from you.
Thank you for joining me today, I'll speak to you all soon.
I hope your day is beautiful.
GingerSnaps xxx

Saturday 19 December 2015

I've Been Thinking... - The Festive Countdown.


Christmas is edging ever closer (it'll be five days away tomorrow!!!) and so I thought I'd share some festive musings both in and outside the world of blogging. I really like sitting down to chat to you guys about things and so I hope that you enjoy reading this. Anyway, enough of my rambling, let's get on into the post.

I want to do something a little special in terms of how I'll be posting up until Christmas so you can expect a post everyday from tomorrow (December 20th) right up to Christmas Day itself. That means I'll be posting everyday for the next five days which will be a really new experience for me. I'm looking forward to writing my "A Dash Of Ginger Festive Five" series (do you guys like the title?) and I hope that you'll enjoy them. There are quite a few different kinds of posts going on so hopefully there will be something for everyone.
Aside from coming up with some posting ideas for the next few days, I've been wrapping Christmas presents (celebratory dance for the fact that I've finished wrapping, ribbons and all - I'm feeling pretty smug), I've written all my cards, we bought a real Christmas tree for our hallway and decorated while listening to Christmas carols and I've been watching loads of Christmas films (Arthur Christmas, Home Alone etc.). I've also been singing Christmas songs very loudly (and dancing down the supermarket aisles...) and we've even got an open fire in the living room. My plans for this Christmas week include finishing up Christmas food shopping, going to see a Pantomime, seeing my friends on Christmas Eve and celebrating and relaxing with my family. I'm really excited for Christmas and feel all full of festive cheer.
I hope that this has been a nice read for you and that you'll be checking back to see the "A Dash of Ginger Festive Five" that I have got going on over the next few days.
Do you like the idea of the "A Dash of Ginger Festive Five"? What festive things have you been doing recently? Do you have any comments or suggestions for future posts? Let me know in the comments section.
I'll see you all tomorrow for the first day of the "A Dash of Ginger Festive Five" series. Thanks for dropping in.
Have an brilliantly wonderful day!

GingerSnaps xxx

Saturday 12 December 2015

I've Been Thinking... - When House of Fraser Stole The Show.


Good morning guys. How are we all today? I've just been watching some telly and I realised I haven't written an advertising post in so so long. So, here I am and today I want to talk to you about the House of Fraser Christmas ads because I personally love them.

I am in love with the House of Fraser Christmas ad campaign this year. The asthetics that feature in the different 'scenes' throughout are beautiful and they all complement each other wonderfully - think pastels followed metallic and so on. The advert features some incredibly talented dancers performing some really fantastic choreography (no, seriously, I'm obsessed with the choreo) and I really think that is something that sets it apart from other adverts. The choreography features some really wonderful aspects (those puppet isolations tho...) and the dancers all have such different looks that I think it shows that House of Fraser is a store for everyone. Also, the music that features is really good - it has a cool and sassy sound which I am a huge fan of. All in all, House of Fraser have completely stolen the show and I have completely fallen for this campaign - everyone involved in it can have loads of festive points.

Watch it (HERE)

That's all I've got for you guys today. I hope you've had a good week so far and that your weekend is even better. I hope you've enjoyed this post, thanks for reading.
Have you seen this advert? What do you think of it? Do you have any favourite adverts at the moment? Are you looking forward to Christmas? What are you getting up to this weekend? Any comments or suggestions for future posts? Let me know in the comments below.
I'll speak to you guys soon.
Have the most fabulous day!
GingerSnaps xxx

Friday 4 December 2015

The Bare Necessities! - Essentials - Cosy (and Festive) Night In Essentials.


