
Wednesday 31 December 2014

5, 4, 3, 2, 1! - Happy New Year! - 2015


How are all of you gorgeous people doing on this New Years Eve? Good, I hope. I do like New Years Eve and I wanted to have a bit of a chat with you about it because, hey, why not?

Very, very soon, 2014 will be done and dusted.
All twelve months are nearly filled, all 365 days are nearly done but, not to worry because a whole new set of twelve months and 365 days lie ahead of us in the form of 2015.
 I find the idea of a whole new, untouched year to be a bit exciting. It is something truly special to look directly ahead and see time just waiting for you to fill it and spend it.
I was saying on Christmas Day at the dinner table that I feel as though 2014 has been a "really cracking year".
I won't say there haven't been some moments that made me cry, feel angry or feel a bit drained but that can't be helped and you need to dust yourself off and crack on.
I hope that 2014 wasn't full of many moments like this for you all and that, rather, it was good.
But, onto the good stuff because if you're always looking down, you're never looking up and there have been sooooooo many ups this year.
The ups of 2014 have truly stood out far beyond anything else.
Its been ace.
2014 has provided me with some incredibly amazing times. I have done so many amazing things.

For starters, I have travelled to some pretty cool places.
I went to Normandy, as you might remember, in October with some of the most awesome people and I had such an amazing, unforgettable time.
I also conquered my fear of flying and took a trip back to my favourite place/"home" (read: Northern Ireland) and had such a brilliant time as I hadn't been there in years. I saw family friends while there, revisited my favourite places and recreated lots of childhood memories.
I spent lots of time with my family who live near London which was lovely and also meant that we went into London a lot this year, too.

Then of course there are all of the wonderful days out, weekends spent, all of the time I have spent in the company of family and the company of friends. 
There are all of the lazy days and nights as well as all of the time spent singing loudly, dancing.
 The time spent in PJs, the time spent in dresses and the times in jeans.
The times eating lovely food and the time talking to the amazing people I know. The time spent listening to them.
 The time spent working, the time spent learning.
The time spent moving home, the time spent in the car.
The time spent celebrating things, spent wallpapering/falling off ladders. The time in the theatre, at gigs, at stand up shows.
The time pampering, blogging, watching countless episodes of TV shows (shout out to Modern Family, Big Bang Theory and HIMYM) and movies.
The time in National Trust properties and strolling round gardens. The time cooking, baking, at exhibitions.
 The time exercising or taking selfies or jumping round the garden like a five year old.
The time with family, the time having photos taken and taking photos.
 The time spent meeting new people, helping with important events (like doing a family friends Prom makeup/countless trials for it).
The time wearing crazily bright/colourful lipsticks, the time in Nandos.
The times doing lots of festive things.
The time drinking cups of tea at Elf Girl's house after failing at bike rides or shopping or just any other day.
The time doing daft things that make me smile like colouring competitions between myself and friends, sitting on the edge of a half filled/cold hot tub and singing Green Day with Elf Girl, discussing hedgehogs with Lauren in a car park.
The time lolling around on the sofas with family just talking.
 The times that brought me closer to the people I love.

I sincerely hope that 2014 was good to all of you lovely lot and that 2014 is a brilliant year for you. I hope you find all of the things you need and are searching for. I hope you have lots of fun and experience lots of wonderful things. I hope that you find happiness this year.
Thanks for your support for this blog throughout this year. Your support as readers, followers and commenters really does mean so, so much. I hope that you stick around for 2015 and watch the archives on the right fill up. I hope you enjoy the new content and enjoy this slice of internet.
Happy New Year to you and all of your families and friends.
Here's to you, 2014, thanks for being good.
And, here's to you 2015, I hope you're a good'un. xxx
Thank you for reading, I hope that you have enjoyed this post. I will see you all again in the new year!
What are your New Years Eve Plans? What was 2014 like for you? Do you have any stories from 2014 you'd like to share? Any comments or suggestions for posts in the New Year? Let me know in the comments.
Happy New Year, lovely people!
Have a great, very happy day and New Year!
GingerSnaps xxx 

So, To Sum It All Up - Festive Summary.


I haven't been around much throughout December which can be blamed on moving house (AKA no WiFi for about a week and a half) and then not having a functioning computer (big thank you to my lovely family for buying me a lovely new laptop for Christmas). There are no more excuses now so feel free to shout at me next time I go MIA.

Anyway, since I was on a hiatus during December, I thought a festive round up would be nice and I could make up for all the "Holidays Are Comin'" posts that I missed. Annnndddd BEGIN... (Warning: this could be a very long post, so you might want to grab a drink..)

You might remember from (THIS) post that my Mom and I went to see White Christmas a few weeks ago.
 It kind of kicked off our Christmas as it was one of the first, major festive things we did this year. It was an amazing show - I shall be reviewing soon to give you a better idea - and I had such a lovely time (give or take me wanting to scream at the idiot of a woman who was sat next to me - the nightmare of all theatre goers... ARGH!). The show was truly enjoyable and fantastic.
White Christmas holds a special place in the hearts of my family and so it was a special experience to go and see it.
Thanks to everyone for an amazing show and thanks to my beautiful mother for coming with me to see it.

I did take some time to Christmas shop, drink hot chocolates, have the occasional festive Costa and brunch throughout November and December.
Christmas shopping got stressful at times, I won't lie to you, because the shops seemed to have nothing and then I was poorly and so a lot of the time that I spent trying to shop, I actually spent wanting to go home to bed. None the less, I feel like I bought quite well for everyone and I did enjoy spending some time in a festive but relaxed type of way.
 Also, the Cheeseboard Panini at Costa is pretty awesome, just so you know.

This year, I went North Pole style on all of my Christmas presents by wrapping them in brown paper with red and white twine, white string, red string and red and white string all making appearances for decoration.
 I was chuffed to bits with how they turned out and am glad that I shopped around for the perfect paper.

We decorated our new home for Christmas for the very first time and I honestly think it looks beautiful.
I feel so cosy, festive and happy looking around at the great job we did decorating.
It was really nice to just decorate since nothing had a proper place yet although I was nervous that it wouldn't look or feel right and that I'd end up awake in the middle of the night rearranging garlands and candles and all sorts but it turned out in such a way that I am so pleased with.
I'll be sad to take it all down and find the rooms looking so bare as when you actually consider it, we've had the decorations up more or less since the day we moved in and so I won't be used to living in the rooms without decorations.
I'm also pleased with how the decorations I have in my bedroom look - the little pink, fluffy tree I have has found it's home and my mistletoe fairy lights have been on every night. It all looks magical.

I also decorated the Christmas tree in my Nanny's (not like Mary Poppins, like my Grandma, just in case you felt confused) house and I think I did a cracking job with it. My Uncle B put up the other decorations like the Father Christmas in the hallway, too and it looks lovely in the house.

An adorable thing I enjoyed throughout December was my Boofle Advent Calender.

Then, of course there was the writing of Christmas cards.
This year I bought some lovely vintage looking cards in Marks and Spencer to write out for my friends and I took ages carefully selecting cards for family members in Clinton's.
 I was very pleased with the selection of cards I found and hopefully receiving them put a smile on people's faces...