Today I thought we'd have a little conversation about some of my favourite cosy night in essentials (with a bit of a Christmassy twist). I'm sure you all know by now that I am a huge fan of nights in and all that kind of stuff to the point where I would consider myself a bit of an expert and since its now December (by the way - HAPPY DECEMBER! ITS CHRISTMAAASS!), its chilly outside, the Sun sets earlier and the festive season is upon us, what better time could there be to share with you the best things for when you want to take some time out for yourself? I think I've rambled enough so let's crack on, shall we?
Cosy Night In Essentials (with a festive twist).
  • Pyjamas!!! Whether you're digging out a set of pyjamas you've had for a while and love, are treating yourself to new ones or hopping onto the sofa in your fluffiest onsie (always a good choice), I think you'll find they are essential for comfort, cosiness and warmth. Bonus festive points if you have Christmassy PJs.
  • Hot Chocolate. In my mind, hot chocolate always improves everything ten fold and no night in (especially not a festive one) seems quite right without one. I always opt for the extra rainbows and sparkles (AKA marshmallows and cream). Feel free to sub for tea (tea is always good) or coffee if you prefer. Bonus festive points if you hang a candy cane over the side of your mug - it'll make your hot chocolate taste of peppermint.
  • Blankets. They bring cosiness to the table and you can truly curl up properly for a lovely evening when you're armed with a blanket. Choose any kind of colour or texture that you like - be it a tartan blanket, patchwork throw or microfleece blanket - it is a total essential. Bonus festive points if you build a whole blanket den/fort complete with lots of cushions and maybe even some fairy lights - actually have bonus life points for that.
  • Films. Of course films are going to get a special mention as in my eyes they are a total night in essential. Whether you watch something you already know and love or watch something for the very first time I don't think any night in would be complete without movies - I have a bunch of my favourites listed in my blogger profile if you want to check those out. Bonus festive points if you watch Christmas movies - they are always guaranteed to make you happy.
  • Books. If you don't fancy watching a movie or if you've got a bit of time spare on your big night in then I'd always suggest picking up a book. It can be whatever you want - a relaxed read or a crime thriller (who doesn't love a good crime thriller, eh?) or anything really - just spend a bit of time getting lost in the pages. Bonus festive points if the book has a festive theme (shout out to a certain Mr Dickens).
  • Snacks. Come on now, be serious, I could never do a post like this without mentioning food especially not with all the awesome food around at Christmas time. Some suggestions include popcorn, crisps, biscuits, cupcakes and all that kind of stuff. Bonus festive points if you opt for mince pies (I blooming love mince pies).
  • Music. You know what I'm like for my music so I thought I'd throw it into the mix. Why not pop on some tunes while you're getting all of your essentials ready and have a bit of a dance while you are there? I couldn't think of a more lovely extra. As with the movies, I've got a list of some of my favourite artists in my blogger profile if you aren't sure what you want to listen to. Bonus festive points if you choose to crank up the Christmas tunes!!!
I think that that is everything that I have for you today. I hope this was an interesting read for you and that I gave you some ideas that you hadn't thought of already and inspired you to have your own fabulous cosy night in (with a festive twist).
What are your cosy night in essentials? What do you think of mine? Are you going to give the festive twists a go? How many bonus festive points do I need to award you? Any other comments or suggestions for future posts - particularly Christmassy ones? Let me know in the comment section.
Thank you very much for reading, I hope you have a lovely weekend.
I hope your day is completely amazing!
GingerSnaps xxx

Friday 13 November 2015

Let's Make A Change - Charity Telethons - Children In Need 2015


Aloha, my lovely readers. Children in Need has once again rolled around and now, sat here, armed with my pizza, I'm going to have a little chat with you about it.

Children in Need is a charity telethon that the BBC host for us UK people each year and is an incredibly heart-warming evening for a whole host of very worthwhile causes which support the young people in the UK who need it the most.
I shan't ramble on but I do want to say that we all have the power to help and make a positive change. There is always someone out there in need of a helping hand. There is always someone out there who needs support and guidance. Everyone deserves the best life possible for them and you can help by donating to Children in Need tonight. If you are in a position to, then please do give what you can.

Find Children in Need (HERE)
Thank you for reading. I hope that you have a lovely weekend if I don't get chance to speak to you all before its over.
What are you most looking forward to about Children in Need tonight? Have you done any interesting fundraising? Any comments or suggestions for future posts? Let me know in the comments.
Adios, beautiful people.
Have a totally spectacular day!
GingerSnaps xxx

Wednesday 11 November 2015

Lest We Forget - Armistice Day 2015


How are you all today? How has your week been so far? Since today is Armistice Day, I thought I'd put together a little post for you all to read.

On the 11th of November 1918, the First World War ended officially and with that came the end of years of conflict and casualties and deaths. Since that time, on the original Armistice Day, many other conflicts have taken place and they are all the reason (from the First World War to more recent conflicts) that we should participate in the two minute silence at 11am today - to commemorate the ending of conflicts, to remember the service men and women who died for their country or who were injured fighting for their country, who had to put their lives on hold to go and fight for their country, those who struggled to adjust to life after conflicts and of course the families and friends who were affected by war, too.
Thank you for reading, I will speak to you guys later in the week.
What do Remembrance celebrations mean to you? Do you have any comments or suggestions for future posts? Let me know in the comments below.
See you soon!
Have a wonderful day!
GingerSnaps xxx

Sunday 8 November 2015

We Will Remember Them... - Remembrance Sunday 2015.


While this post is quite serious one, it is also an important one. If you've been around for a while, you'll know how important I think Remembrance Celebrations are, and so I have written this.

Today is Remembrance Sunday (as I'm sure you know if you are in the UK). Today is a day for remembering the brave service men and women across the globe who have sacrificed their lives for their country in various conflicts all the way from the First World War right up to more recent conflicts. It is also a time to spare a thought for those still out there fighting, to think about the service men and women who have survived war and to think about the families who have supported and are supporting the service-people they care about as well as the families who haven't been so lucky as to see their loved ones return home.

We wear poppies every year throughout the months of October and November as a sign that the armed forces and their families are thought of and remembered by us as a nation, as individuals and as communities. By buying Poppies, you can donate to Royal British Legion so that they can continue their work to support service men and women and their families and friends during and after conflicts, no matter what happens to them. I will always wear a poppy with pride.

 I hope that today you are respectful and take part in the two minute silence at 11 o'clock, and make those two minutes count in whatever way it is you see fit (be it silent prayer or reflection or thought).

And so, to Service Men and Women everywhere in the world, alive or passed, who fought a century ago or this year, I salute you. We will never forget.

Find the Royal British Legion and the Poppy Appeal (HERE)
I'm going to write some more about Rememberance on Wednesday - and will be urging you to take part in the second two minute silence. Do check back then to see that, if you'd like to.
Do you have a poppy or maybe a pinbadge or wristband to wear? What does Rememberance Sunday mean to you? Do you have any stories you would like to share about this topic? Do have any comments or suggestions for future posts? Why not let me know in the comments below? Lets all be respectful there, please...
Thank you for reading, see you guys later.

Have a lovely day.
GingerSnaps xxx

Thursday 5 November 2015

The Night of The Sparkler - Bonfire Night 2015


Today is the 5th of November which is Bonfire Night, as you may or may not know depending on where you are in the world. If you aren't quite sure what it is for whatever reason then do feel free to click the link to find out more (HERE).

Bonfire Night is one of my most favourite times of year - I love fireworks  (I mean *really* love fireworks) and bonfires and toffee apples and candyfloss and all of the other fun stuff that comes along with the celebration.
I know I've said this before, but to me, Bonfire Night is like the send off to all things Autumnal and the start of Christmas and Winter which makes it all the more fun and exciting.

 We go to an arranged display every year and this year is no exception. The display is on Saturday so I'm going to have to wait just a little bit longer for my Bonfire Night celebrations - I've been looking forward to it all week!
I hope that you enjoy your Bonfire Night this year whatever it is that you are doing - have fun and stay safe, everyone!
Thank you for reading, I hope you've enjoyed this post. I'll see you soon.
What is your favourite thing about Bonfire Night? Are you having fireworks at home or going to a display this year? Do you have any comments or suggestions for future posts? Be sure to tell me in the comments below.
Happy Bonfire Night!

I hope you have the most glittery and sparkly Bonfire Night ever!
GingerSnaps xxx

Saturday 31 October 2015

Spookly Dookly - Happy Halloween 2015!


Somehow, we've already ended up at October 31st, and we all know what that means! Yes, that's right, it's Halloween! I for one am very excited as I do really enjoy Halloween and all the fun that goes along with it.
I for one love Halloween. I think that getting dressed up in costumes, carving pumpkins, seeing fireworks, watching Halloween-y films (I'm more your Addams Family kind of gal, than your horror and terror), catching up with friends and family and a whole host of other things, well, its just brilliant.

Whatever you are doing (if you celebrate Halloween) and whether or not you are more Team Spooky (with me) or Team Scary, I'd like to wish you a very Happy Halloween! and I hope you stay safe and have fun.

I hope that you liked this post and that you've got lots of lovely plans for a great Halloween.
Are you doing anything for Halloween? What are you going to dress up as? What is your favourite part of Halloween? Do you have any comments or suggestions for future posts? Be sure to let me know in the comments!
See you all soon! 

Have a scarily good day!

GingerSnaps xxx

Monday 26 October 2015

Spookly Dookly - Halloween - Last Minute Essentials and Ideas.


Good morning everyone! I hope you're all having a good week so far! Today is a bit of a Halloween post and its one for those amongst you who haven't quite organised themselves yet.

I know the struggle. You spend the whole of October planning just how awesome your Halloween costume is going to be or trying to think of ideas and then, before you know it, you've run out of time and it's October 30th - or October 31st (it happens to the best of us) - and you're running around the shops like a headless chicken and throwing clothes around your bedroom trying to find a way of making them Halloween-y. There is a plus side, however, to me having been so horrendously badly organised for many years and that is that I can help you. I know what you need to do to salvage some of the awesome you had planned. Need my advice? Keep reading.