I spent lots of time admiring Christmas adverts on TV.
My personal favourite was the Sainsbury's one which you can view (HERE). It brought a smile to my face and a tear to my eye all at once and I think it was just so beautiful. Other lovely adverts include (THIS) one from John Lewis, (THIS) one from Aldi and (THIS) one from M&S.
All those involved in the creation of the adverts should give themselves five Brownie Points and a big pat on the back.

We headed down to the London area throughout December, one of these occasions was a few weekends ago when we had a lovely "early Christmas" with some of the family.
 We had brunch with everyone, got to catch up and chat for ages all sat around the living room in the very comfy seats and open some Christmas presents.
I also went to the park in the morning with my younger cousins, all while wearing one of my fabulous Christmas jumpers.
I had a fantastic day with everyone and hope they all did too.
Also, I'd like to say a big thanks to all of them for the wonderful gifts I received from them - I love them.

I gave some of my friends their Christmas presents before Christmas and most of them opened them in front of me.
I really hope they all like them and will enjoy using them.
They also gave me some wonderful gifts - they were all very thoughtful and I'd like to say a big thanks for those.
 There was also a Secret Santa on the go between a bunch of us and we all met up a few days before Christmas to exchange gifts. I received a great gift from my Secret Santa - although in fairness, it wasn't much of a Secret by the time we exchanged gifts as we presented each other with them; I'm glad I know who it was as, I got to thank them personally that way.
 I hope the recipient of my Secret Santa gift likes it very much.
 I had a great day out with everyone (especially the colouring competition we had... don't ask, I don't know either!)

Pantomime is yet another festive thing that took place this year, as is tradition.
 This year, we went much closer to Christmas itself than usual, but that was quite nice.
 I did my makeup - a gold eye with silver glitter winged liner and grey kohl on the waterline with my favourite red lippy - and dressed up in my blue and black dress and bright red shoes. I felt quite glam. The pantomime itself was absolutely excellent - we went to the Birmingham Hippodrome to see Jack and the Beanstalk.
 The cast were brilliant, the panto was so hilarious I lost my ability to breathe for a while and the costumes and sets were very good. There was a whole section in 3D (I'm not spoiling anything by saying that, you know about it when you are handed 3D glasses on the doors) and that was so cool.
 The whole thing was awesome and it was a great night - thanks to Auntie S and my Mommy for coming with me!

Christmas Eve, as I said (HERE) is typically a day of table laying and things like that and then a relaxed evening in Christmas PJs watching our favourite festive films. However this year was a bit different - in a good way!
 I went to my Nan's and met up with the festive Dream Team (mentioned/explained in the previously linked post). I laid the table, had a mini crisis over napkins before getting the hang of it and doing pretty well, if I do say so myself. There was cooking done that day, some last minute shopping at the supermarket, some serious Christmas jumper wearing (yes, I have a variety) and then off to a family friend's to see people and have a bit of food. And thhheeenn off round to Elf Girl's house for (terrible) singing to our favourite Christmas songs, a few games on the Wii - we are excellent at tennis - and dancing before heading home at a time that is quite late in my usual Christmas Eve terms to put on my brand new Christmas PJs.
 My new Christmas PJs were a gift from my Mom - they are the same kind of pattern as my blog, red with white polka dots AKA my favourite print - and they are so comfy and cute and I love them.
 No films were watched as it was fairly late and we needed energy for the next day but I did have a lovely time.

Christmas Day was wonderful.
 I was lucky enough to receive all sorts of wonderful gifts and cards throughout that day - thanks everyone! - and I hope that everyone loves the gifts I got for them, too.
 The food was great, crackers were pulled, films were watched, photos were taken and I think a good time was had by all.
 I hope everyone had an awesome time like I did.

Boxing Day was a day of a buffet style lunch and travelling back to the London-ish area to stay with my Auntie.
 That was a very enjoyable day.
 It began to snow while we were inside. I didn't notice because all of the curtains at my Nan's house were drawn and the Christmas tree takes up any space you could see from. I was carrying something out to the car and as I opened the front door, I saw huge snowflakes falling from the sky and a blanket of white on the ground.
Snow is my favourite and I was absolutely delighted to see it - it counts as a white Christmas in my eyes.
 It slowed right down as we were leaving and despite my hoping it would stay for when we got back, it apparently didn't stay for very long at all.

We got up on Saturday morning and left my Aunt's house to go into London.
 We usually go before Christmas but, as I said, I was a bit poorly and didn't quite feel like it.
We went in to Oxford Street, saw all of the lights, went to Selfridge's and looked around a lot of the shop (I do LOVE Selfridge's) before heading further down the road to John Lewis.
I had heard about there being a "rooftop garden" there and my curiosity drew me inside.
When we reached the roof, I must say I was greatly impressed.
An enchanting little "forest" greeted us, with Christmas trees lining all of the pathways that had been set up. There were lots of clear areas from which you could see the fabulous views of the city, a little bench where you could sit with Monty the Penguin - from the advert - and have your photo taken, a little snug in a "shed" filled with lots of lovely homely bits and bobs, a little house filled with biscuit decorating opportunities, festive sweets and competitions to win electrical goods, a Hotel Chocolate hot chocolate stand - gingerbread hot chocolates are amazing! - and a big space filled with chairs, tables and benches, a big screen with footage of an open fire playing and a whole big basket of blankets for you to sit with.
It was an enchanting experience and I had a wonderful time exploring.
We headed also for Carnaby Street - who have cool decorations this year - and Liberty.
We proceeded, as always, to explore every square inch of Liberty's and I must say, I was highly impressed by the way they had decorated the store to look like a pirate ship.
 I had a lovely time but what could I expect - I totally adore Liberty's!
We then set off for Covent Garden for a dander round and dinner at my beloved Porter's.
 I was, however, devastated to find out that Porter's in Covent Garden is closing down but my spirits have been greatly lifted again as I found out today that a brand spanking new Porter's is opening in the new year.
For more information, mosey on over (HERE).

We spent Sunday with some of the family, eating lots of yummy food (including Mince Pies - made by Heston... Obvs) and chatting lots about all sorts of things. It was a very nice day, it was great to see everyone and a good, relaxing time was had by all, I think.
I had a wonderful time, I hope everyone else did as well.

Yesterday was spent shopping for all manner of amazing things but you'll hear more about that soon. It was a lovely day, though, so thanks to my Auntie and my Mom for a good time out shopping!

And, so, I think that is all for my festive round up - I do hope I have included everything! I know that was a very lengthy post but at least it will make up for me being away for so long.
What festive things did you get up to? Anything similar to me? Do you have any festive traditions you'd like to share? Any comments or suggestions for future posts? Let me know in the comments below.
Thank you for reading. I'll speak to you again tomorrow.
Have a completely and utterly brilliant day!
GingerSnaps xxx

Thursday 25 December 2014

We Wish You A Merry Christmas! - Merry Christmas 2014!


Today is Christmas Day! Christmas is my favourite and I wanted to give you a festive message, consider this my Christmas card to you.