Advice for the "I know what I want to be - I just haven't sorted it out" people.
  1. Write down a quick list of things that you would like to have for your costume and makeup.
  2. Look around to see if there is anything you already own that you could use - old costumes, dresses that would look good with a cape, any makeup you already have that could be used to make you look spooky. Is there anything you could give the DIY treatment to?
  3. Head down to your local supermarket, pound shop or maybe a fancy dress store (if there is one near you) and see what you can find. Charity shops can also be good if there is a specific thing you need - like a long dress, for example. Do you see anything that could look more like you wanted if you did some DIY?
  4. Put all of the things you've gathered together and see how it all looks.
  5. Do any of the DIY type things you may have thought of - and, if you doubt your skills, have a back-up plan.
  6. Bear in mind that it may not turn out exactly like you wanted it to, but you can make it work - I believe in you!
  7. Tah Dah!
Advice for the "I have no clue what to go as - why do I always leave it so late? (its October 31st and I need to leave my house in a couple of hours!)" people.
  1. I've been this person, I won't judge you. You won't always have a spectacular idea in your head. Remember that this will turn out fine in the end and you'll have loads of fun.
  2. If you have no form of costume and no time to go looking for one in the shops, my first piece of advice is look in your makeup bag (or if you don't have one, look in someone else's - having asked them first, of course) and start doing your face. Think spooky, mystical and/or out of the ordinary and use a whole host of colours - dark colours, colours that you'd never normally dream of putting together or colours that wouldn't normally go where you put them (like my fluorescent pink eyebrows from years back). Essentially, let your creative streak come to the foreground and have fun with it!
  3. If you do have some form of costume (like an old one) then pop that on and do some makeup that goes with it or, if you prefer, opt for Step 2 and shake it all up a bit - it's Halloween, it doesn't have to look perfect.
  4. Back to those of you who have not got any form of costume at all, look in your wardrobe for some dark clothes (or whatever colours would correspond with your makeup - creepy dolls may want lighter colours etc.). Pull out whatever you've got and try things on together in front of the mirror at home to see what looks best.
  5. If you want, accessorize with anything that goes with your look.
  6. See, you did it, you look fabulous - I knew that this would all work in then end!
  7. Tah Dah!
Advice for you all!
  1. It's all about having fun - bear that in mind - and I'm sure you'll all look great whatever you chose to do.
  2. Don't feel bad about not having been prepared and sorting things out before now - it happens to the best of us!
  3. Stay safe, have fun whatever you're getting up to and have a Happy Halloween!!!

I really hope that this has helped some of you guys out in some way, I know what it's like to have left it to the last minute, I know the panic, but hopefully some of that has been avoided with my advice.
What are you doing this Halloween? Have you found this advice useful or helpful? What are you going as for Halloween? Do you have any comments or suggestions for future posts? Be sure to let me know in the comments!
Thank you for reading, Happy Halloween!

Have an spooktacular day!
GingerSnaps xxx

Friday 9 October 2015

Let's Make a Change - Charity Telethons - Stand Up To Cancer


How have your weeks been? Good, I hope. Today I would like to have a little chat with you about Stand Up To Cancer, the telethon for which is, of course, tonight.

Stand Up To Cancer aims to find a cure for all types of cancers and in a world were so many people whose lives are/have been affected by or know someone else whose life has been affected by cancer, I think they are doing some utterly amazing work.

Stand Up To Cancer is providing us all with lots of entertaining programming tonight on Channel 4 - I for one am really looking forward to the Gogglebox Celebrity special - so do be sure to tune in and show your support with me.

If you are able to and are interested in donating then (HERE) is a link to the Stand Up To Cancer website so you can donate directly or maybe have a browse at some of their merchandise.
I hope that you have enjoyed this post and that you've all had lovely weeks.
Are you planning on tuning in or donating to Stand Up To Cancer? What part of the show are you looking forward to the most? Any comments or suggestions for future posts? Be sure to let me know in the comments, I love hearing from you guys.
Thank you for reading, have a lovely weekend.

Have a totally beautiful day!

GingerSnaps xxx

Thursday 1 October 2015

Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do! - Music - Let's Talk About... - Circa Waves.


Oh, hey there! Happy October! So, I'm a big ol' music lover - as I am sure you know by now - and a something that always makes me happy are my newest musical discoveries. Sometimes they are artists that are just starting out, sometimes they are artists that I cannot believe I didn't know about before and have several albums to explore, sometimes they are current, sometimes from decades ago. Anyway, today I want to share a discovery I made a quite a few months ago now and that I am delighted I found.