Christmas Day is a day for giving, receiving and being kind and good to all. It's also a time for friendship, love, happiness and festivities. 

I hope that you're all having a brilliant time, that you're stuffing your faces with all of your favourite festive food, that if you bought people presents, they love them, that if you are lucky enough to receive presents, you love them and that you enjoy films, TV and time with those you love.

And, while you are enjoying yourself, I hope that you take a thought to remember what Christmas is truly all about, and I hope you think about all of the less fortunate people who don't have the wonderful things we do at this time of year...

Merry Christmas to you all, and to all you families and friends. I hope that your day and night is fantastic. Thank you for all your support with my blog! Have a magical time! I love you all. 

That's all for today, everybody. I hope you have a wonderful time and enjoy yourself.
What are you up to today? What is your favourite part of Christmas Day? Any comments or suggestions for future posts? Let me know in the comments! 
See you soon!

Have the bestest day! 

GingerSnaps xxx

Wednesday 24 December 2014

It Was Christmas Eve, Babe... - Christmas Eve 2014!


Today, it's Christmas Eve but hopefully you knew that already! I always enjoy Christmas Eve as a day on the whole and wanted to share some of my thoughts with you.

Christmas Eve, in my family, is a day spent relaxing. 

I'll be baking some muffins for my family to eat on Christmas morning and I might bake a few more things - we'll have to see! 
I'm spending my day festively attired in a big ol' Christmas jumper and will be laying the table, making a start on lots of the food with my Mom and my Uncle B (we are the Christmas dinner DREAM TEAM! Repeat DREAM TEAM!). 

I will be also be taking some time out for myself. I will be enjoying some pampering but I have no idea which products to use yet - there are so many to chose from! Although, I do know that no matter what products I chose, it'll be lovely to have a pamper evening - I've not had one in a while. I'll be trying some festive nail art, too, so cross your fingers that it looks how I want it to! 

Then there's the traditional Christmas Eve film, as I am sure you are aware of by now. We normally only watch two or three films but this year I have upped the anti and the Sky Planner (other TV thingys are available) is full of all our favourite Christmas films like Nativity!, Love Actually and Miracle on 34th Street (90s with Mara Wilson) as well as the Snowman (with or without Snowdog) which will be on TV. It'll be an awesome back to back movie night with a little stop round at my bestest friend Elf Girl's house, too. It's all going to be lots of fun. 

I'm so excited for tomorrow, and I hope you are too. There is nothing better than Christmas!!! There's a special magic in the air this year, I think and it is making me so happy. I love Christmas and can't wait for the big day!

I love my Christmas Eve activities, and I find it such a relaxing day. I hope you all have lovely days and evenings whatever you get up to.
Do you have anything planned for today? Do you have a special Christmas Eve film ready to watch? What is it? Are you as excited for tomorrow as me?!? Do you have any comments or suggestions for future posts? Let me know in the comments below.
I will speak to you all tomorrow! In the meantime, have a lovely day and I hope that Father Christmas pays a visit to you all tonight! x

Have an excellent day, everybody! 

GingerSnaps xxx

Monday 1 December 2014

So, To Sum It All Up - November Summary.


Welcome to my November Summary, lovely people. I'm so excited December is here because CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!! Let us proceed with this lovely little summary, I hope you enjoy!

Doing Some Festive Things...
During November, I've been to see White Christmas at the Dominion Theatre in London, I've been shopping for bits and bobs and have been drinking many a festive Costa.
It has been so great to be able to kick start my Christmas with such a variety of lovely things - even if the journey from White Christmas resulted in not getting out of the car until 3:00 am and having to stop for a brew a few times on the way - and its been great to share these experiences with a number of different people.
I've had my Christmas tunes on and I've been bopping away as well.
I cannot wait to do even more in December and for it to get closer and closer to Christmas.

To see a post about my excitement for Christmas, take a look over (HERE).

Celebrating People's Birthdays...

It was my Mom's Birthday this month and we all went out for a carvery as a family to celebrate with her and we all went out for my Nan's birthday too..
I hope that everyone had a lovely time and that my Mom had a great day!

To see a post about my Mom's birthday, mosey over (HERE).

Supporting Charities...

The CiN telethon was this month and it was lovely to be able to see via the totalisers how much everyone was willing to help others.
It was heart warming and also a great night and I think this year was one of the bestest ones yet.

To see a post about CiN, go over (HERE)

Bonfire Night...

Fireworks are my favourites and I had a brilliant time at our favourite display.
The fireworks were beautiful, the bonfire was a bit epic and I really enjoyed my night.
I hope you enjoyed yourselves and stayed safe.

To see a post about Bonfire Night, click (HERE).

Remembering Those Who Serve(d)...

I think, as you all know, that Remembrance Sunday and Armistice Day are incredibly important things.
This year, as it was the Centenary Anniversary of the beginning of WW1, the celebrations were beautiful and very tasteful.
It was brilliant to see everyone so involved in remembering those brave people who have served, who served and who died serving their countries in the Armed Forces.

To see a posts about Remembrance, see (HERE) and (HERE).

My Favourite Blog Posts From November.

This month, since we've been moving house - we're officially in today!!! YAY!!! FINALLY!!! - I haven't had any WiFi/internet access except at Auntie S's - she's been kind enough to let me blog from her house, thank you - and so I haven't read any blog posts. Therefore, I'll link some of the blogs I like so you can check things out for yourself.

A Rosie Outlook: HERE
Charlotte's Web: HERE
What Olivia Did: HERE
Little Winter: HERE

I will sub this category however with...

Some of My Favourite Songs of November.

The Man by George Ezra, (HERE).

Great song, catchy, great lyrics, great music, great voice, so listen!!!

Thinking Out Loud by Ed Sheeran, (HERE)

I love this song, brilliant music, lyrics and voice - an instant classic. Love, love, love.

To see more of my fave songs from November, click (HERE).

So, I hope you enjoyed this post everyone. I'm excited for December and Christmas and all sorts and would like to thank November for being great.
What were your favourite parts of November? What did you think of what I got up to? Did you enjoy the posts I recommended? Any thoughts about this or suggestions for future posts? Let me know in the comments. 
See you guys soon....

Have a totes amaze day!

GingerSnaps xxx


Sunday 23 November 2014

Celebrate Good Times! - Happy Birthday to You... - Happy Birthday Mom


Today is my Mom's Birthday. This may or may not interest you, but quite frankly, as long as my Mom has a wonderful day and this makes my Mom smile, I don't care I think it'll be alright.

I won't keep you too long, but I couldn't leave my Mom without a post.

 I just wanted to wish my amazing mother a very, very happy birthday. She's wonderful, she's funny, she's fabulous and she makes me and so many other people feel very happy and loved.
Happy Birthday Mommy, I love you millions.
Thank you for everything you do. I hope this birthday is a good one and brightens up this month for you. You deserve a wonderful day. You are an amazing human being.
Love you muchly. x

Thank you for reading this post. I hope that you enjoyed and that you all have a nice day.
Is it your birthday this month? What is your favourite thing about birthdays? Do you have any comments or suggestions for future posts? Let me know in the comments.
See you all sooooooooooonnnnnn..... 
I hope you have a brilliant day (especially you, Mommy...),
GingerSnaps xxx


Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do! - Music - Songs I'm Loving At The Moment.