Let's Talk About Circa Waves.
Circa Waves are relatively new (indie) kids on the block. They are a band from Liverpool with an incredibly cool sound.
They have that awesome indie disco thing going for them which means that their songs have the versatility to be danced to or to be sat and listened to which is always good.
If you are into fantastic, upbeat, guitar-heavy songs with a great music and lyrics (and who isn't?) and fancy listening to something new then I would highly recommend giving Circa Waves a listen.
Four of my favourite songs by Circa Waves:
Three reasons to love Circa Waves:
  • Their fantastic music and lyrics which make up their unique sound.
  • I could honestly get lost in their songs and listen to them for ages which is always a good sign.
  • The aesthetic of their music videos - might sound a bit odd, but for me, it can be make or break and in this case, it makes it.
 Two of things I would like:
  • Their debut album, "Young Chasers", in actual CD form (FIND IT HERE)
  • Tickets to their upcoming tour - who wants to join me? (FIND IT HERE)

One of my favourite interviews related to Circa Waves:
  • This is one of the only ones I could find - Vevo Dscvr (WATCH IT HERE)
That is all I have to say to you today then, you lovely lot. I hope that you have enjoyed this and that maybe you've discovered something new through this post.
Are you a Circa Waves fan? Or have I brought them to your attention? What do you think of their music? Would you like to see more "Let's Talk About" posts? Any comments or suggestions for things in the future? Be sure to let me know in the comments below.
Thanks for reading, I'll see you soon!
Have the most fantastically brilliant day!
GingerSnaps xxx


    Wednesday 23 September 2015

    I've Been Thinking... - Hey There, Autumn!


    Well, its well and truly autumn now and I couldn't be happier. I love autumn and so I thought I'd share some seasonal musings with you guys. I hope you like this post.

    While sat on the bus by myself the other day, I was looking out of the window at all of the lovely things outside. I saw just how many leaves have turned to show shades of red, yellow, orange and purple and how many berries there are on shrubs everywhere. Everything looked so beautiful and I felt very lucky to be able to experience a time like autumn.
    On top of this, I recently went blackberry and apple picking with my younger cousins and I had a great time. I still find it so fun and almost novel to carefully select apples and pluck them from their branches and to pick so many blackberries that the juice ends up all over my hands. Seeing everyone having such a lovely time - from the littlest being lifted up to reach the nicest looking apples to the grown ups sneaking a few berries from the tubs when they thought no one was looking - was wonderful.
    Autumn is a brilliant season and I am so pleased its finally here - I'm sure it'll be loads of fun!
    That's it for today then, you guys. Thank you for reading.
    What are you most looking forward to about Autumn? What is your favourite season? Do you have any ideas or suggestions for future posts? Let me know in the comments below.
    See you guys very soon.
    I hope you have a fantastic day!
    GingerSnaps xxx

    Tuesday 8 September 2015

    So, To Sum It All Up - Summer-y Summary.


    Well, September is upon us, as I'm sure you'll have noticed and I've been planning lots of posts for this Autumn season which made me think of doing a summary of the Summer for you all. Partly because I haven't done a summary in about a million years and also so that I can reflect on all the cool things I have done and feel ready for the new season.

    Anyway, time to stop babbling - I hope you enjoy!!!

    So, what happened this summer?
    I had a fantastic birthday this year and got to spend lots of time with my family and friends and enjoy lots of very nice birthday cake!
    I was very lucky to get lots of lovely cards and wonderful gifts, too, and I am so grateful to everyone for making my birthday this year such a special one filled with the most wonderful things.

    As well as my birthday, there was Elf Girl's birthday which was spent playing really old video games, eating Chinese food and watching some favourite films.
    There was also my friend Lauren's birthday and  some family birthdays throughout July and August, too - you know who you are.
    I hope everyone else had amazing birthdays, too.
    To see a post I wrote about my birthday, click (ME).

    For my post about Elf Girl's birthday, click (THIS) and to view her blog, click (THIS).

    Special Occasions!

    My blog turned two in June which I commemorated with reflections on how much things have changed and also with cupcakes, obviously.

    I would just like to take another opportunity to say the biggest thank you from the bottom of my heart for supporting me and this blog. I truly hope that you'll be sticking around to see what is in store for the future.

    If you're interested, my post about my blog's first birthday is (HERE).


    I did some staycation travelling throughout the summer to some places I hadn't been to before and I had a lovely time.

    As a little post birthday birthday celebration, we went to stay with my cousin P in Cambridge. I'd never been to Cambridge before and I got to do a bit of exploring while I was there as well as go and see two open air productions of Shakespeare plays - on our first night we went to see The Merry Wives of Windsor and on the second night we went to see Romeo and Juliet.
    I had a great time - thanks for having us P.

    I also had a holiday in Brighton with my lovely Auntie S and my Mom. I'd also never been to Brighton before. It was an awesome holiday, it was really sunny and we did such a variety of things like exploring castles, paddling and reading on the beach, walking along the seafront and going shopping and I have fallen in love with Brighton.

    Posts to come soon on both of these things.

    Getting Cultural...

    I did lots of "Arts and Culture" type things as well over the summer.

    I went to the Tiffany and Co "Fifth and 57th" installation at the Old Selfridges Hotel in London in July which was so, completely amazing and spent other parts of that day exploring the Summer Streets Event on Regent Street. That was a great day and we did so many cool things.