How are all of you wonderful people doing? Good, I hope. Today's post is a musical one about a bunch of songs that I have had stuck in my head recently.
Let's get on with it, shall we?

Scare Away The Dark by Passenger, listen (HERE).
I love Passenger, as I am pretty sure you all know, and Scare Away The Dark is a brilliant song.
This song has a really great message but is still inspiring and light-hearted.
It is unique, cool and a bit of a bold song...
I am always happy to sit and listen to this song because it is class.
I just love it, OKAY?!?!
Shake It Off by Taylor Swift, listen (HERE).
This is another song that I just love.
It is impossible not to dance from the start of this song to the end of it and if you can manage it then you need to give yourself a talking to.
Its super fun, the lyrics are something you need/want to hear no matter when it comes on, and I think its ace.

I Forget Where We Were by Ben Howard, listen (HERE).

This song is one you could get lost in, if that makes sense.
This is the kind of song that should be played so as it fills an entire room.
It's peaceful, it's pretty, it's poetic, it's current and yet not pop-py or rap-py and its an easy listener.
It's a bit charming.

Panic Cord by Gabrielle Aplin, listen (HERE).

I have loved this song since the day it was released.
Gabrielle has the most lovely voice and the lyrics are a little bit awesome. It's refreshing to see this kind of topic in a song without it being angry or bitter. It's like thoughts spilling through speakers.
It's catchy but not in annoying way and it sounds so graceful.
Have a listen.

That's Entertainment by The Jam, listen (HERE).
I am a huge fan of The Jam and Paul Weller and all of the amazing music they produced.
This song has been covered and put in a car advert but the cover - I'm sorry to be the one to say it - let's this song down.
Have a bit of a look through some of the comments (read the replies to the second comment down about the car advert - you'll find it funny and truthful  if you are anything like me but beware, there is a spot of bad language here and there from the commenters...)
One of the greatest songs of all time - you must listen.

I Lived by One Republic, listen (HERE).
I've been enjoying this one on the old Radio recently as it has really cool lyrics, fun music and has a good message.
Its one you'll love to sing along to and one that you might like to bop about to a little bit.
It is a strong song with a really good message and I think its worth a listen on your part as I look forward to hearing it on the radio.
Let me know what you reckon...
There may or may not be a type of post that I repeat this month because I have been enjoying a lot of songs at the moment which I really think you should hear - would we like to see more?
What do you think of these songs? Are any of them new to you? Do you have any suggestions for me to listen to? Do you have any comments or suggestions for future posts? Let me know in the comments below...
I hope you enjoyed this post and that you will join me again for some more posts!
Have an ace day!

GingerSnaps xxx

Saturday 15 November 2014

Holidays Are Comin', Holidays Are Comin'... - The Excitment for Christmas!!!


Hello everybody! How are we all doing? Now, hopefully, you're in a festive mood today because I want to talk about *Noddy Holder voice* CHRISTMAAS!!!!

You might, if you've been here for a long time, remember (THIS) post from last year which showed my excitement for Christmas for the first time that year. If you want double festivity head on over and read that (or many of my archived posts from last December).

Anyone who knows me well will know how much I love Christmas (I'll give you a hint - I love it more than Buddy from Elf loves sugary foods and Santa...). The dawn of Christmas adverts on the old tellybox and the Sky Movies Christmas Channel (other Christmas movie channels are available) have sparked this within me, and my festive feelings are increasing by the second as more and more festive things happen/start.

And, to really kick my Christmas off, I am heading to London to see White Christmas with my wonderful Mom today and hopefully there will be red lippy, festive Costas and shopping involved... the excitement is real.

I am looking forward to gift giving, decorating the whole house (we'll have a new house to dress up this year), going to Panto, being Nigella and cooking my first full blown Christmas dinner, Christmas films and music and lots more!

The excitement, for me, has well and truly arrived and I couldn't be more happy! I am so excited!

I hope that you are looking forward to lots of festive posts over the next few weeks and that you are as excited as me.
Are you feeling the excitement yet? What are you most looking forward to? What's put you in a Christmassy mood? Do you have any comments or suggestions for future posts? Let me know in the comments.
I will see you all soon for some (hopefully) exciting and fun posts.

I hope you have a fabulously fun day.

GingerSnaps xxx

Friday 14 November 2014

Let's Make a Change - Charity Telethons - Children in Need 2014


Welcome back, you beautiful people!!! Can you believe that it is Children in Need night already? Whether you can or not, here it is. Are you ready?

Children in Need is a massive charity telethon that the BBC put on every November. I did a detailed post last year which gave more information about CiN which you can read over (HERE). Some things you may recognise CiN by are Pudsey Bear, the adorable mascot, as well as the amazing work they do. 
So far, I've gotten through some pizza, Vanilla Coke and quite a bit of the show. I have seen a general VT including a very cute little boy demonstrating "little" and "big" donations with his hands and one about a little boy called Joe (so adorable) who has had heart problems. If you get the chance to see either of those, watch them.

I'm also very excited for Doctor Who, Strictly and the S Club Reunion!

There is always someone who needs help. There is always someone who needs support. There is always somebody out there who deserves lots better. Have fun tonight but be sure to give what you can.

So enjoy the night but don't forget to help those who need it. You'd want the same for yourself, your family and friends.
Have you donate yet? Are you planning on it? Have you done any super cool fundraising activities? What are you most looking forward to the most about tonight? Do you have any comments or suggestions for future posts? Let me know in the comments below.
See you guys soon!!!

Have a really great night!

GingerSnaps xxx

Tuesday 11 November 2014

Lest We Forget - Armistice Day 2014


How are we all?  I hope that you are all doing well and have had a good start to the week. On Sunday, I did a Rememberance post - you can find that over (HERE) - and am also doing a post today. Remembrance is very important and so two post seems right and logical. 

On this day in 1918 at 11am, the First World War was officially over. The conflict that had lasted for four years and saw so many casualties, deaths and tragedies was over and done with.

That, and all of the other conflicts throughout time, are the reason we put our lives on hold for just two minutes and stand silent. We keep our mouths shut for just two minutes to commemorate the ending of conflicts and to remember all of the brave men and women who have died for their country as well as those who have put their lives on hold to go and fight and who have found adjusting back into life w challenging.

I really, really hope that you will take part in the 2 minutes silence today and that you are respectful of what it means.

I hope you take part in the two minutes silence today and that you enjoyed this post.
What does the Armistice Day and Remberance mean to you? Do you have any stories on this topic which you would like to share? Do you have any comments or suggestions for future posts? Let me know in the comments below!
I hope you enjoyed this and I'll see you soon!

Have a completely wonderful day!

GingerSnaps xxx

Sunday 9 November 2014

We Will Remember Them... - Rememberance Sunday 2014


While this post is s serious one, it is also a very important one. You guys know how important Rememberance is to me  and so I wanted to post something today. I will be posting something on Tuesday, too, so look out for that.

Today is Remembrance Sunday, as I'm sure you are aware. Today, and Tuesday, are days of remembering the service men and women from around the world who have sacrificed their lives for their country. Today is also a day to think of those who are still out there fighting, and to think about the service men and women  who have survived war. It is also a time to think about the families throughout time who have and are supporting the soldiers they love and the families who have not been lucky enough to have their loved ones return home. 

Obviously, this year has a bit of a more of a focus on those who died in the First World War, those who lived through it and those who were impacted by it, too, because of the centenary anniversary and rightly so.

We wear poppies every year throughout October and November to show that service men and women and their families are being thought of and/or remembered by us as individuals and as communities. Poppies are also a great way of giving money to the Royal British Legion so that they can support service men and women and their families and friends during and after wars, no matter what happens to them. 
To me, it is significant to wear a poppy on Rememberance Sunday and Armistice Day (at least) and this year, I not only have my Royal British Legion poppy but a beautifully crafted poppy I was given while in Normandy last month and I wear both with utter pride.

 I hope that today you are respectful and take part in the two minute silence. Two minutes from your day is all it takes to show just how much the service men and women are valued by us all and it means a lot to them, the people they are close to and to a tonne of other people. We all know about the wars throughout history, from one-hundred years ago to last year and everyone has an understanding of war. That why there's no excuse not to be silent for just two minutes.

And with all this in mind, I'm sure that at 11 o'clock this morning, you'll know what to do. And in that two minutes, think to yourself about the things discussed here, of stories you have heard, of people you might know or anything relevant, if you like. Maybe you might like to pray or reflect. Just make sure those two minutes count.

And in the words of someone I met once, "Never forget".

To all Service Men and Women everywhere in the world , alive or passed, who fought years ago or today, I salute you.

I'm going to write some more about Rememberance on Tuesday - and will be urging you to take part in the second two minute silence. Do check back then to see that.
Do you have a poppy or maybe a pinbadge or wristband to wear? What does Rememberance Sunday mean to you? Do you have any stories you would like to share about this topic? Do have any comments or suggestions for future posts? Why not let me know in the comments? Lets all be respectful there, please...
See you guys soon!
I hope your day is a good'un and that you spend some time remembering.

GingerSnaps xxx

Wednesday 5 November 2014

The Night of The Sparkler - Bonfire Night 2014!


Today is the 5th of November which is, of course, Bonfire Night, as you may not know depending on where you are from. If you aren't sure what it is for whatever reasons, you can find out more about it (HERE).

Bonfire Night is one of my favourite times of year, as fireworks are one of my favourite things in the entire world. They are enchanting, beautiful, magical and make so many people, myself included, so happy. I cannot quite explain just how much I love fireworks, or why, but hopefully you get the idea.

 We go to an arranged display every year and this year, its on (this coming) Saturday. It is the best display I know of (as I said in my post last year - HERE - we didn't always go to displays) and they have wonderful fireworks there.

Bonfire Night is also a time I see as the send off to Autumn and the start of Christmas (as I see Christmas as a celebration in Winter) which makes it all the more fun and exciting.

So, here's to Candy-Ball Apples (or Toffee Apples, as I know many people like to call them), burgers, family, friends and a fabulous time filled with beautiful colours and sparkles.

I hope that you enjoy your Bonfire Night, any fireworks you have at your own homes or any displays you might be going to, and that you stay safe.

 I hope you enjoyed this post and that you will all enjoy your evenings.
What are your favourite parts of Bonfire Night? Are you having fireworks at home or going to a display? Do you completely love fireworks? Do you have any comments or suggestions for future posts? Let me know in the comments below!
I will see you guys soon for lots of (hopefully) good posts!

Stay safe, have a great time, and enjoy your Bonfire Night!
GingerSnaps xxx

So, To Sum It All Up - October Summary.


Welcome to my October Summary. I am aware it is a few days behind where it would usually be but I have been very busy! I know its no excuse, but I think that maybe it might be OK? Anyway, lets get on with this shiz.


During October I was travelling in Normandy for around 4 days non-stop and then came home and went to London nearly straight away!

Being in Normandy, especially in the year of numerous war anniversaries, to see cemeteries, a number of D-Day Landings museums and activities and spending time with a bunch of awesome people was really a very memorable, special and enjoyable experience.
 I was exhausted when I got home as we began our travel very, very early in the morning and basically did not stop until we got home very, very late after 4 days but it was so truly worth it.

While in London, I spent time with my brilliant family and went to see the beautiful poppy installation at the Tower of London. I had a great time and I really enjoyed myself. It was very relaxing and my sleep was "repaired".

Getting a New Follower on BlogLovin'!

I hadn't checked my BlogLovin' or my emails in quite some time and when I did the other day, I got the delightful surprise of a new follower! I now have 3 followers, which may not seem like many in comparison to some other blogs, but you have no idea how much it means to me.

Thanks to everyone who follows my blog on Blogger, BlogLovin' and everyone else who reads this blog. I hope you enjoy it.

You can follow my blog on BlogLovin' using the button on the right hand side.

Watching Charity Telethons.

I love a good charity telethon and I view it as a very easy and enjoyable way of helping out some amazing causes.

Stand Up to Cancer was on Channel 4 during October and I was watching, laughing and occasionally crying at the stories shown. It was a great night of telly and it is such a good cause to support.

To see a post about Stand Up to Cancer, mosey on over (HERE).

Appreciating a Bit of Advertising.

You guys know I love a good advert and October produced some pretty good adverts.

One of my personal favourites was the SSE advert featuring the orangutan discovering all of the beautiful things energy can do.
It was innovative, interesting and very wonderfully done.

To see a post I wrote about this advert, see (THIS).

Halloween Fun-Times.

Halloween, as I always say, is not just about creepy, spooky things. To me, it is about having fun with friends, dressing up and being silly.

This year, I spent time with the fabulous Elf Girl and some of her family, watched movies and ate too chicken and popcorn and really enjoyed myself.

To see a post about Halloween, click (HERE).

To find Elf Girl, click (HERE).

Nearly Completely Moving House.

We are finally super close to moving, with the final stages in motion and it is exciting. We are looking forward to moving in and enjoying our new home at last.

I will update you when we have made our official move and will possibly provide more updates as we enter the final stages of the move.

To see the most recent post I did on moving, see (HERE).

My Favourite Blog Posts From October.

"A weekend in the Cotswolds" on A Rosie Outlook, (HERE).

I really like places like the Cotswolds, and I love spending weekends and short breaks like this - big, long walks, pub lunches/dinners and cosy evenings - and loved Rosie's friend's home.

An enjoyable read, indeed.

"Berlin" on Charlotte's Web, (HERE).

This post included brilliant photography of the beautiful city of Berlin and a couple of very cool insights into some of the best things going on there, as well as Charlotte's personality.

A cool, wanderlust-y post.

"We liked: The Start of Autumn" on Little Winter, (HERE).

I really liked the simplicity of this post and the warmth that it gave me reading it. I too enjoy cosy evenings and trashy TV, which made this post relatable.