    Later on in July, I went to see the RSC production of Othello, which was an incredible show that I was so impressed by. The cast were amazing and so was the set design, staging and everything else in between. It was extremely powerful.

    Still theatrical but in a different genre was The Importance of Being Earnest which I went to see in June. It was hilarious and the cast was fantastic. It was a great evening and I cry-laughed lots. Oscar Wilde is one of my faves and I was very impressed.

    Earlier this month, I went to the National Portrait Gallery's "Audrey Hepburn: Portraits of an Icon" exhibition was really interesting. I have always admired Audrey Hepburn and it was lovely to spend some time looking at her life in pictures.

    To see my post about the "Fifth and 57th" installation, click (ME)

    To check out my review of The Importance of Being Earnest, click (THIS)

    Historical Things...

    Many historical commemorative events and anniversaries took place over the summer, such as the 70th Anniversary of V.J Day.

    As always, I hope you spent time reflecting and remembering all of the brave people involved in these things and/or the things they did.

    Little Moments.
    There were lots of lovely little moments over the summer that are so good to look back on.
    Dancing with friends, barbecues with some of my favourite people, eating ice creams, walking in the park, going for picnics, paddling in the sea, exploring markets, discovering new songs and artists, watching movies in pyjamas, trying to steer rowing boats (unsuccessfully) with friends, waving to people on river boats, reading, going out for lovely meals and spending time with my family have all added up - amongst other things - to make a fantastic summer to look back on.

    I always say that the little things add up and, looking back, I can honestly say that they do - thanks to everyone who was a part of it all. 

    Songs of the Summer!

    I enjoyed lots of songs over the summer, some of which I mentioned (HERE).

    I can do a dedicated post for some of my other favourite songs of the summer, if you guys are interested. Be sure to let me know.

    I think that's everything - apologies if I missed something out. I had such an amazing couple of months that I am very thankful for and I am excited to now see what Autumn will bring.
    What did you get up to this summer? What do you think of what I did? Would you like a post on some of my other favourite songs from the past couple of months? Do you have any comments or suggestions for future posts? Be sure to let me know in the comments.
    That's your lot for today then, folks! Thanks for reading and I hope to see you again soon.
    Have an exceptional day!

    GingerSnaps xxx


    Saturday 29 August 2015

    Oh My Life! - Tales of My Life and Times - Roses, Wishes, Fairy Lights, Balloons, Candles and CAKE!


    So, before I begin, I would like to address the fact that I haven't blogged in about a hundred years - holidays, weekends away, visiting family and friends and good old fashioned bloggers block amongst other things can take the blame. I feel like summer is probably when I end up blogging the least, and I am so sorry about that but hopefully you've been spending lots of time outside enjoying the sunshine and so haven't been at your computer all that much to notice.

    Anyways, today I wanted to talk to you about my birthday back in July and the kind of things I got up to. I hope that you enjoy and that you find this interesting...

    Little Disclaimer: I am under no circumstances writing this as a way of "showing off" about what I did for my birthday or the kinds of things I received. I know that I am incredibly fortunate for everything that I have in my life. I am writing this because I find these types of posts interesting to read and to write and I hope that you enjoy this. xxx

    I was born on the 24th of July and so that is, quite predictably, my birthday.

    This year was a "milestone" kind of number and so it called for something extra special.

    It has always been the case that I spend time on my birthday with my family and that we have a bit of a celebration-get together-meal-type thing (usually at my house) and this year was no different.
    I woke up on the morning of my birthday to big silver number balloons and tonnes more pink and silver balloons dotted around the house from my lovely Mother - balloons are one of my favourite things and I was delighted.
     Somewhere along the line this year, I was bitten by the DIY bug and so I spent some free time making decorations to make everything lots more colourful and pretty and I spent the morning of my birthday hanging those up and cooking (because food, obviously).
    Elf Girl came round to my house in the morning as well to say "happy birthday" and she also gave me a lovely card and gifts. She made a "birthday box" to put my presents in and every present was very thoughtful and creative (homemade presents are the best kind) and I absolutely loved everything - Thank you, Elf Girl!

    I spent the afternoon getting ready.
     I put on one of my favourite dresses which has a 1950s silhouette and the most beautiful colours to it - it makes me feel like I'm going to a carnival in the 50s with all intentions of clearing the place of milkshakes and candyfloss.
    I also put on my Chucks, because I didn't feel like wearing heels that day and Converse look good with dresses - it is an actual fact, let's not pretend it isn't.
     I then did my makeup which consisted of lots of rose and gold tones on the eyes and a peachy lip and popped a jewelled tiara/hairband on.
    And then, somehow, the day had flown by and people were showing up at the door.