A nice lifestyle post which will make you want to drink hot chocolate.

"Love in Unexpected Places" on The London Project, (HERE).

This post is charming and incredibly sweet. I am a complete sucker for things like this and found this post a bit great, really.

A quirky, cute post worth a view.

See also "Postman's Park".

"5 Minutes With... Dawn O'Porter" on What Olivia Did, (HERE).

I love reading interviews and this was a quick, interesting read with lots of talk about all thing vintage and fashion.

A fun interview with a lot of Sixties moments.

So, I hope you enjoyed this post everyone. I thought October was a pretty ace month and I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.
What were your favourite parts of October? What did you think of what I got up to? Did you enjoy the posts I recommended? Any thoughts about this or suggestions for future posts? Let me know in the comments. 
See you guys soon....

Have a completely great day!

GingerSnaps xxx

Friday 31 October 2014

Spookly Dookly - HAPPY HALLOWEEN 2014!


I'm having to type this up on my phone, so the joys of centralised text won't be found nor will underlining, but I really wanted to do a Halloween post for you, so here it is! And I will update this with the "cortect features" as and when I can. (Note: this post has now been updated.)

Halloween isn't all spooky, scary things - it's a very fun time.

Dressing up is something many people enjoy, myself included, as well as pumpkin carving, watching movies and answering the door to Trick or Treat-er's. 

Halloween provides a lot of fun activities and experiences for families and friends and I think that this should be valued.

It can be an enjoyable night and I hope that you have enjoyed it and stayed safe!

I hope that you liked this post and I will see you all tomorrow for a bit of November-ness.
Are you doing anything for Halloween? What did you dress up as? What is your favourite part of Halloween? Do you have any comments or suggestions for future posts? Be sure to let me know in the comments!
See you all soon! 

Have a brilliant day!

GingerSnaps xxx

Friday 17 October 2014

Let's Make a Change - Charity Telethons - Stand Up To Cancer


How are all of you gorgeous people? I hope that you are all doing good. Today, I wanted to chat to you about Stand Up To Cancer.

It is unfortunately a very true and real thing that almost everyone knows somebody who is or has been affected by cancer.

Stand Up To Cancer aims to find a cure for all cancers, which I think is brilliant as some types of cancer are less publicised as they are so rare.

Stand Up To Cancer is offering us an all star line up (including Celeebrity Gogglebox with all of my most favourite celebrities - not even joking they actually all are, Noel Gallagher, Kate Moss, Miranda Hart, need I go on? - and my usual favourites as well!!!) in order to appeal to you.

If you are in a position where you are able to donate and would like to, then please give whatever you can - it is a brilliant cause!

If you would like to check out the website then head on over (HERE).

I hope that you have enjoyed this post and that if you can you will donate.
Are you watching tonight? What part of the show are you looking forward to? Will you be donating? Any comments or suggestions for future posts? Let me know in the comments.
See you soon everyone!

Have an awesome day!

GingerSnaps xxx

Sunday 12 October 2014

I've Been Thinking... - SSE, You've Done Yourselves Proud...


Today's post is an advertising appreciation post - you guys know what I am like for a good advert. My choice for today is a new advert from SSE/Southern Electric.

I saw this advert recently and fell in love with it.
It is beautiful and has a feeling of "magic" throughout it which probably has something to do with the stunningly animated orangutan discovering all of the awesome things that "energy provides" and the sense of wonderment that is reflected in everything.
The attempt to get onto the escalators, the adoration for film and light bulbs and all of the other details are a real reminder of just how lucky we all are to have such an amazing world around us. The music that it has been set with is one of my favourite songs, fits beautifully and again provides and appreciation for somehow not constantly looking forward but sometimes enjoying what we already have and have had more.

If you would like to watch this absolutely gorgeous advert, then click (HERE).

That is all for today - I hope that you enjoyed this post as much as I enjoyed writing it.
Do you like the advert? Do you agree with what I think about the advert? Do you like this kind of post? Have you got any ideas or suggestions for future posts? Let me know in the comments.
See you soon.

Have the most amazing day!!!

GingerSnaps xxx

Sunday 5 October 2014

So, To Sum It All Up - September Summary.


I must say that October beginning really excites me. I can finally get back into blogging on a noticeable scale - three posts in one month is just not acceptable of me, is it? - and I have lots of exciting things going on, too.

This summary might be a bit short, as some events in September are not going to be broadcast here and I have very few posts. I know I keep saying this but I am sorry that in recent months I have let you guys down. I will do 100% better this month (not that that will be difficult...).

Anyways, we shall get on with this summary and I hope very much that you enjoy it.

The Return Of Strictly Come Dancing.

Strictly. I love it, as I am sure you know by now. The return of Strictly has really made me quite happy this September and I must say that I am loving the line up and their talent (bar one or two people *cough* Scott Mills *cough*).

It really is lovely to have it back and I look forward to more weekend evenings in front of the tellybox watching it!

To see the post I did about Strictly Come Dancing's return, take a wander over (HERE).

A Wonderful Day Out at Charlecote Park.

I (even though I am the most incredibly indecisive person on the planet) can safely say that Charlecote Park is one of my favourite places. It is so beautiful and I had a really wonderful day out there with my lovely Mom a weekend or so ago.

We had a big walk around the grounds - the Deer Sanctuary was open which was wonderful - and we had a walk around some of the out buildings. We also stopped for tea and cake and dawdled around the garden shop type thing, too.

It was a wonderful day and I really enjoyed myself - thanks to my Mom for coming with me.

To find Charlecote Park, click (HERE).

To see a post where my Mom is mentioned, click (HERE).

Seeing Family and Friends.

I have, throughout September, been spending a lot of time with family and friends.

Life events (which I am not here to ramble on about) have played a huge part in this, as has making a bit more of an effort (the latter I really should do more...).

I love all of my family and all of my friends and no matter why we spend time together, I want them to know that I really appreciate them and what they do.

My Favourite Blog Posts From September.

"Recent Memories" on A Rosie Outlook, (HERE).

I did enjoy this post, and I enjoyed the style of it. It was a very relaxed kind of summary and it felt like a catch up more than a blog post.

Very nice.

"Seven Henrietta Street" on Charlotte's Web, (HERE).

I love Charlotte's posts and how honest and charming they are. I really liked all the quirky details and the quotes from the Kate Spade book she has been reading, which seemed very carefully chosen.

"We liked: Our Friends Wedding" on Little Winter, (HERE).

This post really made me smile and made me chuckle, too.

Katy's antics at the wedding were amusing and she deserves life points for them - lets just say that a wedding that Katy is at will never be a boring one!

"Abbey Road" on The London Project, (HERE).

As a very big fan of The Beatles, I love seeing people's pictures from Abbey Road, as well as people's pictures of the wall (where an abundance of words and song lyrics have been written). Some great photography and nostalgia.

"Leopard Print Camper Van" on What Olivia Did, (HERE).

Firstly, if you know me, you will know of my incredible love of Camper Vans and the photography of them is probably, if I am honest, around 70% of the reason I chose this post.
Also, this outfit is nice and the poses are fun.