    I had so, so much fun that evening. Lots and lots of birthday cake was eaten, photos were taken in the "photo booth" that I had DIYed (featuring handmade props and backdrop), fairy lights lit up the garden and party poppers scared the life out of everyone.
    I was also lucky enough to get some super nice and special presents and cards off of my family as well as some money off one or two people as well.
     I am so, so fortunate to have received such beautiful things from everyone - big, huge thank you to everyone!!!!!
    A few days after my birthday, Lauren came round for a catch up and she gave me a really cute Pop! Disney Vinyl of Princess Belle - I adore Disney and the Vinyl is so sweet, Belle now sits pride of place on the coffee table!
    Also, a week or so before my birthday I met up with the other side of my family and ate homemade Pavlova that was covered in birthday candles and did cards and presents - all of which were very thoughtful, beautiful and will be well enjoyed - as well as going out for a rather fancy meal and I would just like to say a huge big thank you to everyone for that brilliant weekend.
    I had the most amazing birthday in the world and I feel extremely lucky.
    Thank you again to everyone for all the birthday wishes as well as the cards and gifts. Big love xxx
    Well, I think that's everything, I hope that you have enjoyed reading this post today and that I'll see you again for my next post.
    When is your birthday? What do you think the best part of birthdays is? Do you have any comments? Do you have any suggestions for future posts? Be sure to let me know in the comments.
    I'll speak to you all soon, guys.
    Have an utterly awesome day!
    GingerSnaps xxx

    Wednesday 5 August 2015

    Celebrate Good Times! - Happy Birthday To You... - Happy Birthday Elf Girl!


    Hello everybody! How are we all on this wonderful day? It's the lovely Elf Girl's birthday this week - I might have mentioned her about a thousand times or so - and so I thought I'd put together a little post about it.

    Happy Birthday Elf Girl!!!
    Thank you for being a fantastic friend.

    Elf Girl is the best friend ever in the world and is a sister to me. 
    She is the most hilarious, sassy, fun, awesome, supportive, thoughtful and kind friend who is always there for air guitar playing, singing along to musicals, long chats and everything else in between - I haven't a clue what I'd do without her.

    Happy Birthday Elf Girl, loves ya xxx

    Read Elf Girl's blog (HERE).

    That is all for today then everyone. I hope you've had a lovely day today and I will see you all when I'm back from Brighton (which is where I'm spending a long weekend).
    What is your favourite thing about birthdays? What are you guys up to this weekend? Any comments or suggestions for future posts? Let me know in the comments.
    Thanks for joining me today.
    Have a totally fab day!

    GingerSnaps xxx

    Thursday 30 July 2015

    Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do! - Music - Some Current Favourite Summer Sounds.


    What's up, guys? I had an absolutely wonderful birthday on Friday and I'm back from my little "birthday break" with today's post. I thought that I'd fill you guys in on some of my favourite songs at the moment - I really enjoy putting posts like this together and hopefully you enjoy reading them!

    "T Shirt Weather" by Circa Waves (HERE)
    This song has fantastic music and lyrics and an awesome vibe.
    I am absolutely in love with it and have been since I first heard it.
     It is a great one to dance around to but is equally well suited for a road tripping soundtrack and even just something a bit different to listen to when all you want to do is sit down and listen to some music (as I often do).

    "Stronger" by Clean Bandit (HERE)

    This song is brilliant.
     It is a real bop about, lift your mood, sing along with a smile kind of song and whenever I hear it, it puts a big smile on my face.
     I really like Clean Bandit and their unique sound and this song does a great job in showing off their musical abilities (violins and cellos? Yes please!) and their fun side.

    "Shut Up and Dance" by Walk The Moon (HERE)

    I'm fairly sure everyone has been loving this song (even a little bit) lately and it isn't hard to see why in my book.
    It's fun, it's catchy, it's a cracking tune with some ace lyrics behind it and I just really, really like it - a lot. 
    This is definitely one I like to turn up a few notches whenever it comes on - it's a proper summer tune.

    And that's your lot for today, folks. Thanks for reading.
    What are your favourite songs and new discoveries at the moment? Have you discovered anything new through this post? What do you think of my picks? Do you have any ideas to share or comments or suggestions for future posts? Let me know in the comments below.
    I shall see you guys again soon.
    Have a fantastic day today!

    GingerSnaps xxx 

    Thursday 23 July 2015

    Oh My Life! - Tales of My Life and Times - A New York Minute, Dancing in the Street, Free Fallin' Buskers and Milkshakes.


    So, the other weekend I headed down to my beloved London with my wonderful mother for a day full of all of the best things and I had an amazing time. I thought that I'd tell you all about it today and I hope you'll enjoy this post.