So, October, here's to you - you will be a month of travelling with friends, travelling with family, baking, Halloween/dressing up and knitwear!
What did you get up to in September? What do you think of what I got up to? Do you have any comments or suggestions for future posts? Let me know in the comments.
See you soon!

Have a totally, completely awesome day!

GingerSnaps xxx

Friday 26 September 2014

I've Been Thinking... - Oh My Glitterballs, Strictly Come Dancing Is BACK!


Now, if you have been here for a long time, you will probably already know that I am a complete Strictly Come Dancing nut. I don't watch the X-Factor (for many reasons - I'm not with my age group on that one), only Strictly and I want to share my excitement with you.

Strictly Come Dancing makes me so happy.
I find so much enjoyment in settling down on a Saturday night with a massive brew to watch celebrities, in the most wonderfully sparkly costumes, dance.

I love everything about Strictly, from the costume designs, to the live band, to the warm, nostalgic feeling it gives me and of course the judges and routines. I love the professionals and the celebrities.

I also really like how it appeals to people of all ages.

As a (former) dancer, I love seeing peoples technique improve over the weeks and I find the progression of some celebrities phenomenal.

It will be interesting to see how Claudia Winkleman works on the main show, and I wish her the best of luck in her new presenting venture.

I also wish all of the celebrities taking part the best of luck.

So, here's to you Strictly, I can't wait for you to grace my tellybox every weekend!
 Its good to have you back.

I hope you enjoyed and that, if you are watching, you enjoy Strictly.
Will you be watching tonight? What do you enjoy most about Strictly? Do you have any comments or suggestions for future posts? Let me know in the comments below.
See you soon for some more posts!

Have the most wonderful day!

GingerSnaps xxx

Wednesday 24 September 2014

I've Been Thinking... - Reasons Why Lazy Days Are Awesome.


So, I'm back after pretty much a months hiatus. I cannot apologise enough for this, I really feel as though I have let all of you guys down but I haven't had it in me for a while due to some very poopy life events (which I'm not here to moan about). I'm back now anyway, with this post and I hope you enjoy.

So, quite some time ago now (I started writing this in August), I had a slightly fabulous lazy day. In my own, very humble, opinion, lazy days are one of the greatest things in life. I feel as though, every now and then, a lazy day is highly required and I see nothing wrong with giving in to pyjamas, gallons of tea, movies and back to back TV shows.

Said lazy day involved sleeping in - I was in desperate need of catching up on that sleep thing - washing my hair and showering with some lovely products and getting into my uniform for the day - my long sleeved Supergirl top and some pyjama shorts.
I made myself a little brew and settled down for a day filled with TV, movies and, as you probably guessed knowing me, lots more tea.

So, now you know the basics of my lazy day a while back, and you have (THIS) post where I discuss another lazy day, here are just a few of the reasons I love them.

Five Reasons Why Lazy Days Are Awesome.

  1. It gives you an opportunity to watch the films that you have bought on DVD or recorded on your Planner (if you are a Sky Customer like me - other TV doobrees available) that you have been meaning to watch for a long time. My choices often include Disney movies and Rom-Coms - particularly Richard Curtis ones. My choices on the lazy day in question included - The Jungle Book and Killers.
  2. It gives you a chance to do the silly little things you might not have had time for otherwise like painting your nails with that pretty little nail polish that you bought the other day, or trying the body butter in the drawer of your bedside table, or read that blog you discovered the other day. They are some of the things I often like to do. On the lazy day of destiny, I tried some new bath and body care that I had bought and caught up on reading all of my favourite blogs.
  3. As I said before, you have a chance to catch up on sleep, and I know that I certainly value that time as I tend to wear myself out till I am running on empty and need to recharge sometimes in a big way. On the lazy day this post concerns, I woke up fairly early, had a cup of tea and went back to bed for an hour or two which was perfect.
  4. Pyjamas! You guys all know that I love pyjamas and often buy myself new tops or bottoms or sets of them - I went shopping the other day and the only thing that I liked happened to be some Jungle Book pyjamas from Topshop (which aren't in stock on the website anymore, but HERE is Topshop anyway). As I mentioned, on the fabulous lazy day that I'm banging on about, I wore a Supergirl long sleeved top and pyjama shorts.
  5. The joy of just "being". It sounds incredibly cheesy, I know, but certain things really remind you how lucky you are. The way I believe lazy days do this by reminding you how lucky you are to be so busy that you need a lazy day, how lucky you are to be able to stop for a minute. Lazy days are a good opportunity to take stock of your life, and that is something we all need to do sometimes.

Did we enjoy? I know it was a short post, but its just nice to be back blogging! I promise that I will be posting as much as I used to from now on - I've got my head together again and so I feel happy to do so.
Do you enjoy lazy days? What do you get up to on yours? Do you agree with my reasons for them being awesome? Any comments or suggestions for future posts? Just fancy a chat? Let me know in the comments.
See you (very) soon for more posts (promise)...

Have a totally wonderful day!

GingerSnaps xxx

Wednesday 3 September 2014

So, To Sum It All Up - August Summary.


So, again, as in July, a slight lack of posts during August - appologies. Let's consider this a catch up on what I have been up to while I was away.

Here are my highlights from August - I hope you enjoy.

Lunches with Family.

I know this isn't a post related topic, but I enjoyed a number of lovely lunches out with my family in August - mainly catch-up-y lunches with my Mom.

I am a self confessed foodie and family time lover, so the multiple sandwiches, cakes, noodles and cups of tea consumed (not all in one sitting) were much enjoyed and valued.

Its nice to have little things to enjoy and look forward to like these.

The Centenary Anniversary of World War One.

I am a complete history nut and have studied (and continue to study) World War One, so I obviously  had a big interest in this.

I said a great deal about how I felt in my post about it and I do feel as though it is something that everyone should stand up and take notice of as it is such a big part of the world's history.
I do believe that it is vital for things like this to be remembered and commemorated, so I was glad to share a post with you all.

And that post can be found over (HERE).

Elf Girl's Birthday.

August saw the month of my best friend's birthday - she is known in the Blog World as Elf Girl.

I went round to see her on her birthday with some gifts (including some treats from Lush and HMV) and watched the Corpse Bride and ate After Eights with her.

I hope she had a wonderful day and enjoyed all of her celebrations as she truly deserves those kinds of things - not just in my eyes, but in everyone else's too.

To find Elf Girl's Blogger Profile - and thus her blogs - click (HERE).

To find links to Lush and HMV (where you can purchase the Corpse Bride on DVD), click (HERE) and (HERE).

Thinking About Things in my Life.

In August, I shared some "Brain Bits" with you - they were things I had been thinking about a bit during the month and wanted to share.

I like thinking about little things, as you know, and I like sharing them to give other people ideas for themselves and an insight into my mind to get to know me better.

To find my "Brain Bits", mosey on over (HERE).

Whovian Times.

Myself and Elf Girl really are self confessed Whovians (fans of Doctor Who, for those of you who aren't nerds  aware).

We went to see the first episode of the new series in our local cinema and enjoyed the benefits of it, with extra exclusives and a live Q&A with the cast and crew (which was streamed from London around the country and the world).

I really enjoyed myself and love the new series, and the new doctor! I had a lovely time with Elf Girl that day.

Some fun stories for the day include: us tracking the movements of the people who came in CosPlay (costume, again for those of you who aren't nerds aware) as David Tennant's Doctor Who and Matt Smith's Doctor Whos (i.e Oh, look, David Tennant bought popcorn) and my falling through the fold of a cinema chair in an effort to climb over to the next row and rescue the Sonic Screwdriver that Elf Girl brought with her.

To see another recent Whovian post, click (HERE).

My Favourite Blog Posts From August.

"Shout Out" on Chronicles Of Red Herring, (HERE).

I know I'm a bit biased as it is a post for/about me (can I just point out how awesome it feels for someone to write a post for you?!), but I think that it shows a very thoughtful, funny and lovely side to Elf Girl and really put a smile on my face.

"Your Toy Story" on A Rosie Outlook, (HERE).

This is really my kind of post.
I am a sentimental person - who, like Rosie, sleeps with a teddy and keeps them in my bedroom -  and love hearing stories people have like this and little memories associated with teddies and toys too.

"The Game Of Love" on Charlotte's Web, (HERE).

I found this post humorous, endearing and slightly charming (in a quirky kind of way).
I love how Charlotte's personality shines through in her posts and she is so open.
I also love how in her list of unspeakable things, she included watching all of the Twilight films... Its true.

"We Liked: Things You Didn't Know About Us" on Little Winter, (HERE).

This post was fun, a bit interesting (in terms of an being an insight into Katy and Co.) and made me smile and chuckle.

I like posts which tell you more about the people whose blog's you read, it provides a bit more connection between reader and writer. 

"Wandering and Dreaming" on Made Up Of Little Things, (HERE).

This post was open, beautiful and it was lovely that Rachael decided to share this as it is so personal to her.

I'm sure lots of people can relate to things like this - there are always things that remind you of the loved ones you lose.

I think it would also be of good comfort to the people who have recently had loses - you know how you are - to read it.

Plus, stunning photography here.

"Full English" on The London Project, (HERE).

Not only did this look like an awesome, very yummy, Full English Breakfast, it is a very good shot of something ironically British, which fit the blog well.

Also, the cutlery is the same as the cutlery we use in my house and the cup of tea in the background looks of a reasonable size too - additional brownie points added to Charlotte's tally.

"Afternoon on Embankment" on What Olivia Did, (HERE).

I really liked this outfit as it was classic yet fun and unique as well as the photography, the location - I love London, as you know - and how pretty Olivia looks.

It was a great outfit post.

There you go then, a summary for August. I hope that you have enjoyed this post. It is so nice to be back blogging. I'm looking forward to lots of posts and lots of fun on this blog and I should be back to more regular posts again now. I hope this makes you as happy as it makes me.
What did you get up to in August? Anything similar to me? Did you read any of my favourite blog posts? What did you think of them? Any ideas or suggestions for future posts? Fancy a chat? Let me know in the comments.
I hope you'll be back soon.

Have a really fun day!

GingerSnaps xxx

Thursday 14 August 2014

I've Been Thinking... - 5 "Brain Bits" From The Past Few Days


How are all of you lovely little people? I thought that it might be a nice idea to share some thoughts (or "brain bits" as they will be called for the sake of this post) from the past few days with you. They might be simple, they might be slightly unexciting but I think that they might just make for an interesting post when all compiled.

5 "Brain Bits" from this Week...
  1. I have felt saddened by the news that both Robin Williams and Lauren Bacall have passed away, even more so because they were both screen icons in their own right and both starred in some of the greatest films. RIP.
  2. I have felt excited by some ideas and plans that are being developed which involve family, trips and pantomimes, especially since they are all really cool. You'll hear more on these as they get closer. Yay!
  3. I have felt a lot of love for long-sleeved tops used in a loungewear context, they are really comfy and cosy and pair nicely with pyjama shorts. Great for the massive lazy day that I had on Sunday - more on that soon.
  4. I have felt confused by the amount of times I hear that all of these vegetable juices are the greatest thing in all of the world. I tried one the other day - supposedly of high quality - and I couldn't see what the fuss was about or why people like the taste. Might just be me...
  5. I have felt interested in buying some of (THESE) new Revlon lip stains - they have some stunning finishes and bright colours and they are the two things that I look for most when buying a lipstick. Plus, I haven't bought much makeup recently, so. it might be time to treat my wee self.

So, there is a little insight into how my brain has been working over the past few days and the kind of things I have "been" lately. I hope that this has been interesting for you, and maybe a bit of a change from some of the other posts that have been put out there recently.
Have you had any key thoughts or likes recently? How do you feel about some of the topics mentioned? Have you had any similar thoughts or likes to lately? Did you find this interesting? Any thoughts, comments or suggestions for future posts? Let me know in the comments.
Thank you for reading!

Have an absolutely great day today!

GingerSnaps xxx

Tuesday 5 August 2014

Celebrate Good Times! - Happy Birthday To You... - Happy Birthday Elf Girl!


Today's post is a birthday post for my best friend Elf Girl. Some of you may read her blog (more on that later) but nearly all of you will have heard me mention her. I thought that it might be nice for her to have a little bit of a mention here, and I hope you enjoy..

Elf Girl is the most amazing friend I could ever have asked for. 
She's hilarious, lovely, creative, supportive and is such fun. She'll sing Disney songs with me, quote Miranda and talk/listen about all sorts.
She makes me, and so many other people, smile and laugh, and I wouldn't know what I would do without her.

Happy Birthday Elf Girl, I loves ya.

Elf Girl has two blogs, (HERE) and (HERE).
They are both great and you should check them out.
I hope that you will go over and check out Elf Girl's blog, and enjoy it as much as I do. Thank you for reading.
What is your favourite thing about birthdays? Are you going to check out Elf Girl's blog(s)? Do you have any comments or suggestions for future posts? Let me know in the comments.
See you soon for another post on this here blog.
Have a completely fabulous day!
GingerSnaps xxx

Monday 4 August 2014

Never Forgotten - The Centenary Anniversary Of World War One


So, a slightly sombre post today, but I do believe talking about these things matters greatly. I was unsure whether posting today was the right decision, but I have decided that it could be.
Today is the centenary (100 year anniversary) of World War One - for the UK - and as many people remember and commemorate this, I felt I should too.

I am not here today to give my opinions about what happened.

I am here, however, to commemorate those who were involved in the war, either on the battlefields, in the munitions factories, at home worrying or elsewhere.
To commemorate those who lost their lives, as well as those who came back.
To commemorate and remember the people who were involved in the war from all countries and backgrounds.
To respect, reflect and remember.

I hope that today you will spend some time reflecting on World War One and those involved and affected.
In memory of *all* of those affected and involved, we will never forget.
We salute and respect you.

Thanks for reading, see you all soon for another post!
Any thoughts to share on this post? Any ideas or suggestions for future posts? Let me know in the comments.
Till next time...

Have a great day,

GingerSnaps xxx