    I was doing some browsing around the interwebs a few weeks ago and I found out about the (free to visit) "Fifth and 57th" installation at the Old Selfridges Hotel in London to celebrate the opening of the new Tiffany and Co store in Selfridges on Oxford Street. I have always loved Tiffany and could sit at my computer or stand at the counters admiring all of their exquisite pieces of jewellery all day long so this just seemed like a must for me. I was telling my lovely Mom about it one day and she suggested that we go together on a weekend. We ended up going on the last day it was running - the 12th of this month - and we had a great time in London.

    I hadn't been to London in a while as I'd been fairly busy and so I was really looking forward to taking a trip down - it is one of my most favourite places ever. We drove down on the Sunday morning, caught the train from Watford and walked from Euston Station to Covent Garden because we love spending time there. We looked around the markets and smelled and spritzed numerous perfumes in the high end shops before continuing on to Oxford Street. I love walking around London and on our way up to Selfridges we passed many a school trip in Leicester Square which is where we passed a pretty good busker with a guitar who played "Free Fallin'" by Tom Petty and made me smile and sing along until we couldn't hear him any more. We were just about to walk up Regent Street and we noticed that the bottom of the road was closed off and we stopped to figure out if we could still walk that way.

    It turned out that we could indeed walk that way, and I am very pleased we did. Every Sunday in July, Regent Street has been completely closed to traffic so that "Summer Streets" can take place. It features performances and workshops from dance acts and musicians, benches and deck chairs in the middle of the road, games (such as Penalty Shoot-Outs) and pretty flowers everywhere and nearly everything is free (except, I think, for things like food or certain games which have small fees). One thing I really liked about it was that I had the ability to see people's faces and to see people enjoy themselves. I love London, but it is true that on the busier streets like Regent Street and Oxford Street, you see less of people's faces and more of the backs of people's heads. I really relished being able to see people smiling and being able to stop and take photos without being in someone's way. That and being able to dance around in the middle of the road to "Uptown Funk" and not get run over because that is pretty hard to beat.

    We managed to drag ourselves away and continue on to Oxford Street where we had a quick look around Selfridges before heading next door to the installation which was at the Old Selfridges Hotel. I hadn't ever been into the hotel but it is a great space which I really believe should be used more often. We were given our free guide brochures by the girls at the entrance and walked up the stairs to the installation itself. As we turned into the space, I instantly felt that my expectations had become a reality. Bright lights and the sounds of busy streets filled the room and we walked through the doors of a subway car to be greeted by a lovely Tiffany and Co employee and a slice of New York itself. There was a little corner inspired by Central Park which featured a beautiful backdrop, a crisp white bench and a "blossom tree" - we took photos and admired how pretty it was. We moved further along and found ourselves living the New York life, with "Walk | Don't Walk" signs flashing at us and projections of a subway station on the 1837 plain white Tiffany boxes that surrounded us - 1837 were used as Tiffany and Co was established in the year 1837. We watched a short film about the "New York Minute" and the influence Tiffany and Co and its founder, Charles Tiffeany, have had over it - for example Tiffany and Co had one of the first public timepieces on display in New York City by which everyone set their watches. We moved from there to the recreated Tiffany and Co storefront which looked identical to the one that sits on the corner of 5th and 57th Street in the Big Apple itself and watched a master engraver at work which was incredibly interesting. We then grabbed a complimentary bagel from a street cart and headed over to Charlie's Bar - a speakeasy inspired bar named after Mr Tiffany - to see the gorgeous décor and check out the scene. Finally, we caught the stunning "Manhattanhenge" Sunset which, as if it were not special and beautiful enough alone, transformed as it set, to become a gorgeous Tiffany Diamond, the boxes surrounding us turning blue and sporting white ribbon. It was a fantastic end to a brilliant exhibition. I had such an amazing time and was incredibly pleased that we went.

    The rest of the day featured lunch at Selfridges, window-shopping on Oxford Street, more dancing and actual shopping on Regent Street, walking on walls in the rain in Leicester Square, dinner at Bella Italia and milkshakes on the motorway to keep us going until we got home.
    I had the most brilliant day - a big, huge thank you to my fabulous mother for joining me.
    Browse the Tiffany and Co at Selfridges website (HERE)
    Browse the Selfridges website (HERE)
    Find "Summer Streets" (HERE)
    Find Bella Italia (HERE)
    And listen to "Free Fallin'" (HERE)

    I hope that you have enjoyed this post, it was lovely to sit and think about all the cool things we did while I was putting this together. It's my birthday on Friday so the next time I see you I'll be another year older (and ready to write more posts!).
    Have you been to London recently? What do you think about the idea for Summer Streets? Did you get to go to the exhibition? Do you have any comments or suggestions for future posts? Please do let me know in the comments below.
    I'll speak with you guys soon.
    I hope your day is full of joy!

    GingerSnaps xxx